Starting From Today, You Are A Host. Pt 2

Ouran High School Host Club (Super Junior Ver.)

Hey guys, again, a big fat THANK YOU for all of those who commented and subscribed, as well as those who even bother to read this story. I really really appreciate it. Gaining such amount of views and subscribers is just AMAZING.

So Here is Chapter two, please enjoy.




-Host club now open-


The sound of girls gossiping and giggling filled the entire room, each as perfect as money could buy. Along with which was six equally perfect male hosts who held the complete and utter devotion of those whom requested them.


“What type of music do you like? Heechul oppa?” inquired one petite young girl whilst fawning over Ouran High’s leading host.


“The song that reminds me of you, of course.” stated Heechul coyly whilst gently grasping the girl’s chin in his hands, the mere touch made the girls’ eye’s go wide in excitement, causing her to blush a rather alarming red.


“I baked some cake today, would you try it?” solicited another girl, desperate for the King’s attention and devotion.


“Only if you feed it to me my princess” the flirty blonde requested, slowly leaning in, causing the girl to loose all thought and swoon.


The soft sound of a teacup being put down resonated throughout the room. “Pardon me, Heechul shi” came the well-mannered, soft voice of a lady, “but I’ve heard that you’ve taken in a stray cat.”


“Well… I wouldn’t call him a stray cat but rather - Oh speaking of the devil!” Heechul shouted as Choonhee walked into the room with a big shopping bag in her arms. “Back already? Well done with your errand.” winked Heechul. “Did you buy the right stuff my little piggy?”


So I’m a pig now?Thought Choonhee indignantly.


“What is this?” Heechul ask curiously, holding a tin of coffee powder.


“This? It’s coffee.”


“I haven’t seen this brand before. Is this already grounded?”


“No, it’s the instant kind.” Choonhee replied, starting to get slightly annoyed.


“Instant?” the girls stared at the tin in awe, unknowing that there even was such a thing.


“Oh! So this is the type of coffee where all you need to do is add hot water, the so-called commoner coffee?” Heechul stated with strong enthusiasm, his eyes widening in excitement and curiosity.


Mumbles started spreading throughout the room as more girls began to crowd around Heechul to observe the mysterious ‘commoner coffee’.


“That’s the famous commoner coffee?”


“So it’s true…”


“Those poor people don’t even have time to grind their own coffee beans!”


By this stage even the other Hosts had gathered around, roused by the commotion caused by the instant coffee. None had ever seen such a thing before, much less new what it tasted like.


“Hmm commoner’s wisdom, I see…” Kyuhyun exclaimed with mild interest.


“$5 for 500 grams, huh?” remarked Donghae. “What an extraordinary price!” stated Eunhyuk, neither able to fathom such an unbelievable cost.


Choonhee, slightly annoyed by the ‘commoner’ comments had to restrain herself from losing her generally mild temper. “Fine then, I’ll go buy it again. Sorry for not buying expensive coffee beans.”


Indignant at the remarks from those around her and feeling far too out of place amongst the rich and wealthy, Choonhee moved to silently leave the room and go get the ‘proper’ coffee, however she was stopped by Heechul’s outstretched hand.


“No, wait!” claimed Heechul who stood up dramatically, determination shinning in his eyes. “I shall try this.”


The whole room was momentarily stunned into silence until everyone burst into commotion as if a damn had been released.


“What?!” The girls and twins yelled, all in shock at the King’s sudden outburst. They then started clapping, amazed at the supposed bravery of the blonde host. Choonhee rolled her eyes at the fuss everyone was causing. They were giving her a headache, and over coffee at that.


“Choonhee! Come and make us some commoner coffee.”


Rich bastards…


Just as Choonhee was about to follow Heechul, the soft voice from before mumbled something next to her. “Heechul shi is too nice,” commented the lady as she took a sip out of her teacup, “there’s no way that he would favor such coffee bought by a lowly commoner.”


“Huh?” Choonhee stared at the owner of the soft yet somewhat harsh voice, surprised at the comment and clueless as to how she was to respond or whether she was even meant to.


“Excuse me.” The girl turned around with a blinding smile that failed to reach her eyes. “I was just talking to myself.”


“Choonhee!” came the annoying call of the one and only blonde host, Heechul.


Choonhee dragged herself over to the waiting table, surrounded by a gaggle of gossiping girls. Upon the table lay four identical cups of the utmost elegance. With great care Choonhee meticulously poured water into each of the cups to the bewilderment of those around her.


“The Coffee is served.”


Choonhee remained expressionless despite the obvious annoyance the task had presented her with as those around her stared in wonder at what lay before them.


“Well then, let us try!” exclaimed the excited Heechul.


