The Call

The Call [one-shot]

They were all sitting at dinner together when Key got the call. Jonghyun was too busy laughing and elbowing Minho in the ribs to notice Key excuse himself to answer his cell phone. He left to take it into their shared bedroom.

The meal continued as per usual, eating, joking, and telling stories. Not to mention Onew nearly spilling his drink all over the table with everyone howling hysterically at his fumbling attempts to stop (to no avail,) the disaster from occurring. Everyone except Key, because Jonghyun pointedly noted that, that loud, obnoxious but honest cackle was missing from their chorus of laughter.

"Where's Key-goon?" Jonghyun pointed his chopsticks toward the empty seat and full bowl of untouched rice. They had finally calmed down enough to continue on in their conversation.

"He got a phone call and went to take it in the bedroom." Onew explained, using the remaining napkins to clean up the water that was spilled mostly on his lap. “Must be important I guess? Probably a family matter?” Key usually didn’t mind answering the phone in front of the rest of them.

"He's been gone for awhile. I'm going to eat his rice if he doesn't come back soon!" Taemin giggled, possibly joking, though he did have that hungry look in his eye while he stared down the abandoned bowl.

"I'll go check on him." Jonghyun set his utensils down, chair scraping against the wood floor as he pushed away from the table.

“Tell him to hurry up!” Minho called after Jonghyun. “We’re going to watch a movie soon.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Jonghyun answered, stepping into their room and closing the door after him.

Key was standing on the opposite side of the bedroom, one hand holding on to the wooden pole of their bunk beds while his other hand was at his side, still clutching his phone tightly. Jonghyun blinked at the sight, rubbing at the back of his neck before speaking.

“Hey, Key? Taemin said he’s going to eat your rice if you don’t come back soon.” The other boy must have been caught off guard because Jonghyun’s voice physically jarred him. He saw Key’s hands twitch, knuckles going white as he squeezed the fingers wrapped around his phone.

Jonghyun stood awkwardly, wondering if Key was possibly irritated? He wasn’t responding, wasn’t moving. “Uh, so who was on the phone?”

There was a long, long pause and just when Jonghyun was sure Kibum wasn’t going to respond he heard his strained voice answer. “My mom.”

“Oh.” Was all Jonghyun could stupidly answer, shifting his weight from foot to foot in an attempt to his mind occupied. “Everything okay?”

There was another awkwardly long pause before the other boy answered meekly. “No...”

Finally, Jonghyun stepped closer to Kibum, noticing the dark-haired boy’s body was trembling, knees looking as if they were ready to give way at any moment. Jonghyun’s eyes widened and brows knitted together in concern. He took Key’s shoulder in his hand, turning the boy around.

Key’s bottom lip was caught between his teeth, eyes filled to the brim with tears that were already streaking down his face. A wave of complete and utter heartache washed over Jonghyun as instinctively he gathered a shuddering Kibum up in his arms.

“Oh . Kibum, what happened?” Jonghyun could feel the taller boy’s chest heaving erratically against his own. His whole body was tense and his hands were gripping so tightly onto the front of Jonghyun’s shirt that they were shaking. Jonghyun felt his heart racing, his own breath coming in shorter and shorter pants as worry and panic spread through his system. Offhandedly, he noticed Key had dropped his cell phone on the ground. It laid face-first on the floor. If this were any other situation, he would have never let his precious phone fall, let alone be left on the ground.

He rubbed his palms flat against Key’s back in an attempt to sooth and coax and answer out of him. Eventually, Key swallowed with difficulty leaning back enough to look at Jonghyun with an expression that was nothing short of pitiful. “M-my grandmother...” was all he offered.

“, . Did she, um? Is she...?” What a stupid half-formed question. He already knew the answer, there had been no reason to even ask. Jonghyun mentally kicked himself for it as Key choked out a pathetic sob, shaking his head and pressing his face into Jonghyun’s neck.

“I’m sorry. God, Kibum, I’m so sorry.” It was a feeble attempt, but it was all Jonghyun could muster. Words were failing him in the most spectacular way. They stumbled backwards as Key couldn’t keep himself upright any longer, and they landed onto Minho’s bed.

“Kibum...” Jonghyun was trying to shift so that their limbs weren’t so awkwardly tangled together. Key dislodged himself only to crawl on top of Jonghyun, who was sitting up, and wrapped his legs and arms around the other’s form as tightly as he could. He was clinging, hanging on as if for dear life.

Jonghyun had seen Key cry countless times: When things got too rough. When they were overworked and overtired. When they were stressed and nothing was going right.

He had cried alongside Key on many of these occasions as well, letting out pent up frustrations and emotions. Honestly, they all had shed their fair share of tears over the years but never, not once, had Jonghyun seen Kibum so vulnerable, so delicate, and seemingly so close to simply falling apart in his arms. His heart wrenched, breath catching in his throat with the familiar sting of fighting back his tears. He wouldn’t let them fall though. He couldn’t cry, for Kibum’s sake, he let himself couldn’t cry. He had to be the strong one for once.

