The Greatest Fan of My Heart

THE FIRST AIRING OF THE MINI-DRAMA WAS A SUCCESS, so the boys together with their manager decided to celebrate. It was their first time to do act, and we're all proud of them. When they asked me to go with them, I did not join because I know the celebration was just for the boys only. I'll be just an excess baggage if I come with them. So, they just half-heartedly left me with Soojin-unni at my apartment.



Soojin and I decided to watch horror movies for hours. It was just 6:30 in the evening so we have much more time to watch.


“So, Miyeon-ah, why didn’t you accept the big boss’ offer to become one of their contract artists? That’s a great opportunity for you,” Soojin asked in between watching and eating.


“You know I hate complications, right? I’m already contented living the way I have right now. And besides, I only did the drama because I just want to help. I’m the only option, so…” I said then shrugged my shoulders.


“Okay, it’s your decision. Limelight seems too tiring, too.” She said with a tone of defeat.


The proposal was great, though. But I don’t want my life to be the talk of town whenever something interesting happens to me. I want to live a normal life. Less complications, greater happiness.


We were already very engrossed with the movie when suddenly, my cellphone vibrated. I have a text message. When I checked it, it was from an unknown number.





As soon as I read the message, I quickly went to my room and changed my clothes. I was so excited I didn’t mind Soojin screaming at the top of her lungs. Maybe she got scared.


Eeeeee….. Jaejoong and I, together at the park?


I was already on my way to the door when Soojin spoke. “Where do you think you’re going?” She asked, raising her eyebrow.


“Jeez, I almost lost my manners. I was just excited. Here, read this,” I happily said as I handed her my phone.


She smiled and gave back my phone. “Yah, you’re one lucky woman, aren’t you? Imagine, Jaejoong asking you a date on the park… Isn’t that romantic? Under the moonlight, just the two of you…” Soojin said dreamily.


When it was already dark, parents do not allow children to go on the park anymore. It was like a tradition in this village. DBSK were so lucky to find this place because people don’t care so much about if you’re a celebrity or not. They’ll treat you as normal people. This village has discipline, that’s why DBSK were very fond of living in it.


“Do you think he’ll officially now ask you to become his girlfriend? After broadcasting to the whole Korea that he likes you, do you think that’s possible?” She asked excitedly. My face lit up more because of what she said. He’ll officially ask me to be his girlfriend? Whoa, that was very nice. I’ve dreamt of it a million times!


“Yah, you better go now. He might be waiting for you for a long time now. Remember to tell me every detail that will happen, okay?” She said as she excitedly pushed me out the door. I waved my hand to say goodbye.





“Weird, he said he’ll be here within 15 minutes and will be waiting for me. But look who’s waiting,” I said to myself.


I was about to text him when suddenly, somebody caught my attention. Colorful and annoying… dresses?


“So, Chun Hee, or should I call you Miyeon?” A girl that looks like a peacock said. She seems to be the leader of this “colorful cult”. Wait! Colorful? Annoying dresses? And their faces seem to be familiar too. Are they…



“Who are you?” I asked. I wanted to confirm my thoughts.


“Oh, what a pity that you don’t know us. We are the Venus Angels, the most beautiful ladies in the world.” She said as she flipped her long hair. Her hair has so many colorful clips too, like she was selling them.


“Oh, Venus Flytraps would very much suit you…” I said to myself.


“Are you saying something?” The girl with the large pink butterfly hat fiercely asked. It’s already dark but she’s still wearing a hat? I’m scared but their weird sense of fashion makes me laugh.


“N-no, I was j-just…” Damn! No one’s here to help me. The houses are far away from here. The park has no guards too because they thought it wasn’t needed.


“Before we start our plan, we just want to introduce ourselves to you, so that you wouldn’t dare anymore to interfere with our precious Jaejoong… I’m Tae Jin, the leader of this group.”


“I’m Jin Young.”


“I’m Yoon Hee.”


“I’m Hyo Rim.”


“And I’m Da Eun, the prettiest of them all.” The other girls protested and when I thought they were already distracted enough, I quickly tried to escape.


