march 6th

The diary of Kim Ryeowook; a human's last days

I was tired, but I couldn’t sleep. Himang was nestled in Hyukjae’s arms, she had taken a liking to the monkey since I brought her here. I sighed before sitting up and carefully creeping to the kitchen. Maybe some water would help me? My pistol hit against my side reminding me of the life I now lived. Himang’s words from earlier still rung in my head. It was true I was close to Yesung, but could I really be in love with him? Just the thought made my head hurt. Yesung was my friend and I respected him. He was my hyung, I felt safe with him. However, I did tend to get needy and jealous when he did fanservice or skin ship with the others. I felt a cold presence enter the room and finally rest behind me making me shiver. I knew this feeling all too well.

“Jongwoon,” I whisper, my voice barely sounding in the small room but my hyung heard it.

“Ne,” he whispered as he wrapped his arms around my middle.

“Why are you up?” I ask, I did not want to look at his face, I knew a blush would overtake me. It didn’t help that his warm breath was hitting my neck either.

“I couldn’t sleep, I was worried about you.” He answered making me blush. Why must I blush, we were fighting the dead, I had no time for this. I had to man up.

“Ryeowook, are you sick, your face is red?” Yesung asked me making me jump. Why must our voices be so loud right now?

“It’s nothing hyung, let’s just sleep.” I whispered trying to return to my bed. I could not get the thoughts of Yesung out of my head. I had a mission, and thinking of my hyung like that was not part of it. I slid back into my bed trying to make myself to go to sleep, but it kept evading me.


I awoke to screaming, making me jump to my feet and hold up my gun. Scream’s always meant one thing…zombies.

“What’s going on oppa?” Himang asked as she ran up to me with fear in her eyes. It pained me to know she was scared.

“I don’t know, but I promise oppa will keep you safe.” I promised making Himang cling loyally to my side. My hands shook as I crept around the shadows hoping to see the enemy before they saw me.

“Ryeowook get her out of here.” Donghae ordered as he spotted us walking up.

“What’s going on hyung?” I asked worried pushing Himang back towards where we came.

“Human’s, and they are not friendly.” Donghae whispered as Hyukjae shot off a warning shot making Himang cover her ears.

“Find Yesung and you two scatter to the garage. We need to steal a car and you are the only one with reckless driving skills. We do not trust Leeteuk’s driving.” Donghae said as I nod in understandment. Himang ran to Donghae’s arms silently crying as he tried to calm her down.

“So how did hostile humans find us?” I asked eyeing Hyukjae with wide eyes.

“Don’t know, but we evacuated Henry and the others already. All that’s left is you and the kid.” Donghae stated as he gently kissed Himang’s head and pulling her towards me. I gently grabbed her before running to the exit. My heart was hammering in my chest as I tried not to think of being separated again.

“Oppa, are you scared?” Himang asked as we tried to find Yesung and the others without attracting the attention of the enemy. I risked a glance at her before closing my eyes.

“Ne, oppa is scared. But oppa will not let anyone hurt you I promise.” I smile before a hand clasped onto my shoulder making me jump as I twirled my gun to in place in the persons face.

“Whoa Wookie, don’t shoot!” Leeteuk paniced, as he raised his hand in defense as I lowered my weapon from him.  

“Teukie hyung,” I gasped as Himang popped her head up behind me.

“Oppa, where’s the others?” she asked with a pout.

“At the car, come on we have to hurry so we can pick up the others.” The leader replied before leading us to the large black army suv type tank.

“Ok, where is Kyu?” I asked knowing the boy would love to see this.

“Already in the gunner’s seat.” Leeteuk replied with a sigh. Jongwoon was already in the passenger’s seat when I arrived to drive. Both Henry and Zhou Mi gave me the thumbs up as they buckled in Himang. Heechul was huddled in HanGeng’s arms crying while Kangin made sure Leeteuk was in his seat. Sungmin yelled the all clear as I began driving out of the base. The sounds of gunfire echoed throughout the whole deafening me as Kyuhyun made a path for us. I could see the others still battling their own way to the exit and positioned us to where Kyu could help them. Not to brag, but my driving skills were extraordinary. It also helped that I learned from watching Leeteuk crash into several things for the majority of his license before they got revoked. EunHae and Sibum quickly darted into the truck as they gave me the signal to drive. Hyukjae latched onto Donghae’s side as both men screamed about dying.

“Calm down before I pull over at the next zombie food drive I see.” I yelled back as Kyuhyun continued to fire off shots. Did this thing ever run out of bullets?

“Ryeowook, we need to get to the docks or something and get out of here. If we stay in Seoul we will die.” Yesung said as I continued to part the waves of zombies in the road.

“Then where do we go now?” I asked knowing he held the map.

“My parents own a small island off the coast of Japan, we could go there.” Yesung replied. I nodded my head, I had been once. It was secluded, had lots of natural trees and fruits we could live off of. A perfect oasis.

“Sounds great, but can we make it, that’s a week long journey from here.” I announced.

“Do we have any other options?” he asked me with a raised brow. I sighed looking in the rear view at Himang. No, we had no other choices; I had to get her to safety.

“Saranghae Jongwoon,” I whispered as he took my hand. I needed the security right now.

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Chapter 19: Well, that's something.
Chapter 19: Well, that's something.
Chapter 19: What happened to kyumin??
turtlepanda22 #4
Chapter 2: awwww himang is ADORABLE >< dont kill her=.=
turtlepanda22 #5
Chapter 1: lol peeing bathroom scene, surprising how calm they r!!!
Chapter 19: This is a very cool story.... Wahh I cried when Shindong died...such a cool writer you are Author Nim~~ ^^
Sujucrazii #7
0_o wasn't expecting the twist in the end. Very entertaining ! As usual your fic is really great! i love how Kyuhyun slowly spiraled out of control and how Sungmin did whatever it took even killing off other members to keep them together
Sujucrazii #8
0_o wasn't expecting the twist in the end. Very entertaining ! As usual your fic is really great! i love how Kyuhyun slowly spiraled out of control and how Sungmin did whatever it took even killing off other members to keep them together
SenpaiJecho #9
Shinddong and Siwon dead?? NOO!! TTnTT
But I liked the Yewook ending x33
memoire- #10
Omo! Sibum and Shindong died!!!! Why???I was scared that any of them will die and Kyuhyun just make it worse. QAQ