


“Hyung,” Sehun called as he walked through the door that led into EXO’s practice room. Inside the room stood Kai and Luhan who both had their backs towards him, once Sehun said the word “hyung” both men turned around.


“Yes?” Both of them answered him.


Sehun smiled. He walked straight up to Luhan and wrapped his arms around Luhan’s shoulders. With a smile, Sehun tells him, “Come buy bubble tea milk with me?”


Luhan smiled and nodded in an agreement. He turned around to face Kai, “I’ll be back to dance with you,” he told the other man.


Both Luhan and Sehun left the room with Kai standing inside by himself.



. . . . . . . . . . . .



“Thank you so much hyung!” Sehun shouted and hugged Luhan in front of all the other EXO members, “how did you know that this was what I wanted for my birthday?” He asked while taking out the object from its box.


Luhan sat back and placed both hands behind his head, “Well there’s a reason why I’m your favorite hyung right? Your favorite hyung must know what kind of things you like,” he said with a smile.


Sehun looked over at Luhan and hugged him once more.

Kai stood up from his seating area and walked off.


“Where are you going Jong In ah?” Kris asked him. Without turning to face the two lovey dovey he answers, “To get some fresh air,” and he walked out of the apartment.



. . . . . . . . . . . .



“You love him don’t you?” Baekhyun asked Kai one day as the both of them sat together in the living room alone. Kai rubbed his face with both of his hands and took in a deep breath then let it out, “I do,” he answered the other man.


“Why don’t you tell him then?” Baekhyun suggested, “I’m sure Sehun ah will understand your feelings.”


Kai stood up in frustration, “He’ll never understand me Baekhyun hyung, all he sees is Luhan, and all he talks about is Luhan. Luhan this Luhan that everything we talk about is Luhan!” Kai shouted.


Baekhyun sat there in shock. He couldn’t believe that Kai had just blown up in front of him.


“I’m…I’m sorry,” Baekhyun apologized, “all I wanted to do was help you.”


Kai looked at Baekhyun and sighed. He sat back down and placed a hand on Baekhyun’s shoulder, “I’m sorry hyung…I didn’t mean to blow up at you,” he apologized.



. . . . . . . . . . .



“I love you don’t you get it?!” Kai yelled at Sehun one day in EXO’s practice room. Everyone stood in shock and couldn’t believe what was going on in front of them.


A little while ago, Kai had gotten so frustrated that he had punched Luhan in the face. For what reason? Luhan was getting too close to Sehun which brought out the jealousy in Kai; therefore, he couldn’t hold in his jealousy any longer towards the two.


“I…I…hyung…” Sehun stuttered, “I’m sorry but…”


“You know what? Forget it,” Kai said and walked to the door.


“Wait hyung!” Sehun called after him. Without any second thinking Sehun had ran after Kai.


“Sehun!” Luhan called after the two men. Sehun stopped mid way, “I’ll be back…I promise,” he said to the smaller man and then continue to chase down his other hyung.


By the time Sehun had reached Kai, Kai was already outside of SM Ent’s building, making his way towards the gate. Sehun finally caught up to Kai and grabbed onto Kai’s wrist and spun him around.


“What you said back there,” he started.


Kai pulled his wrist out from Sehun’s grip, “Never mind what I said to you Sehan ah, just…just leave me alone. Pretend like you never heard anything from me,” Kai told him.


“I can’t,” Sehun blurted out, “I can’t pretend that you said nothing to me.”


“Then what do you want me to do huh? I am frustrated with you and Luhan hyung,” Kai shouted, “all I wanted was you to myself…all I wanted was for you to notice me…and yet…” Kai crouched down and cried.


Sehun stood there watching his hyung cry for awhile before squatting down and pulls him into a hug, “I’m sorry hyung…I’m sorry but…I…Luhan hyung is really precious to me…” Sehun whispered.


Kai took in a deep breath, “I understand Sehun ah,” he pushed Sehun away from him and stood up, “Just let me be for awhile, I’ll be back to normal,” he added and turned around to walk off.