“Where do you think you’re going?” Jin young asked, blocking my way. I saw Tae Jin pulled out a knife and I felt my face become pale. Grains of sweat were already running down my face.


Oh, Lord, please save me from this freaks…


“Girls, are you ready? Hold her, now!” I tried to run but they were faster. They locked me with their arms and put a tape on my mouth. I tried to fight but they are much stronger. If only Jaejoong was here…




What is this I’m feeling? Something’s not right…


“Hey, hyung! What’s the problem? You look so bothered.”


“Nothing, Changmin. Yah, have you contacted Miyeon? She’s not answering her phone. ” I asked.


“Why? Noona’s with her so I think nothing will happen to her. Don’t worry hyung, let’s just enjoy the night.” He said as he went back to the dancefloor.


Even though the bar was in a happy mood, I can’t seem to be happy. Instead, I was really bothered. My instincts never fail me, something’s really happening to Miyeon. And it doesn’t feel good.


I immediately went to Manager lee to say I’ll be going home first because I’m not feeling well. He immediately agreed and gave me the car keys.


I drove fastly but carefully to Miyeon's apartment. When I knocked on the door, it was Soojin-noona who opened it. Her face looks surprised. “Yah, you’re with Miyeon, right? You left her?”


My forehead wrinkled. What does she mean?


“What are you talking about? Where’s Miyeon?” I asked.


“Aren’t you two supposed to meet at the park? You sent her a message earlier telling that you’ll meet her there, right?’ She said with a worrying voice.


“Yah, I can’t understand. I didn’t send her a text message. “ I looked at her intently. Maybe we’re both thinking of the same thing.


“The Rainbow girls!!!” We said in chorus. I immediately went to my car and drove my way on the park.


“Yah! Bring Miyeon safely, okay?” I heard noona shouted. Of course, I’ll surely will.


While driving I was also praying for her safety.





“No one’s gonna be here to help you, you know. We perfectly planned everything. We know that DBSK were at a bar, and your noona won’t be here coz she surely knows that you’re with our Jaejoong, right? Poor you, you’ll gonna end up ugly and heartbroken…” Da Eun said and they laughed like an evil. Tears started to run down my face and I felt my heart beating so fast. Is it the end of my life already?


“Don’t worry, we’ll not kill you. We’ll just teach you a lesson of not interfering with the man we love. We’ll just make some experiments on your face then we’ll see if Jaejoong will still like you…” Yoon Hee said as she inched the knife closer to my face.


“Yeah! You stole our Jaejoong away from us. You’re not even pretty, why would he like you? Maybe you performed some witchcrafts on him, like love potion…” Jin Young said as she tightens her arms on mine.


I felt weak, and for some reason, I felt like giving up. My knees started to become weak. They’re right, no one’s here to save me.


I closed my eyes and when I felt the edge of the knife on my cheeks, I opened my eyes and shouted when it slashed my skin. It was long and deep. I felt another hurtful slash on my face again. This time, I just didn’t scream but I also dodged. I can’t take the pain anymore. Why are they doing this to me?


I felt lots of hot blood flowing through my face. It even hurt more because of the salty tears and sweat. They just laughed and inched the knife closer to me again…


I just closed my eyes again and prayed for some miracle to happen…

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I think I've read this on winglin omg now I found this and re-read again yayy
nice storyyyy i suddenly missed tvxq ot5
claribelmiranda #3
Chapter 19: Awwwww....it ended? Hehe good story hehe done reading this one and subscribed as well :)
Ah this is nice
Nice ending. Cute story
mareta #6
Oh cute dolphin junsu >< deep inside he must be really hurt but friendship will defeat anything no matter what. Just imagine that I`m as Miyeon and live happily with Jae. I feel disappointed that Jaejoong quit DBSK instead of spend the rest of his life with music
@NanaBunanaaaaaa OMG TARANTALLEGRA!!!!! Hotness overload hahaha!!! :)
Junsu's body's wayyyyyyyyyyy flexible than mine >_______<

Last chapter tomorrow! :)
Thats complete bad luck -,-
btw have you guys watched Tarantallegra?
Just asking cuz it was damn awesome !
Cant wait for you update :D