Hae's plan

The diary of Kim Ryeowook; a human's last days

I smiled as I followed Eunhyuk into the base. Both Donghae and Leeteuk had taken Himang with them for some food leaving me to locate Yesung. I needed to tell him Thank you for looking out for me with those birds. After greeting all my old friends, I made my way to the watch tower. Yesung was waiting patiently with his sniper rifle held securely in his arms.

“Jongwoon,” I whispered walking forward. He smiled at me before setting his gun aside.

“I saw you had a kid,” he announced. I nodded before jumping into detail about how me and Himang had found eachother. Yesung smiled after I had explained my adventures. Suddenly I rushed into his arms gripping him for dear life. I could feel the emotions I had kept hidden since leaving his side wash over me. Tears racked my body as I cried. My wails and tears echoed off the walls, though I could care less who heard me. Yesung just held me, letting me cry on his shoulder like I was a child. He was so protective of me, though I didn’t know if it was because I was his dongsae or what. Once my tears had subsided and I had calmed down I quickly apologized. It wasn’t good to allow my emotions to go like this.

“It’s okay Wookie, you’ve been through a lot lately.” Yesung whispered brushing back my hair trying to comfort me. I smiled before sitting back against the wall and gazing over the burning city of Seoul.

“So, what’s the story behind the base being like it is?” I asked eyeing the blood covered walls.

“All dead, no survivors, four zombies found in the basement almost lost Shindong and Henry twisted his ankle.” Yesung reported making me blink.

“Henry twisted his ankle, how?” I asked worried for my dongsae.

“Running from a sprinter, Zhou Mi took care of him. As for Shindong, it was Sungmin who went to his rescue with the zombies.” My hyung told me. I remained quiet, all that had happened to me was nearly getting pecked to death by zombie birds and getting a kid.

“So, Himang sounds nice, where is she anyway?” Yesung asked as I leaned against his shoulder.

“With the others, Teukie hyung figured she would need some food and a distraction from all that’s happened.” I replied picking at lent I found in my pocket. Suddenly my eyes widened as a pair of soft lips pecked mine. I blinked as hyung pulled back, his face red from embarrassment.

“Mianhae, but Saranghae. I was scared when we got separated, I thought I lost you.” Yesung hyung whispered holding my hand tightly in his own small one. I felt so safe, like nothing would or could hurt me.

“So, her parents are dead.” Yesung suddenly asked pulling me from my thoughts.

“Yeah, they were at ground zero when it happened.” I explained pulling my knees up to my chest. I was still focused on Yesung’s kiss. What had it meant, was hyung in love with me or had he just been worried? Or, it could have just been skin ship. Both he and Siwon loved skin ship.

“So she’s all alone?” he continued.

“Yeah, it makes me sad, I was so upset when you guys were gone, and yet she’ been alone ever since this thing began.” I weep once again falling into Yesung’s embrace. Yesung hugged me close before kissing my forehead.

“It’s okay, hyung has you.” He whispered making me blush. I could hear Himang laughing with Donghae and Hyukjae below us. I knew she was safe, so I cuddled closer to my hyung, I needed him. I had missed him so much when we were separated.

“Hyung, Saranghae.” I whispered as I closed my eyes. I felt so tired suddenly.

“Saranghae Wookie, go to sleep.” Yesung told me, he always knew what I wanted.


“I am hungry,” Heechul growled.

“Then find Ryeowook.” Hankyung yawned before flipping the page of a gun magazine he was reading.

“He’s with Yesung and I’ve been told to leave him alone, where’s that small fry he brought?” Heechul asked eyeing the man beside him. Once again, Hankyung shrugged.

“No clue, but don’t bother her either.” The Chinese member stated making the other man groan more.

“But Hannie I’m hungry, the end of the world doesn’t mean starve Korea’s number one best man.” Heechul whined.

“No, it just means that the zombies get to eat Korea’s number one best man.” Hankyung chuckled.

“I demand Beijing fried rice.” Heechul ordered.

“I demand a working kitchen but that isn’t happening.” Hankyung snapped back sending both men to silence. The end of the world .


“And that is how babies are made,” Jungsoo smiled crossing his arms as Kangin face palmed and the EunHae couple shivered.

“Umma always told me it was from .” Himang stated.

“What did your parents teach you? You’re only six.” Kangin yelped.

“Appa says you’re never too young to know something, if your earnest about learning something then you will figure it out no matter what people say.” She explained to the group.

“My parent’s just told me to read a book.” Donghae pouted.

“Your parent’s knew you would have hands on learning.” Hyukjae laughed.

“Boy’s, there is a small child present.” Leeteuk scolded.

“Sorry you’re so innocent.” Hyukjae rolled his eyes. Himang laughed as she latched onto Donghae’s  



“Behave Eunhyuk, Jungsoo’s right, we do not need to corrupt her to your life.” Kangin ordered making the monkey nod and apologize. It wasn’t his fault she brought up babies and zombies.

“Hey Hyukkie, let’s see if Ryeowook will cook dinner for us.” Donghae whispered once they were far away from the parents.

“But we were told to let him rest?” Hyukjae replied.

“I’ll get oppa,” Himang smiled hoping down from Donghae’s back and running to the clock tower.

“We didn’t bother him, she did.” Donghae smiled as his plan worked.

“Good job fishy,” Hyukjae congratulated.

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Chapter 19: Well, that's something.
Chapter 19: Well, that's something.
Chapter 19: What happened to kyumin??
turtlepanda22 #4
Chapter 2: awwww himang is ADORABLE >< dont kill her=.=
turtlepanda22 #5
Chapter 1: lol peeing bathroom scene, surprising how calm they r!!!
Chapter 19: This is a very cool story.... Wahh I cried when Shindong died...such a cool writer you are Author Nim~~ ^^
Sujucrazii #7
0_o wasn't expecting the twist in the end. Very entertaining ! As usual your fic is really great! i love how Kyuhyun slowly spiraled out of control and how Sungmin did whatever it took even killing off other members to keep them together
Sujucrazii #8
0_o wasn't expecting the twist in the end. Very entertaining ! As usual your fic is really great! i love how Kyuhyun slowly spiraled out of control and how Sungmin did whatever it took even killing off other members to keep them together
SenpaiJecho #9
Shinddong and Siwon dead?? NOO!! TTnTT
But I liked the Yewook ending x33
memoire- #10
Omo! Sibum and Shindong died!!!! Why???I was scared that any of them will die and Kyuhyun just make it worse. QAQ