. . . . . . . . . . .



Luhan sat in his room with the desk lamp on. He looked down at the story he had written in his diary. A single tear falling down his face and landing on to the pages creating a wet spot, “Sehun ah…you’ll never understand how much I love you....,” he quietly whispered to himself.


Luhan took in a deep breath and looked at the light. He shut his eyes wanting to forget everything that he wrote, everything that was true.

There was a knock on the door, “Come in,” Luhan called from the other side. The door opened and Suho popped his head in, “Dinner time hyung,” he said. Luhan opened his eyes and spun around to look at Suho then nodded, “Okay,” he replied. Suho smiled and shut the door behind him. Luhan spun back around to look at the diary in front of him, “Everything was only a fiction at the beginning…,” he said quietly and shut the diary.


“We were never meant to be….,” he looked out from his window and stared at the full moon, “I’m a fool…aren’t I?” and he mentally chuckled to himself, “a fool to not realize that you loved Kai and never once looked at me…I am a fool for writing down stories that had happened but replaced Kai with me just so that I can live thinking that you loved me at the start…Sehun ah…,”


. . . . . . . . . . . .



“Luhan hyung what?” Sehun asked once the members of EXO-K heard the news from their manager.


“The members in China had gotten into a car accident coming back home from an interview, everyone else was okay except for Luhan,” he said.


“What happened?” Sehun began, “I mean…is everyone else okay? I mean…” he didn’t know how or what to think. All he could think of at that moment, at that time was if Luhan was doing okay or not.


Their manager took in a deep breath and shook his head, “We haven’t heard news yet from the other party, all we got was the information I just gave you guys,” he told them, “but please do not worry, I’m sure Luhan is fine,” he added and left the room.


Kai stood there watching Sehun who had slipped down on his looking as if there was no life in him. Kai walked over to the maknae and sat down beside him, “He’ll be fine…Sehun ah,” Kai assured him.


“Luhan hyung…..”



. . . . . . . . . . . .



The van pulled up to the hospital that held Luhan as a patient. Sehun slide open the car door and sprinted out the van like lightening. He ran into the hospital and looked around for a EXO-M member. Just then the elevator door opened and both Xiumin and Chen walked out.


“Hyung!” Sehun called. Both Xiumin and Chen looked up to see their dongsaeng running towards them, “Sehun?” both of them said together.


“…Luhan…hung?” he asked while panting.


“Sehun!” Kai ran up to the man, “You guys,” he added once he saw the other to men standing before him.


“Luhan hyung’s room is 203,” Chen told them. Without thanking them, Sehun quickly ran to the elevator and got in leaving the other members and the manager. Once he got to the level where the 200 rooms were at, he ran down the hallway looking for the room 203.


Finding it to the left of him, Sehun ran to the door and barged into the room. The other members of EXO-M spun around quickly to see who had barged in. Without greeting, Sehun quickly made his way towards the bed which Luhan was lying on and grabbed the smaller man’s hand.


“Luhan hyung…,” Sehun called out softly, “Hyung,” he said again.


Kris got up from his seat and handed it over to Sehun. Sehun sat down and Kris filed everyone else out of the room. “Hyung,” he said once again.


Luhan stirred a bit before opening his eyes to meet someone who he least expected to visit him, “Sehun ah?” he asked.


“Hyung…,” Sehun quietly called out for his name.


“Is this a dream?” the smaller man said.

“What do you mean? This isn’t a dream Luhan hyung,” Sehun told him, “I’m really here…”


Luhan chuckled a bit, “This is a dream…why would Sehun ah be here with me?” he asked, “I want to live in this dream forever,” he added and shut his eyes, “Thank you Sehun ah…,”


The life monitor beeps loudly, “Hyung? Hyung…HYUNG? HYUNG!!!!!!” Sehun screamed. The door opened. Kris, Lay, and Tao ran in to see Sehun shaking Luhan’s body wildly.


