The Truth Behind the Armor (/The Panda's Feels)

Only You


“Damn, damn, damn,” you chant, walking down the school hallway. “What - is - my - life?”

You stop to hit your head against a nearby locker, emphasizing each word you say with a bang, ignoring the onlookers and scattering the sophomores standing nearby. Scowling at the locker, you rub your head, and walk straight into Jinyoung’s comforting hug.

“Wow, who had Angry-O’s for breakfast today?”


Late after school…


Every time you turn to look, he’s not there. But you can feel the aura of an evil glare across the room at you. Feeling uneasy, you shift in your chair -making it squeak loudly- and glue your eyes to your page.

After school is over, you head downstairs to your locker to put away your books. Feeling an unsettling presence in the area, your eyes circle around you once, and then a second time. You don’t see anyone.

You pull your jacket out of your locker and slam the door to make sure it closes properly. Just as you’re resetting the lock, you see a flash of black in the corner of your eye. You whip around and your breath hitches in your throat for a moment as a figure appears in front of you.

Your brain registers it as Tao and your breathing returns to normal.

“Tao, what- if this is about Kris, I-!”

“It is about Kris,” Tao interrupts.

You struggle internally for a moment, not wanting to take crap from Tao, but wondering if it was anything important.

You eye him fiercely, “Speak.”

“Stay away from him,” Tao says as soon as your single-syllabled word sounds. 

You roll your eyes. “Tao, I’m not going to put up with this anymore.”

“He is not what you think he is.”

“Yeah, I kn-…what?”

“He is not what you think he is. He is dangerous. He is too much for you to handle. Stay away from him.”

You smirk. “Oh, so now you’re going for the ‘It’s for your own good’ approach? Sorry, Tao. It’s a bit late for that.”

“I am serious!” He protests, “I will not divulge master’s secrets, but know that he is unpredictable. Anything can happen at anytime. I cannot say ‘You must be ready’, because you cannot be ready. You will never be ready enough.”

“Master? Tao, stop speaking in riddles and tell me what’s going on,” You say impatiently.

Ignoring you, Tao his head. After a long moment, he says cutely, “I think it’s raining.”

Your eyes widen for a second, your brain turning to mere mush. All thoughts of Tao being remotely scary vanish. 

Come, let me hug you!” You want to scream.

Tao looks back at you, -mode back on. “What?” He says irritatedly.

“What?” You ask innocently.

“You said you wanted to-… never mind.” Tao shakes his head at you. 

He looks away, suddenly launching himself into a rant. “It is just-…Kris is too unpredictable. He is too much for someone like you to handle. But I do not understand. Why you? I was the one who was always there for him. Must he really discriminate?” His voice breaks, but he continues. “I was the one by his side when he was going through troubling times. And yet, now I am the one who he pushes aside easily. I am the one who was the most dispensable.” Tao blinks twice quickly.

You peer closely at him. “Tao…” You say slowly. “Are you crying?” 

Tao blinks again. “No.” He says abruptly.

There’s silence. Then…

“Why not me?” He sniffs.

“Why not you…what?” You ask, utterly confused.

“Why was it you?” Tao lashes out, and you flinch, waiting for the strike. He doesn’t touch you, instead punching the locker next to yours. A loud bang resounds around the empty room. 

I loved him the most, why should someone like *you* be the one to receive his affections?!” Tao cries, his entire body quivering.

Your eyes widen. Tao loved Kris

“Tao…are you…by any chance…erm,” you start, unsure how to ask.

Tao throws you a dirty look. “Yes, I’m gay.” 

You nod silently. There goes another.

“But why?! What do you have that I do not? You have yet to show him nearly as much love as I have, for these past -how many years was it?- countless years! So why?” Tao’s emotions go from angry to heartbroken. He slams his body against the locker, sliding to the floor.

You see a fat tear fall from his eyes, splashing onto the ground. Then another, and another, until Tao is blinking madly and furiously wiping at his face.

“I…loved him so much…” He whispers in a trembling voice. “But…he forgot about me.” His long arms wrap around his legs, hugging them to his body.

Alarmed, you try to move away for a second. Then you realize the boy needed some support at the moment. 

Motherly-instinct taking over, you sit down on your knees, wrapping your arms around Tao’s muscular body. He sniffles into your shoulder. Rubbing your hand in circles across his back, you ask, “Tao…is everything alright? Are you okay?”

Tao stiffens at the sound of your voice. He pushes you away, wiping away the remainder of his tears with the back of his hand.

“I-I am fine. It is only because of the rain.” He mutters.

“But we didn’t even go outside yet. It might not even be r-“

Tao glares at you. “It is because of the rain.”



As you head outside, you sigh in resignation and pull an umbrella over your head. It was raining.


Yeah, uhhhhh, can't help my OTP feels...

Okay, soooo sorry (again :S) about the lack of updates this past week, but yeah. Have yet to get back my laptop...hate updating on tablets, can't on a phone, etc. etc. Also AFF's maintenance has kinda screwed me over...(excuses, excuses....)

Aaaand since I might not update for another week, here's another double update....

Comments = Love!

[btw, thanks to Capitalize (yet again :D) for the wonnderfulll story...poster...thing. idk wats it called but its purrrdy :3]

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Final chapter posted! Thank you everyone for hanging in there, and subscribe to the sequel, where all is revealed!


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Chapter 7: I'm surprise. the character's name is my username ?
14 streak #2
Chapter 58: The beginning of the story was very exciting to read. However, towards the end, where in some chapters, there were only dialogues, it got confusing. It took a moment to figure out who was talking.
Flashhhh #3
Chapter 4: Wah, this story was really nice. Keep writing more interesting stories, author님! 파이팅!!,
But this story is awesome
Omg I'm pretty!!!! It's my first time being .called pretty. *sobs*
cutegal #6
Chapter 4: Awesom story....loved it :)
ReinaPark #7
Chapter 58: great story.. well done~
CheCheBingEr #8
Chapter 5: It's great but how come my username is in it not that I'm complaining. But how do you do it. And thank you authornim for making part of it
kpopaddictlover #9
Chapter 5: ok i commented......but why does my username always become the name of the main character of fanfic,is it just coincidentially that i typed that name or what?cause one time i read an angst fanfi then the main,which has the name kpopaddictlover,died and i feel like im the one who really died hahaha
beibylovely #10
i love u made me the part of the story kekeke~ love it so much ;)