Illogical Fear of Spiders Pt 1

Illogical Fear of ...

 “AHHH!” Minho screamed as he shot up in bed. He had another dream, about them. He hated feeling this way around his group mates. He was constantly frightened whenever he saw one of them. He ran one of his hands through his hair; “I’ve got to get over this” he told himself as he lay back down. Sleep came hard and agonizingly slow as he felt the legs crawling over him throughout the night.

                The next day everyone had their own duties and schedules. Taemin was to meet with the choreographer about the new dance for their new video. Key went out food shopping for the dorm so no one would resort to cannibalism. Key is known as the umma of the house as he is constantly the one going food and clothes shopping for the group. Jonghyun was visiting with the writers of the songs to throw out ideas the group had come up with, and Onew the leader of the group, is required to go to important meetings with their company. As for Minho, he was required by Onew to stay at the dorm and catch up on some sleep, maybe pick up around the house a little bit. Onew is the only one in the group to know of Minho’s night terrors. He has stayed up many nights comforting the younger member to sleep late into the night. Minho is still too embarrassed to tell what his real fear is to the leader, so its constant stories of murder and horror blamed by the movies Taemin and he watch late at night. Onew had never believed him because of the hesitation in Minho’s voice, but he never pushes. He just lets the frightened rapper lay in his arms until Minho’s light snoring is heard.

Minho had thought back to yesterday when no one came to him during the night. He wasn’t selfish with attention; he just wanted someone in the same room at least when he woke during the night. Minho decided that was enough brooding as he flipped the TV on to some random Korean drama about love and loss. Someone was cheating on the other and another was seeing another behind someone else’s back. Minho laughed as he thought to how he had reminded himself to stop watching these. As he laid on the couch watching the emotional mess on TV he felt his self drifting away into a hopefully good nap.

                Minho woke up peacefully, something that doesn’t seem to come easily lately. He sat up and stretched his arms above his head and sighed, his muscles sighing with him in relief with him. “That was a great na…” His eyes grew to the size of saucers when he saw the quarter sized spider crawling up his leg. “Sp-sp-SPIDER!” The groups Flaming Charisma member, the deep voiced rapper of the group, mister tough guy, was scared of spiders.  Minho screamed as he kicked his leg the little intruder was crawling on. Minho looked around and when the spider was nowhere in sight. “Thank goodness” Minho sighed to himself as he stood up and started walking to his room. Little did he know that the intruder had been flung up and onto his head, the weight of the spider and the natural fluffiness of his hair keeping him from detecting the tiny arachnid.

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TaeminOppa16 #1
Chapter 2: HAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHA Oh Minho ur sooooooooooooooo funny! I was cracking up while i was reading this...The spider only looked back at him as if to say "I dont understand you fool..."..."Well, how about Brendon? You look like a Brendon, or a Ryan...are you even listining to me Brendon?!" lol! Update soon Author-nim! Hwaiting!
Chapter 1: LOL that was soo funny......I did not expect that ending. Great story :)