A Wary Conversation

Only You

Kris glanced around furtively as he took a seat in front of Tao, who was smiling smugly. 

A waitress approached them. Tao ordered immediately without looking up, “Two ceylon teas please. Sugar and milk on the side.”

The waitress nodded and retreated, jotting down the order on a notepad.

Kris sighed and eyed Tao tiredly. “So, what’s this-,” he gestured around them, “-all about?” 

Tao reached across the table and grasped Kris’s hands earnestly, “I cannot speak until I have my tea.” 

And so the two sat there in silence -not of two people who had nothing to say without sounding awkward, but of two people who had plenty to share, but chose not to.

A couple minutes later, the waitress carefully laid down the tray of teacups, set down the jug of milk, and deposited a little tub of sugar to the table -which Tao eyed greedily.

Shrugging, Kris took his cup and drained it wholly. Tao shot him a disgusted look, then proceeded to dump spoonfuls of milk and sugar into his tea, stirring it thoroughly before tasting it, making a face, then adding even more sugar.

Kris watched him through the entire process, calmly and patiently. He knew from years of experience with Tao that rushing would only upset him, and would make the whole ordeal go by even slower.

When Tao finally sipped his tea with a satisfied look on his face, Kris probed him further.

“So, why again are we here? In a place like this of all places,” Kris gestured annoyedly around at the cute cafe, with its smiling teacups and clear, lace-curtained windows and soft lights and wait staff that smiled at him every time he watched them go by the table.

“Shall I get straight to the point then?” Tao asks between dainty sips, a smile playing on his lips.

“You shall,” Kris grins.

“Moving on is a part of life.”

The smile is wiped off Kris’ face. “What?”

“The circle of life, of course, is birth, death, and rebirth,” Tao says calmly as Kris stares at him in horror.  

“I think you should move on, Kris,” Tao adds gently.

“Move on - from Krystal?!” Kris gapes at Tao, astonished. “Aren’t you the one who wanted me to love Krystal forever? Or whatever you said! You were so concerned as long as I didn’t love you!”

Tao sighed deeply. “Lower your voice, Kris. We are not the only occupants in this vicinity.”

Kris nodded quickly, looking guilty.

“Moving on is something we will all have to do one day. I just think that you should spend the rest of your days, not in self-pity, but in self-bliss. Spiritual or not.”

Kris continued to stare at Tao, who hastily added, “Go out into the world and have fun, Kris. Don’t look back or you’ll fall.”

Kris shifted his sight to the empty dregs in his tea cup, as if seriously contemplating whether he should drown himself in them or not.

“Oh by the way,” Tao adds casually, “They are getting closer. Everyday. I can’t ward them off much longer.”

“Tao, I don’t want you getting hurt for -“

“It is not a problem. It brings me peace to take care of your well-being.” Tao handed the oncoming waitress a couple of bills and quickly waved her away.

“Yeah, but-,” Kris looked troubled.

“Also be aware that the day you go back, they will know. They will be watching. Take the girl if you must; she will almost definitely be targeted. I will do what I can.”

“Tao, I’m not going back.”

Tao half-rose from his chair, eyeing Kris with an indecipherable look in his eye. “You do not know of which I do.”

And their conversation ended on that suspicious note.


oooh epic~ what are they talking about? we'll find out one day...

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Final chapter posted! Thank you everyone for hanging in there, and subscribe to the sequel, where all is revealed!


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Chapter 7: I'm surprise. the character's name is my username ?
14 streak #2
Chapter 58: The beginning of the story was very exciting to read. However, towards the end, where in some chapters, there were only dialogues, it got confusing. It took a moment to figure out who was talking.
Flashhhh #3
Chapter 4: Wah, this story was really nice. Keep writing more interesting stories, author님! 파이팅!!,
But this story is awesome
Omg I'm pretty!!!! It's my first time being .called pretty. *sobs*
cutegal #6
Chapter 4: Awesom story....loved it :)
ReinaPark #7
Chapter 58: great story.. well done~
CheCheBingEr #8
Chapter 5: It's great but how come my username is in it not that I'm complaining. But how do you do it. And thank you authornim for making part of it
kpopaddictlover #9
Chapter 5: ok i commented......but why does my username always become the name of the main character of fanfic,is it just coincidentially that i typed that name or what?cause one time i read an angst fanfi then the main,which has the name kpopaddictlover,died and i feel like im the one who really died hahaha
beibylovely #10
i love u made me the part of the story kekeke~ love it so much ;)