Two. The Second Before

Birthday Wish

“I can’t believe I have to dress you.” Kyuhyun growled, annoyed as he wound his arms around Yesung’s waist to button up the terribly tight jeans.  He had had to literally yank the pants up the boy’s legs and up over his .  It wasn’t that it was awkward, they’d all seen each other at at least one stage so boxers were nothing, it was just rather ridiculous.

After Ryeowook had given him a rundown that the elder had gone into the biggest nervous breakdown after his meat had been burnt, Yesung had immediately flown into another.  The eternal maknae had fixed up the meat issue with his magic kitchen skills but then Yesung had practically bawled as he rustled through his wardrobe.  Thinking that it was better that Kyuhyun deal with this issue, he called the real maknae again to get his to the 11th floor dorm right that second.  In the middle of a perfect game of Starcraft, the tall boy dragged himself to Yesung only to roll his eyes.  They’d gone through this a million times already.

“I mean, you’re legs are ing skinny!  What do you mean you couldn’t wear these?  It’s not like you’ve never worn skinny jeans before.” Kyuhyun smacked his bare ivory stomach warningly, as if telling him not to move as he dug out the shirt he had hand picked out a week ago.

“B-But it’s embarrassing to wear this, Kyu!” Yesung exclaimed, shifting in the uncomfortable pants.  For his figure, getting into them had not been the issue at all.  But they were like a second skin, literally.  They stuck to him and were practically glued on.  They were definitely much tighter than his usual pair which were bought a few sizes too big for comfort’s sake and then altered.  Even for performances, most of the time he didn’t wear pants this tight.

“Oh, shush you.  We already went through this how many times?  You want to impress Siwon-hyung, right?” Kyuhyun reminded testily, chucking around the clothes Yesung had been rummaging through earlier.  Not finding the article, he practically tore the elder’s room apart, “Where’s the shirt I bought you, Hyung?”

“Nope, this won’t work either.” Kyuhyun threw the shirt into the ‘rejected’ pile, grabbing another from the heavy shopping bag he had come home with.  He held it up to Yesung’s chest, eyes darting up and down his figure, comparing how it matched the dark crimson jeans Kyuhyun had perceived as perfection.  “Not this one either.”

“Kyu!” Yesung covered his chest embarrassedly, crossing his arms as Kyuhyun extracted another piece of clothing.  He was flushing red, almost as red as the pants Kyuhyun had forcefully shimmied on him, feeling very bad that the maknae had spent such money on him.  “This is embarrassing!”

“Don’t worry, Hyung.  I’ve seen more of you than this.” Kyuhyun pat his shoulder as he grabbed another piece from the bottomless bag.  “Nope, this won’t work out either.  Argh…” Kyuhyun quickly discarded the otherwise fashionable piece of clothing, getting another.  He smiled at the match. 

The loose white v-neck hung low and perfectly, it would show just enough skin to torture the hell out of Siwon.  He grabbed a discarded casual black cardigan, throwing it on the elder.  This outfit paired with Yesung’s usual smoky dark guyliner, messy bed hair and shy blush would all create the best image.

“Perfect.  Try this on, Hyung.” Kyuhyun said, barely taking his eyes off the lead baritone as he slipped the clothing on.  When all was set and worn, something was still missing.  The elder looked absolutely delectable – from a totally platonic standpoint, the tall male swears – but it needed something more to be completed.  And Kyuhyun almost smacked himself over the head for forgetting.  He shuffled around for the silky black box within his shopping back, flicking it open for the older boy to see, “And don’t forget to wear these.”

“K-Kyu, I couldn’t… You spent so much money on me already and I need to pay you back and…”

“Cut that thought out right now, Hyung.  It’s a gift.  From me.  Your favourite dongsaeng.  Just think of it as a show of affection for my undying love for you.  Because I’ll always be number one in your heart, right Hyung?” Kyuhyun smirked and Yesung just whacked him over the head for the smug remark.  He clutched the box close to his chest, truly touched by how much thought Kyuhyun was actually putting in.  The maknae had always had a soft spot for him but this was a whole new level.

“Since when has your fashion sense been any better than mine?  Have you been hanging around Mimi too much again?” Yesung said eying the taller boy.  He knew there was no essence of romance between the two but he needed something against him right?  Kyuhyun just had too much ammo. He could about anything.  From Siwon to his turtles.

“You know you’re the only one for me, Hyung.” And he tickled Yesung’s chin just because he could.  The elder flinched, obviously because he was ticklish like no other, and tried to swat him but the two of them just ended up in the biggest fit of giggles.

“I knew you’d forget.” Kyuhyun shook his head, putting on the dangling black cross earrings for the elder, admiring his taste in accessories as the navy rhinestone shone in the middle.  “You’re so lucky to have me.” He clipped on a bright red stud on either ear in the male’s second piercing, “You’d be so lost without me.”

“Yes, I’d be totally lost without, Kyu.  I should be eternally grateful to you for coming into my life.” Yesung said rolling his eyes, laughing half heartedly.  And the younger male wasted no second, and had no qualms, to practically suffocate Yesung in a loving, bone crushing hug.

“Does that mean you’ll give up on Siwon-hyung and come elope with me?” Kyuhyun grinned, good naturedly, pressing the smaller boy even closer to his taller frame.  Perhaps it was just their thing to do this.  To flirt as obscenely as possible.  It was second nature.  A comfort.  A normality.  In their meetings together as KRY, Ryeowook would constantly make gagging sounds at their tooth aching sappiness.  And then he’d mumble something about Yesung cheating on Siwon and the merciless teasing from both his dongsaengs would ensue.

“Your offer is tempting, Kyu, but no.” Yesung said as he placed a gentle hand on his cheek, patting the taller boy affectionately.  The maknae always knew how to calm him down, rush his thoughts to other areas deep in his mind so he could relax.  It was a spell that Kyuhyun seemed to always cast flawlessly.