The girls started to hesitate about drinking the coffee, voicing their concerns of drinking such a thing and making excuses for why they were unable to.


Choonhee rolled her eyes at their defenses. It was just coffee and it wasn’t as if it was going to kill them though Choonhee wouldn’t let the thought pass immediately from her mind.


“Would you drink it if we went mouth to mouth?” whispered Heechul to one particularly concerned female who nearly collapsed at the thought.


This is ridiculous.



“…and then, he woke up terrified from a nightmare! He bolted straight out of his bed” laughed Donghae, referring to his younger twin brother, Eunhyuk.


“Donghae!” Eunhyuk yelled, ‘shocked’ by what his brother has told their guests. “I told you not to tell anyone! Telling others these things is just so mean.” Eunhyuk mumbled, tears shining in his eyes, threatening to stain his flawless face.




Realising what he has done to his twin, Donghae pulled his brothers face close to his own. “I’m sorry… Hyukie.”


The twins looked each other in the eyes, full of love and adoration. “You just looked so cute in that moment… I couldn’t help myself.” 


Eunhyuk’s eyes brightened up at the compliment while his checks bore a slight tinge of pink to the delight of the girls sitting across from them.


There was hardly a better selling point than brotherly love and there was no one better to sell it than the two devious yet charming twins.




From across the vast room came the loud yawn of one very tired third year student and host club member, Sungmin.


“Sorry I’m late but I was just so sleepy!” mumbled Sungmin who was barely awake whilst riding on the back of his cousin, Siwon.


“Sungmin! Siwon Shi!” yelled an excited girl. “We waited for so long!”


Sungmin pulled a cute pouting face, making the girls around him squeal in excitement.


“Sorry!” he yelled, while Siwon, being the gentlemen that he was, merely bowed politely.


“You know? I’m still kind of sleepy.” yawned Sungmin whilst rubbing his big, watery eyes.

“So cute!” yelled the girls around him in awe, wanting nothing more than to hug the tiny third year like the child that many mistook him for.


Is he really a Senior?Choonhee asked herself in wonder, staring at the scenario that had just unfolded.


“Don’t judge Sungmin hyung by his appearances. He’s a brilliant student and an even better host. Siwon is much the same; however his selling point is his solitude.” Kyuhyun said, coming up to her side.


Without warning Choonhee was seemingly attacked by an unknown yet powerful force which nearly knocked her to the ground. She looked down in a daze to find the hyperactive third year staring up at her with large, excited eyes.


“Choonie! Do you want to hold Usa-Chan too?!” shouted Sungmin, holding up his pink plushie bunny.


“I don’t really… like bunnies…” Choonee said feeling a bit dizzy.


“Y-you h-hate my… Usa-Chan?” Sungmin sobbed, tears starting to fill his eyes and strangely making him appear even more adorable than before.


“No, no don’t cry!” Choonhee shrieked in alarm. Staring at Usa-Chan Choonhee looked into its beady little eyes and suddenly felt slightly bad for insulting it. “I-I guess he is kinda cute.”


Sungmin stared at Choonhee thoughtfully as if he had suddenly realised something that he did not notice before. However this was short lived and he gave Choonhee his biggest smile which seemed to light up his whole face.


“Yay! Take good care of Usa-Chan!” And with that the once again energetic host bounded away towards the nearest table covered in cakes, seemingly have forgotten his sorrow mere moments before.


Choonhee was left standing in bewilderment at what had just occurred, the oversized plush bunny still hanging limply in her hands. Kyuhyun had remained by her side, a slight smirk covering his otherwise emotionless face, having no doubt found slight humor at her personal expense.


“You know, our club utilizes everyone’s unique characteristics to cater to the desires of our guests.” Kyuhyun explained whilst holding his tablet, tapping away. “By the way, Heechul is number one, he’s the king. Close to 70% of our customers designate him as their host.”


“What’s this world coming to?” Choonhee beseeched.


She was simply too tired to point out low ludicrous the host club was, paying for love and attention, along with the opportunity to stare at someone prettier than them. They must have known that their affections would never be reciprocated. She couldn’t fathom why people would waste their money on something so frivolous.


“Also, with your debt being $8,000,000, it seems like you will be here working in this club as a ‘dog’ of sorts until graduation.” Kyuhyun reminded her. “Free to run away if you want, but just to let you know, my family has a private police force of one hundred men. So… do you have a passport?” An evil glint shone in his eyes, terrifying Choonhee who now feared for her safety and by the sounds of it, rightly so.


“That’s right,” sang a certain blonde “you’ll have to work hard to pay off your debt. Anyway, why are you acting so pathetically? You won’t get any woman to fall in love with you if you keep up with that act.”


