
Mr. President



I can’t take it anymore. I have already poured all my anger towards Kyuhyun. I know it’s not his fault. I know that that’s why I don’t want him to hang out with me anymore. He would just risk his self. People would talk behind his back; I don’t want to ruin his image just because he is hanging out with me. He is better off without me, without his feelings for me that’s why I ask him,


Please Kyuhyun… Stay away from me” I saw him, he just looked down then suddenly he spoke.


“Everyone, Please don’t hurt Sungmin anymore. Don’t put the blame on him, Put it in me because I… I was the one who falls in love with him therefore if you’ve got any problem about that, you should hurt me, not him”


Everyone was shock by what Kyuhyun said.  The perfect Kyuhyun right now is asking from everyone about something. No one had ever imagine him for doing that then suddenly Kyuhyun looked up and glared around.


But if this thing happened again to Sungmin, I don’t care if you’re a guy or a girl or whatever, but I won’t forgive you, I won’t let you get away for harassing him


Then he walk straight to the Board and Punch it, it’s a hard punch actually because everyone was gasping when they saw blood stirring from Kyuhyun’s hand.


You got that? Whoever you are who did this, I won’t forgive you”

Everyone looks so scared of Kyuhyun’s reaction. As if Monster Kyu finally came out from him.


He then walks straight towards me and I just looked at him.


“Come on Sungmin, You should just go to the infirmary” then he looked at Ryeowook and Donghae “Donghae, Ryeowook, Please accompany Sungmin to the infirmary or better yet take him home, I’ll just ask the teachers to excuse him.”he continued.


“But Kyuhyun, your hands” Ryeowook answered.


“I’ll be fine, just accompany Sungmin first, I’ll also ask the teachers not to use this room for a moment” He then walked away while Eunhyuk is behind him.


He’s so serious when he walked away. What is he thinking about? I wish he wasn’t hurt by what I said. I think I hurt him. Kyuhyun.


“Come on Hyung, We should accompany you” Ryeowook said


“If we don’t Kyuhyun might kill us” Donghae said


“I was the one who fall in love with him therefore if you’ve got any problem about that, you should hurt me, not him” Donghae mimicking what Kyuhyun said a while ago.


“Uhhhh! So sweet!! Kyuhyun’s so sweet!” Ryeowook said then both Ryeowook and Donghae laugh remembering the scene a while ago.


*blush* “Shut up!” I said to the both of them.


“Look! Hyung is blushing” Donghae said then the both of them starts laughing.








“AWWWWWWWWWW!” I screamed as Eunhyuk was holding my hand, my precious hand that I used to punch that stupid chalkboard.


“Eunhyuk! Will you be a little gentler while applying anticeptics! Geez! That hurts!!!” It really does hurt.


He then smack my head. “Oww! Why’d you do that?”


“You shouldn’t act so cool back there! Punching a chalkboard, even though you are the Captain of the Aikido Club, You still can get wounds and bruise so don’t act all macho there just because Sungmin is there watching you” he even scold at me.


“Well, I can’t help it, I can see that Sungmin is deeply affected by those scumbags that are doing it to him, Even thought Sungmin won’t tell me I know today isn’t the first time that It happened to him,Why didn’t he tell me, I could’ve protected him all this time. I feel so stupid!”


“I can’t take it when I see Sungmin being hurt, it’s like I want to protect him, I feel this urge to protect him with my everything”


Then Eunhyuk violently slam the Cold pack unto my hands.

“Oww! That hurts you know!!!!! Geez! ”


“You’re cheesy Kyuhyun, but actually Ryeowook told us what happened to Sungmin”. I just looked at him, I want him to continue what he is going to say.


”Uggh! Nevermind! I won’t tell it to you Kyuhyun” He continued. Do I need punch his face before he talks?


“Tell me already!” I smack his head and glare at him


“Oww! Fine Fine!”


“Sungmin tells Ryeowook everything that hater did to him, he sends him notes, not just simple hater note, from time to time it changes from bad to worst” I listen to every word he said. Sungmin went through that without even telling me anything about it?


“He calls Sungmin a flirt, ,. He even tells Sungmin to commit suicide, to go die. His harassment is going way too far already for Sungmin to handle”


Damn! What’s the problem of that Guy? Why does he hate Sungmin so much?


Then Eunhyuk continued “But what’s more is that the reason for all of this things that that hater is doing to Sungmin…” then he looked straightly at me, sending something as a hint for me to realize “It is because of you Kyuhyun, you’re the reason why those haters are doing this to Sungmin”


I was the reason why they hate Sungmin. Why they hurt him? I was dumb founded by that. Sungmin is suffering this because of me. It’s all my fault?


“You may not know it Kyu, but you may not be stupid, you’re a popular dude in this school, being a brainiac and the son of the owner of the school, you were crown as the most popular guy in the campus. Many girls swoon over you. Some may even be obsessed about you and you can’t stop that, they are used to of you being not interested with romance but when you express your feelings for Sungmin, some of those crazy fangirls of yours may not be able to accept that… so therefore they did what they have to do… “


“and that’s to get rid of Sungmin who they all know who took their charming Cho Kyuhyun away from them” he continued.


Sungmin is suffering this much because of me. Darn!! I really hate it! He’s getting hurt because of me. Maybe that’s why he asked me to stay away from him because I’m bringing too much hurt towards him. 


“Kyu…” Eunhyuk called me.


“Why didn’t he tell me? He should’ve told me, how can I protect him if he won’t even trust me to do so? “Tears are starting to form in my eyes. Sungmin, why are you like this, you’re the only one who can make me go like this. The only one who makes my heart and my mind crazy. You’re the only one who affects me so much.


“Aish! Stop being dramatic already Kyuhyun! You already show your macho man style to Sungmin this morning, I guess he should’ve realized now that you won’t leave him”


Hell No would I leave Sungmin” I confidently said. I would never leave him. I have always been into him then I’ll just leave him for them? No way! It just makes me more to protect him.


I stand up then stretch out and looked at Eunhyuk who I think is confused about my actions.


“Well then Hyuk, let’s go search for that bastard” and Eunhyuk agreed.





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Cutelittlepanda #1
Chapter 44: Wahhhh unnie when are you going to make the sequel!!! I'm still waiting!!!
I've read the foreword till now and the first thought was"are you sure you didn't mistake Sungmin with Changmin xD". The second one" This is gonna be interesting ^.^ "
Chapter 44: waiting for the sequel ^^
Chapter 30: cool! good job!
venzsuju #5
Chapter 43: gosh!! glad u make a sequel :')
why their love life so complicated...
mzjonghyun #6
Chapter 44: wow I love it cant wait for the sequel
marietooot #7
Chapter 44: Sequel author-niiiim :)
sapphireblue621 #8
Chapter 44: goosssh!! please make a sequel for this author-nim!! pleaassee!! :D
Hi, do you have a pdf or word file with this fic? i just wanted to save it on my phone :) thanks
BlacKpopfan107 #10
Chapter 44: Wow I just read your whole story in one day and I loved it. I can't wait for the sequel!!!