“Shhhh.” He cooed, fingers slipping into the back of Key’s dark hair, pulling slightly at the strands as he rocked their bodies back and forth. “Shh, Kibum, I’m here. It’s okay.”

“She practically raised me... She, she did everything for me growing up and I...” Key paused, taking in a shaky breath. “I took her for granted, I was such a ing brat and now it’s too late. I can’t even apologize.” The younger boy’s cheek was pressed flush up against Jonghyun’s. Key’s skin was warm and wet with tears against his own. Jonghyun had to squeeze his eyes shut to keep his tears from falling.

“You have nothing to apologize for. She knew you loved her, Kibum. Don’t ever think otherwise.” Jonghyun was surprised at the steadiness of his own voice. He willed himself to be calm; he had to be Kibum’s rock.

With difficulty, Jonghyun leaned their bodies to the side, unceremoniously pulling Kibum down with him to lay him against the mattress. Key unwrapped his legs, but kept his arms tightly wound around Jonghyun. He touched their foreheads together, nose to nose while he brought his hands around to hold the other boy’s face in his palms affectionately. “I’m gonna go tell them you’re not feeling well, okay? Just relax.”

“I’ll be back in a few.” Jonghyun pulled away and Key looked completely stricken, eyes wide. Panicking and grabbing fistfulls of Jonghyun’s shirt, Key dragged him back, burying his face in the other boy’s chest. “Please don’t go.” His voice was muffled against Jonghyun.

With a sigh, Jonghyun pressed back down into the mattress.

“Hold me.” Key’s voice was quiet but Jonghyun obliged, arms encircling and holding the other boy protectively while he laid them back down. They remained in silence for some time, and after what felt like hours, Key’s sobbing finally dissipated and his breathing began to even out.

Jonghyun whispered gentle comforts to him, his hair, his neck, his back, or his arms the entire time. Somewhere in the process, Jonghyun shut his eyes. He felt emotionally exhausted, he couldn’t even begin to imagine how Kibum felt. So, like that, curled together and desperately clinging, they fell asleep.


Jonghyun’s temples ached. He tried to roll onto his side but noticed a weight pressing down on him. He cracked an eye open to see a head of dark and colourful hair laying against his chest. Presumably, Key didn’t want to let go of Jonghyun, even in their sleep.

It was dark in the room now. The only light visible was a small patch on the floor, streaming in through the semi-drawn curtains. It must have been morning, but early, Jonghyun had no idea what time they had even fallen asleep.

Craning his neck, he noticed Onew asleep next to him in the middle bed and from what he could see, Minho had taken up occupancy with Taemin on his mattress. Most likely because he and Kibum had stolen the younger boy’s bed.

Key stirred, groaning as he awoke. He looked groggy with his face scrunched up. Jonghyun’s hands were on Key’s waist as the younger boy halfway sat up to stretch, arching his back like a cat. He laid back down on his side next to Jonghyun, and the older turned over to face Kibum.

“Morning.” Jonghyun’s voice was quiet, as to not disturb their sleeping bandmates. He offered a smile as well. Key weakly returned it.

“Feeling any better?” Jonghyun squeezed his sides.

Key frowned at this, thinking for a moment and answering. “A bit, I guess. I’m hungry though.” He had gone to sleep without eating dinner. Jonghyun let out a breath of relief he didn’t even know he was holding. If anything, at least Key’s mood had lifted.

“Well, if you want to stay in bed, I’ll get up and make you something?” Unconsciously, he was giving Key the expectant puppy face.

“That’s sweet, Jonghyun. But we both know you can’t cook for . You’re completely useless in the kitchen.” Ah, he was smiling again, biting his lip in an attempt to hide it.

“Not useless...”  The elder grumbled while he pouted, pinching Key’s side. “I can heat up leftovers at least.”

“Can’t we go back to sleep? I mean, it’s probably like 5 in the morning and I don’t feel like functioning just yet.” Kibum’s intentions were obvious as he settled next to Jonghyun, slinging a leg over the other boy’s hip and circled arms around his neck. Jonghyun just held him without question, allowing his eyes to close again.


As Jonghyun fell asleep he almost missed the soft, but meaningful, “Thank you.” That Key whispered against his pillow.

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Chapter 1: This was so sweet and I really enjoyed reading it. Lucky Key having Jonghyun by his side!
shawol-elf-elf #2
its nice havent such story
phiiee #3
Hhmmh <3
I love this.
The part where Key was crying and breaking down was really sad. Thank goodness Jjongie was there to check up on him.
Love this story!
Aw, i feel like indulging myself in fluff. This was cute <3
imsocuriousyeah #5
so cuuute <3