“Well I’m not trying to get girls to fall in love with me.” Choonhee said whilst backing away from Heechul.


“What are you saying?” gasped Heechul, horrified, like a father disappointed in his son. “It is a very important issue! A good man making women happy is everythin-”


“It doesn’t matter” Choonhee cut him off, “Men, women, looks… it’s what’s inside that matters. I’m clueless as to why this club even exists.”


“That’s such a cruel thing to say!” Heechul exclaimed. “God sometimes, but rarely, creates a perfect person such as myself, beautiful both inside and out.”


“I can understand how you feel, not everyone is as blessed as I am. You simply must console yourself, otherwise how would you go on living?!” Heechul, gushing about his own personal perfection drifted off into his own self-centered world, uncaring of the fact that Choonhee was no longer listening to his rant.


“But think about this carefully,” Heechul stated, pointing his finger at Choonhee in determination, “Why do people display artwork in the museum? It’s because beautiful things are meant to show themselves off! It’s their duty…”


How do you describe these kinds of people…?


“Like me, I often feel stressed and tired from all this attention, but for the sake of everyone’s eyes and hearts, I endure…”


What’s the word…?


“Like when you put down a glass, you’re supposed to use your pinky to slow the motion, so the sound of the glass connecting with the table won’t be…”


Troublesome? No, that’s not it.


“Now for the best part, you must never underestimate how effective a glance to the side can be.” Heechul proclaimed, attempting to give Choonhee what he must have thought was a seductive look; however the effect seemed to be lost on her, as she was not paying him even the slightest bit of attention. However, this did not bother Heechul who much like her was not taking notice of whether she was listening to him or not as he was too busy basking in the glory of his own brilliance. “You see! I’m teaching you someth-”


“Ah! That’s it!” Choonhee clapped.


“What, did I make your heart beat a little fas-”


“Obnoxious!” Choonhee said happily, ignoring the blonde who appeared to be slowly decaying in the corner of the room.


“Haha!” Exclaimed Donghae and Eunhyuk in delight. The twins had been spying on the conversation for a while and finally came up to Choonhee, patting her on the back and laughing hysterically. “You really are a hero!” Yelled the twins unison.


Such a troublesome person!


“I’m sorry. I was actually a bit touched,” said Choonhee, feeling a bit sorry for the blonde who was crying in the corner, mortified at being called obnoxious and even more devastated at the thought that someone was not swayed by his indisputable charm.


In a dramatic transformation Heechul leapt back up, flipping his shining golden hair.


“Really? It did? Then let me teach you more techniques!” The depressed blonde from mere seconds ago seemed to have never existed. Heechul spun around in delight, as exuberant as always.


He sure does recover fast, Choonhee thought, amazed at how quickly he seemed to have emerged from his state of isolated depression.


“Hyung…” said Donghae sighing.


“Call me King!”


“Even if you taught him the basics of being a host,” stated Eunhyuk, “he’s not going to get very far with the ladies if he doesn’t look the part.”


Facing Choonhee, Eunhyuk looked at her face with regret and pity.


“He’s not exactly host club material.” Without warning he snatched the glasses off of Choonhee’s face, essentially leaving her blind. “For his type, even if you take off the glasses, his eyes will just appear even small-”


Eunhyuk stopped mid-sentenced, amazed with what lay hiding under Choonhee’s thick framed glasses. The twins gawked at Choonhee which would have undoubtedly made her feel extremely uncomfortable could she see their reaction.


“Ah, wait! I need those to see! I lost my contacts on the first day of school, so…”


Heechul violently shoved the twins out of the way to take a better look at her.


“Donghae, Eunhyuk!” Heechul cried with a snap of his fingers.


“Sir!” yelled the twins.


 Without any orders from their king needed, they straight away they understood what their missions were. Each twin took hold of one of Choonhee’s arms and dragged her away towards a dressing room that Choonhee had failed to notice its existence before.


Heechul now had a task to complete; nothing can stop him from his actions once the king of the host club got the idea stuck in that perfectly stubborn head of his.


“Kyuhyun, call the hair designer!” The nerd gamer and calculating manipulator immediately took out his phone and dialed a few numbers.


“Siwon-hyung, please get us some contact lenses from the school nurse!” The tall, somewhat intimidating man immediately ran out of the room without needing another word from their leader.


“Chulie! What about me?” Sungmin begged, looking at the king with shining eyes. His expression was one of excitement, eager to be a part of the team.


“Sungmin-hyung. You…”


“Yes?!” squealed the third year in excitement.


“Please go eat some cake.”




“Okay!” the twins demanded, holding the male Ouran High School uniform in their hands. It was in perfect condition as if it had just been recently bought, which it probably was and appeared to cost upwards of $500. “Put this on!”


