Stop Taemin from crying

Ontokki likes banana milk

"Look guys, a fan gave me a pet." I walked inside our dorm excited to show this white little bunny I am holding on my chest.

"Omo hyung, it’s so cute." Taemin came rushing and took the bunny from me.

"Yah, take care not to let him fall." I ordered but the younger aren’t listening because he was already running to the living with the bunny to show other members.

"Fits you well, hyung." Kibum grinned. "You really look a like your pet." He chuckled.

"No I’m not!" I protested pouting. All of them laughed crazily.


"He's so cute, hyung. What shall we call him? Do you have a name already?" Taemin asked patting the bunny's head.

"I don’t know yet, Minnie. Can you decide?" I told him.

"Why not Ontokki?" he chuckled.

"Uhm...not bad." I smiled.


"Hey Taemin what are you feeding Ontokki?" I asked him when I saw him giving the bunny some kind of drink.

"Are you feeding him banana milk." I asked surprised when I saw the label of the drink. Taemin smirked.

"I’m sure he will love it, hyung. Nobody denies the sweet taste of banana milk." He smiled innocently I couldn’t help but chuckle.

"Minnie, bunnies only eat carrots." I said. He pouted.

"But you like banana milk, Minho-hyung and Jonghyun-hyung liked it too. Even Key-umma love the taste of my banana milk." He protested. I smiled at him and gave him a hug.

"Of course minnie. Banana milk is for humans to drink. Bunnies like different kind of food.” I explained.

Taemin looked at the bunny who is not touching the drink he put on its plate. He started to cry. Onew started to worry.

“Minnie are you okay? Don’t be sad it’s just a bunny.” I hugged him tightly, he didn’t stop crying. I’m a bit worried he crying continuously I felt I need to do something.

“Minnie I forgot to tell you Key is calling you.” He didn’t say a thing, he just continue sniffing on his way to where Key is. When he left the room I drank all the banana milk he put on Ontokki’s plate to make him think the bunny drank it all.

When he return his eyes went wide and started to smile big. I pretended I didn’t see a thing I just looked at my book and lay on the bed.

“Look hyung, Ontokki drank it all.” Taemin shouted happily.

“What?!” I acted innocently.

“The banana milk, Ontokki drank it all.” He was jumping for joy I can’t help but smile at him.

“Really?! That’s nice. So Ontokki likes banana milk too.” I jumped with him. He hugged the bunny.

“I knew you would like banana milk, it’s the best drink in the world.” He smiled patting the bunnies head. I giggled on him not knowing the truth.

“From now on, I’ll give you banana milk morning afternoon and evening. Maybe I should give you on snack time too. I know like that don’t you.” He said happily. I sighed.

I guess I will have to endure drinking banana milk from today.

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Chapter 1: LOL. So Cute!
Onew drinking it so Tae won't be sad :3
awwww this is so cute =3 everything for Taemin's smile xD but well I would do everything for him too xD
"Fits you well, hyung." Kibum grinned. "You really look a like your pet." He chuckled.
lol, kibum ! XDDD

this is too cute ! taemin is super duper cute. gosh, i want a dongsaeng like him ^^
lol Tae, so cute, and Onew that was the sweetest thing ever; it would be really funny to do a sequel where Tae knew it was really Onew that drank it, but wanted to see how much and how many times he could get Onew to drink it, and pretend that it was the bunny, if he pretended that he thought it was the bunny who drank it, lol; how far would Onew go to make Taemin smile? hehe. ;-D
phiiee #5
This is so cute!
The part where Taemin said he'll feed Ontokki banana milk more often made me go "LOL JINKI"
Somehow I can totally picture Papa Jinki, Mama Taemin and Baby Ontokki as a happy family. Lol
omoooooooo it's cute ><

ontokki? kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh directly i was imagining that bunny look like onew kekeke ><

aigooo taeminnie, wish you know that onew drank all the banana milk you put on Ontokki’s plate to make you think the bunny drank it all. lol this is really cute. i can't stop giggling XDD

ah onew, you're really a good hyung, i love you kekekek ;p