
Her Heart Is The Key

Chapter 3 – Soda

“That’s kinda cruel, hyung. Hyeri did nothing to you…” Junsu reasoned

“Well… I guess she’s just…” Jaejoong smirked. “Unlucky.”


The next day


Hyeri was sitting in class, she looked to her right and found Donghae was reading his Naruto comic books and she was, again, being ignored by him

She puffed her cheeks and looked away

Then suddenly Donghae closed his book and looked at her. “Hyeri,” he called

She looked back with a smile. “Yeah?”

“I’m going out to grab a drink. You want something?” he asked

‘He’s not even asking me to come along with him.’ She thought

She faked a smile and replied, “A can of soda.”

“Ok. I’ll be back soon,” he said and left the class

“Ok. I’ll be back soon,” she imitated his voice in annoyance


A couple of minutes later, Yonghwa came into the class with a can of soda in his hand

He walked to Hyeri’s desk and put the soda on her table

“Donghae told me to give you this,” Yonghwa said

She narrowed her eyes at him. “And may I ask where Donghae is?”

“A teacher suddenly called him to run some… errands.”

She rolled your eyes. “He ran off to buy new comic books, didn’t he?” she crossed her arms

Yonghwa lightly chuckled. “Am I really that obvious?”

Hyeri sighed. “Unfortunately, yes.”

He smiled sheepishly. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay. You can go. And if you see Donghae, can you please send a message from me?” she asked

“Sure. What is it?”

She got up and kicked his leg hard. “That.”

Yonghwa yelped in pain. “Well, that hurt!” he yelled while holding his injured leg and jumping around on his good leg

“Please be sure to send that message. Thank you,” she said with a smile then sat down again and crossed her arms

"Aish..." Then Yonghwa left while limping


Jaejoong and the others had been watching the scene the whole time from the other side of the class

“Looks like I should get to work now,” Jaejoong said with a smirk on his face

“Now?” Yoochun asked

“No. I think I’ll wait until graduation.” Jaejoong said sarcastically and left the group

Jaejoong made his way to Hyeri’s desk. He took the chair in front of her, spun it around and sat on it

Hyeri looked up. “What?”

Jaejoong gave her a wide smile. “Nothing.”

“Then why are you sitting there?”

“Is this chair yours?”

“Well, no. But-“

“Then I can sit here, right?”

Hyeri rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”

“Well, I guess Donghae’s been ignoring you, huh?” Jaejoong started

“It’s none of your business. Who are you anyway?”

“Kim Jaejoong. And you’re Lee Hyeri, right?” he gave his hand for her to shake

She shook his hand. “Yeah.”

“Back to the topic. What’s wrong with you and Donghae?” he asked

“Nothing’s wrong.”

“Looks like he hasn’t been such a good boyfriend to you…”

“And how would you know about that?”

“Well, a good boyfriend wouldn’t have let his girlfriend alone in class to buy comic books.”

She shot up. “How did you-!”

He chuckled in amusement. “Please. I have talents you don’t know about.”

Hyeri sat back on her chair and crossed her arms again. “This wasn’t the first time so…” she sighed.  “Why are you concerned anyway?” she asked in suspicion

“I’m not concerned. I just don’t like watching girls not being treated the way they should be.” He gave her a smile

“And I suppose you know how to treat a girl the right way?” she asked sarcastically

“I’m just saying.”

You leaned forward and took the can of soda. “So what are you suggesting? Break up with him?”

“No. I’m suggesting that you should be patient. He’ll come around.”

She sat back on her chair. “Huh… I thought you’d say that I should break up with him and be with you instead.” She raised an eyebrow. “I guess I was wrong.”

“I’m not a bad guy here. If you need anything, just ask me.”

She smiled at him. “Thanks.”

“No problem.” Jaejoong smiled back

“I think I’m going to go find Yonghwa and apologize to him.” Hyeri got up of her seat. “Here, this is my token of appreciation to you.” She gave him the can of soda

He looked at the can. “Thanks.”

Then Hyeri left

A smirk spread on Jaejoong’s face. ‘This is gonna be easier than I thought…’

He opened the can of soda and suddenly the soda burst out of the can, splashing Jaejoong’s face with red liquid

Jaejoong was in shock. He turned around and found that Hyeri was standing by the door. She smiled at him and waved. Then she finally left

Jaejoong was still looking at spot she was at in disbelief. “That… ,” he muttered as he turned his head around

Then the rest of DBSK came and surrounded him

They looked at the state Jaejoong was in and they all couldn't help but to burst laughing. His face and hair was drenched and his shirt was covered in red soda. But what made them laugh so hard was the shocked expression he had on his face

“Told you she was hard to get, hyung,” Junsu said while laughing

Jaejoong clenched his fists. “I’m gonna get her. It’s just a matter of time before she comes running to me. Don’t you worry… She will be mine,” Jaejoong said with determination flaring in his eyes


Hyeri walked away from the class while laughing

Then she stopped and turned her head and saw Jaejoong being surrounded by the guys

You think I’d fall for that cheap- trick, Kim Jaejoong? Get on my good side then steal me away from Donghae?’ she scoffed

‘Please. Don’t think you’re the only player that can play this game.’



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Chapter 4: another great story is brewing. I just read your story painful love and I can already tell that this fic would also be as good or even better..=) update soon..=)
Chapter 4: update soon author nim. :)
Chapter 4: new reader & subscriber :) just found this story of yours & I like it! Jaejoong's plan is really bad since Hyeri has nothing to do with their fight but still as he say she's the tool to get revenge so I'm hoping to make him fall first so that he will realize that it's bad to get revenge using that way. update soon :)
shinning4ever #4
update soon...we will wait for you..hehe..get jaejoong to fall inlove with her first..hehe
you do like the name hyeri, don't you? hehe~
HelloHello~Shining Unicorn *O*

❤‿❤ OH~HOHOHO.You decribed JaeJoong so well.He sounds so flippin' smexyy.MHMMMPH ;))) But...he is so cruel XDD Poor Hyeri...NO,,,,never mind she LUCKYY.She gets to fall in love with the Mr.Kim JaeJoong o(╥﹏╥)o
Kyahhh~!!!!Changmin && Junsu are SHOOO' KYUTEEEE._____.;; I love Junsu's dolphin Squeal.OMO.JaeJoong I will buy you more cookies ;))

AND I reallly like the story even if it's only on Chapter 2~!!!!!
Hahaha...I wonder what Donghae did to JaeJoonggg~~!!!*GASP* ⊙︿⊙

UPDATE SOON Pretty Please!!!!\(^ω^\)

( I hope there is a happy ending~..... XDDD)
mackykim #7
Subscribed! I can't picture our Fish as a bad guy. =s I hope the "bad things" that he did to Jaejoong before were not that horrible. You know, they could be just some shallow children fights. Oh well, I'll just anticipate the next update. :D
glamfab #8
i hope this will be a happy ending lol. and no annoying 3rd party
18kalin #9
@dawnxiamara your are right you can never go wrong if jaejoong is the lead hero... hehehe update please..
dawnxiamara #10
You can't go wrong with Jaejoong as the lead hero...