“Aww and here I was getting all my hopes up.  When are you going to accept my everlasting love, Hyung?” Kyuhyun whined cutely, pulling out the fakest, most adorable aegyo he could.  But of course, despite the dripping plasticity of his act, Yesung melted all the same.

“Oh, Kyunnie, you’re so cute!” Yesung practically squealed, squeezing his arms out of Kyuhyun’s tight embrace, pinching the taller boy’s cheeks.

“I am not cute.  If anyone is, it’s you.” Kyuhyun said, pride hurt.  His Hyung’s liked to as the maknae, saying he was cute, but unless he wanted something, he did not act cute.  He was neither innocent nor was he constantly pulling the aegyo card like Sungmin.  Yet Yesung continued to coddle him as if he were a normal, respectful, adorable maknae.  Which he was not.  He resisted a pout as he accidentally ruffled Yesung’s hair.  The elder whined and the ruined hair style and the maknae could only coo at him for being so childish as his baby fingers raked through his raven tresses, “Aish, stop being so childish.  Here, I’ll fix it.”

It’s really moments like this that Yesung kind of contemplates if Kyuhyun was a magician.  It was like he had spells at his finger tips, the long digits combing through his hair, tousling it perfectly.  The maknae was messy and uncaring to his appearance but yet could perfect Yesung’s.  He supposed that’s why he and Kyuhyun got along so well.  Both of them could be completely forgetful to their own wellbeing but would fret terribly over the other.  The lead baritone really couldn’t ask for a better best friend.  Well, other than Ryeowook, because sometimes Kyuhyun’s teases got a little too embarrassing.

“Hyung!  Kyuhyunnie!  Siwon-hyung’s outside the door right now.” Ryeowook came running to Yesung’s bedroom, cheeks flushed from panic. 

“What!?” Yesung went into an official nervous breakdown, clutching his poor heart that was beating impossibly fast.  “W-When did he get here?” Pure anxiety was welling in his eyes as he clutched Kyuhyun’s shirt for dear life.  He was not ready for this.  He was completely, totally, utterly unprepared for this! 

“He just rang the doorbell!  Did you two not hear the freaking door bell go off!?” Ryeowook practically screeched, plucking Yesung off the tall maknae and shoving him to the door of his bedroom.  But the turtle boy was shaking in nervousness, unwilling to face his biggest crush of… all time.  “What are you doing!? Answer the door!”

“I can’t!  I-I can’t Wookie!  I’m not prepared and I’ll be awkward and stuff up and I don’t want to and he’ll…” Yesung rambled; face going a crimson that challenged his jeans.  He could list off an endless amount of things that could go wrong and disasters that had already occurred.  But should he look on the bright sight, said catastrophes had already been fixed and dealt with.

“You can do it, Yesungie.  Just think about it, me and Ryeowookie will be cheering you on from here.” Kyuhyun said, putting an arm around the panicking elder, “It’ll all be perfect, cutie pie.” Playfully, the maknae slapped the lead baritone’s left cheek, successfully shoving him out of the room as he jumped.  Quickly working, Kyuhyun shut the door and locked it, effectively preventing Yesung from escaping to his bedroom.  “Just work that cute little bubble of yours and he’ll be putty in your hands.  I know I would.”

“Kyu!” Yesung exclaimed, immediately turning to the shut wood door, eyes widening impossibly large.  “Don’t abandon me like this!”

“If anything happens, we’ll fix it, promise.” Kyuhyun said lightly, voice soothing, trying to get the elder to calm his heart down from its heart stopping high.  At this rate, Yesung might just faint.  “And if you don’t get your to that door right now you’ll be in a hell of a lot of pinching from me later!”

“Remember to breathe, Yesung-hyung!” Ryeowook called out, hearing Yesung’s fading, trembling footsteps.  That was actually a very good reminder because the elder had no idea he was holding his breath until he heard Ryeowook.

“Breathe in, breathe out, you can do this Jongwoon… Just take it easy and this night will be a breeze.” Plastering a very nervous smile onto his handsome face, Yesung muttered constant little nothings to himself.  He was totally clueless that he was standing in front of the door, the only thing breaking his reverie being the doorbell ringing again.  Gulping, very loudly, Yesung breathed audibly, shakiness present.

And his baby fingers touched the handle, turning ever so slowly.

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Chapter 3: Awww. Still ky fave Yeye, the oblivious one. Lol. Nice ending!
Chapter 2: Ok that elope with me question though. Ok, what?! Hahaha. All the KyuSung feels in here! Omg! You are confusing me author-nim! Asdfghjkl$(&/@%#

Hmmm..... Can you write this same fic/ story but Kyu's perpective?? Lol
givivi123 #3
Chapter 1: This is so kyuuuuuuutttteeeeeeeeeee! I love friendship KyuSung! And it doesn't help that YeWon is like my OTP. Author-nim fighting!
Chapter 3: My heart almost died because of so much romance. Is there a possible sequel for this? I kinda got curious about what will happen after this. :))
Ladyghai #5
Chapter 3: Omg! So sweet i love it so much!
And i really like the part when kyuhyun's helping yesungie and with his constant flirting! But i really the most is thw last part they're so cute together yewon! :)
KcuLL22 #6
How could this be so sweet??
O my.. ><
hippychick #7
awwww sooo cute <3
kyusungnista #8
awww so cute, really I do love this story! *o*
It reminds me of all Siwon's attempts to kiss a very shy Yesung in stage. :P xD
However, You're Yewon is so awesome! Oh please keep writing! I like YEWON<3<3<3<3
rayie_159 #10
Waw.......thats really cute yewon
I love your story....please write more about yewon ^^