“What? Why?” asked the still confused Choonhee, almost as scared as when she had broken the vase.


“No questions allowed!” Despite Choonhee’s obvious protest, the twins jumped onto Choonhee, making an attempt to force the poor girl into the uniform.


“No! Okay! I’ll wear it! Both of you get out!” yelled a horrified Choonhee as she kicked them out, annoyed and shocked as she had ever been. Leaving the dumbfounded twins outside of the dressing room.




“Um…” Choonhee quaked in anxiety.


“Aren’t you done changing yet? Hurry up and come on out.” Heechul complained, slightly annoyed, wandering what took Choonhee so long to change into a simple set of clothing.


Choonhee slowly opened the curtains, upon which she was faced by the sheer amazement of those who stood around her. Gasps from the club members could be heard resonating throughout the vast room. For once in Heechul’s life he had been stunned into silence.


“Are you sure it’s okay to let me keep this uniform?” Choonhee asked, looking completely different from what had entered the change room a mere hour ago.


Her once messy hair was now cut neatly into layers, her previously messy fringe was now neatly swept to the side, lying perfectly across her forehead in a cut that only could have come from a professional hairstylist, which would have cost hundreds of dollars. The thick rim glasses that had once covered her face were now gone, exposing her big hazel eyes for everyone to see.


By this stage Heechul was in tears, shocked by the transformation that stood before him, “How can you be so cute?! Just like a girl! Still, you are no match for my beauty, but I am so proud of you!”


“Choonie! You’re so cute!” squeaked Sungmin who was jumping up and down in excitement.


“If you were so good looking,” pouted Donghae, “then you should’ve said so earlier!” whined Eunhyuk, both acting as if they had been deceived and feigning disappointment.


“Who knows? Maybe he’ll be able to draw in some customers.” stated Kyuhyun decisively. He took out his tablet and began to type away, no doubt working on another scheme to increase the Host Club’s profit.


“Yes, everything is just as I predicted” Heechul smirked, his arrogance noted by everyone in the room, having never thought of such an idea.


Pointing a slender finger at Choonhee, he announced, “Our dog is moving up the ranks. Starting from today you are an official member of the host club!”


Wait… a host?!


“I will personally train you into a first-class host! Then if you can get one hundred customers to request your service your $8,000,000 debt will be gone.” said Heechul whilst winking. His finger was still pointed at Choonhee’s nose, drawing attention to her eyes which had widened significantly in surprise and alarm.


A host?! Oh dear, mother help me!


And here's chapter two, what do you think?

Anyway, I just want to make it clear that some of the chapters of this story WILL be very different to the anime storyline. I never really liked the way they ended Ouran high, so if I am to write a fanfiction of my own,  there will be some major changes as the story progresses, ESPECIALLY THE ENDING.

Also, feel free to suggest some ideas for future chapter where I am going to introduce other members of Super Junior into the story, there are still some member of Suju which I struggle to create or fit into a character in Ouran, so PLEASE HELP ME OUT HERE!


Dear silent readers, you take away my happy... COMMENT!!!!

See you guys next week!!!

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I'm sorry but I can write anything atm, my trial exams are in 3 weeks, then I have my HSC to worry about. I WILL NOT GIVE UP THIS STORY!


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AlexNightingale #1
Chapter 3: XD CUUTTE!! :D i am obsessed.
Chapter 3: please please please update soon :D
OHSHC is my all time favorite anime!!
Hikaru and Kaoru all the way (;
So excited for more ^^
Hae-Soo #4
THANK YOU! Unfortunately, as much as I would like to update, I have 2 major exams coming up in less than 2 weeks, and I cannot update until afterwards, but i already have in mind what the next chap is gonna be like, plz look forward to it. :D
trob96 #5
Ahhh. This is great. I've been looking for an ouran based fanfic that actually updates. Yay! And this one almost exactly matches the manga/anime, I remembered each scene in my head. ^.^
notelights #6
Thank youuuu for updating! I love your story so much! :))) it's so amusing and entertaining.
Your fic made me read the manga. You're good at this. Hands down.
Hae-Soo #9
Bahaha, Shindong as Haruhi!!!! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I AM LAUGHING RIGHT NOW!!!! HEECHUL HUGGING SHINDONG SPINNING IN CIRCLES!!! -died from laughter- OMG! My stomach hurts from laughing...
SpiritRaven #10
KYAAAA!!!!! Thank you! I've been freaking waiting for this day!!! I freaking love you right now!!!
And I'm really glad that your Ouran/Suju counterparts matches mine, though I've always thought that it would be funny to cast Shin Dong as Haruhi. Or Ryeowook would make a cute Haruhi too..