“Sehun!” Lay shouted. He ran and pulled Sehun away from Luhan.


“HYUNG!!! HYUNG!!!” Sehun continued to shout. A doctor and nurse came rushing into the room. While the nurse checked the equipments, the doctor checked on Luhan. He took out his small flashlight and opened each of Luhan’s eyes.


“Hyung…,” the room was silent. No one dared to talk. Each member from EXO stood in that room waiting for the doctor to finish his inspection on Luhan. The doctor stuffed the flashlight back into his pocket and sighed.


“What’s going on doctor? Is the patient alright?” EXO-K’s manager asked him.


The doctor looked up at the group of men, “He’s still alive,” he started. Once everyone heard that statement from the doctor, everyone let out a breath of relief, “but,” he added, “the patient is now in a coma.”


“Coma?” EXO-K’s manager asked and the doctor nods, “how long will he be in a coma?”


“That depends on the patient,” he told the manager, “the best is to have someone continue to talk to the patient until the patient decides to come back.”


“Isn’t there anything you guys can do?” Kris asked him and the doctor shook his head.


“We cannot help patients who are in a coma. Being in a coma is like dreaming an endless dream. A dream that the patient do not want to come out of,” he told the taller man, “the only way a patient will come back is if someone who is close to the patient continues to talk to him. If the patient hears the said voice, the patient will come back…I’m sorry,” he added and left the room.



. . . . . . . . . . . . .



A few weeks have passed since Luhan had fallen into a coma. Both EXO groups are back in Korea now with EXO-M continuing their promotions in China without Luhan. EXO-K is also continuing with their promotions in Korea.


It’s a Sunday. All members have the day off. All members are in the apartment together. All members are in the living room watching tv while Sehun is in Luhan’s room sitting beside him. Sehun placed the book he was reading to Luhan down on the small table beside the bed.


“And that was the end hyung, seemed like the princess did get the prince at the end,” he said and chuckled. “Is there anything else you want me to read?” he asked but Luhan didn’t respond back. “I guess I can check in your desk then,” Sehun spoke and walked up to Luhan’s desk.


He opened the big drawer and there sat the diary. Becoming curious, Sehun grabbed the diary and flipped to the first page and read the first story. Slowly, pages by pages, Sehun continued to flip through the pages of Luhan’s diary.


Once he got towards the middle, he flipped a page which caught his attention…


“I’m a fool…aren’t I? A fool to not realize that you loved Kai and never once looked at me…I am a fool for writing down stories that had happened but replaced Kai with me just so that I can live on thinking that you loved me from the start…Sehun ah…”


Sehun slowly closed the book and spun around to face Luhan’s sleeping body. He made his way beside the bed and grabbed Luhan’s hand and placed it against his cheek, then smiled, “I love you…sorry it took me forever to realize it…but…I love you hyung…,” Sehun said. He kissed the back of Luhan’s hand and smiled against it, “I love you hyung…I love you Luhan…I love you,” Sehun repeated.


“I promise…that from now on…nothing will be a fiction between you and I…I promise,” he whispered and removed some hair from Luhan’s forehead.


“So come back to me…Luhan…”

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what-is-this #1
this is awesome :DD
soneinspirit #3
Yes! Pleaseeee make a sequel!
Llama_96 #4
i agree with everyone else...
sequel..please...dont leave us like this T^T
If I don't have a sequel I honestly will die of curiosity! This is such an amazing storyline and well written!(:
SEQUEL! Demands!! Please?! this was amazing...omg
...I DEMAND A SEQUEL. Jkay ;) thank you for this beautiful story! I loved reading it!! Totally amazing. I just want a happy ending though D:
Reminded me of BEAST's song Fiction a lot :) and that's good cuz that is my favorite song <3
Luhan woke up right, he will right! ;-; I feel sorry for Kai too but hur Luhan!!
Debra_Changmin #9
Please have a sequel D:
cassie17 #10
The ending is just so........
I want a SEQUEL!!!