the afternoon

When You Least Expect It


When you show up at Baekhyun's house about half an hour later, he's already in his favorite black sweatpants and some dryed seaweed dangles from between his lips. The moment he recognizes you he covers his mouth to slurp it in and chews it carefully before he swallows it down. „Sorry“, he mumbles in between his chewing, „I didn't expect you until 5:30.“ You shake your head and refuse his I'm-sorry's as he steps aside to let you in. You point at his mouth as you walk past him. „I thought we were going to eat together?“, you remind him, slipping out of your shoes to put them to the others that Baekhyun's family owns. He closes the door behind you and takes a pack of seaweed from the shelf he put it on when you rang the doorbell, laughing. She shakes it and you turn around in anticipation, feeling your stomach cramp at the pure sight of it. You're both starving and excited so eating seems like a good way to calm yourself. Plus, when Baekhyun walks past you, you can clearly smell his familiar scent. No seaweed in the world could beat that.


You politely greet his parents that are sitting in the living room watching TV as you follow your friend to his room. You always admire their calmness at a girl frequently taking residence in their son's bedroom, but when the fact that your innocent friendship doesn't give them anything to worry about crosses your mind, you almost feel like laughing. Yep, you must be the perfect girl friend in their eyes. Nothing ever happens.


You enter Baekhyun's room as casually as usual, setting down your school bag next to his bed which is conquered by you the next minute. You stretch out your weary legs and rest your head back against the wall behind you. Baekhyun closes the door, then throws himself on his bed next to you, comfortly leaning against the wall. You look down at him and once again, your mind seems to notice everything. The sparkle in his eyes that he always has, even when he's tired, the line of his mouth, the way his dark hair messily covers his forehead and the little glimpse of skin above the hem of his sweatpants, revealed by his crumpled up shirt. At first he's busy shoving some pillows to the side so they don't take up too much space, but when he notices your gazing at him, he laughs – which instantly reminds you of his singing voice now that you know it. „Hey, I cleaned my room“, he says, „that's want you want to stare at. Not me.“ He grimaces to scare you off playfully and you really take a moment to look around. He really did tidy up every corner in his room so that no hints of the previous chaos are left.


You look at him indifferently but your eyes propably give you away. „I don't know, Baek“, you joke around and he pouts, his lips still slightly curled up. „The tidiness is too good to be true.“ You lean your head back against the wall and look at him with your eyebrows raised and he pouts a little more. You can imagine that he just stuffed everything inside his cupboard to get the tidying done faster, and your eyes scan the room to find his largest drawer, curiously focusing on its drawers. You get up from the bed in one swift movement so he isn't able to stop you beforehand and make your way over, pretending to look for something to tell you where he put everything – and then you stop right before said cupboard. „Mind if I check?“, you ask, looking at Baekhyun over your shoulder, and then you open one of the drawers in one movement.


But before you can actually see anything, Baekhyun has quickly made his way over to you, holding your arms hostage from behind so you're practically hugging. The drawer falls back into its starting position and by that forbids you to have a look inside - but the position Baekhyun put you in makes your mind blur. „Actually yes, I mind!“, he says, slightly out of breath from his sudden action. You blink nervously while you feel your entire body heaten up from the touch of his body pressed against your backside. You breathe out heavily through your nose, trying hard to distract him from your trembling knees, and stretch out all your fingers as a gesture of surrender. What else could you do in this situation? You're about to give yourself away as the warmth of his body slowly seems to flow into you, his breath on the exposed crook of your neck. But neither of you moves.


He's the first one to actually twitch a few moments later. The second he lets go of your arms you feel as if you're about to lose your balance so you pull yourself together with all your might and turn around to face him smiling like nothing happened. He takes a step back towards the bed and you follow him, keeping a strange distance, but let yourself sink onto the matress anyway, trying to get comfortable again. Only this time Baekhyun doesn't seem to do the same. He's not leaning against the wall anymore but sits up straight, his legs comfortably crossed but his eyes tell you something different. You slightly tilt your head to one side as he opens his mouth. „Yeah, the drawer might be full of stuff“, he admits with a smile on his face but it seems self-concious all of a sudden. You tell yourself not to frown at the way his lips are curled. His sudden insecure looks make you insecure yourself. „You don't say!“, you try to keep up the previous relaxed atmosphere but your efforts don't seem to have any result.


Baekhyun's sigh is almost inaudible but you feel it pierce through your skin. „I think there's something more important that you need to find out about“, he says slowly and you feel like getting up from his bed and making your way straight out of his house. The music sheets that you've been carrying around with you since you left the secretary's office suddenly attract your mind's attention, but you feel like this isn't the thing he wants to talk about right now. Or at least that's what your heart tells you even though your brains clearly says different. You gulp when you look into his eyes that are set on you – and then, out of nowhere, you yawn. It's a broken yawn because your heart is in your mouth and it's obviously fake. Baekhyun blinks at you in confusion and you remind yourself to cover your mouth with your hand as if the yawn had been an accident. „Sorry“, you apologize, giving your best to sleepy. You don't know if that's the right way to avoid awkward conversations but it was the first you were able to think of. „Go ahead.“


Ah.“ Baekhyun runs his hand over the back of his head, curling his fingers up in his darkbrown hair and you have to keep yourself from staring at his every move. „I'm sorry, I totally forgot that we both had kind of a long day... I guess I could tell you later.“ You nod sleepily and lean the side of your head against the wall. He doesn't seem to be satisfied with his own decision, you swear you can see the words he was going to say drip from between his lips while he tries to keep them in, sparing them for a better moment. You know exactly that there isn't going to be any moment better than the one that just passed, but you're too afraid of what he could say. If he revealed his piano lessons to you, you would have to confess that you already knew about them. If he revealed something else you can't even imagine what you would have said.


You both keep silent for a moment, not knowing what to say in between all the words that you leave unspoken. Since your bodies touched there is something hanging in the air, something that you cannot name but that is clouding your mind, increasing your need to be with him even more. But there's no way you're going to tell him. Not now.


You turn your head when he stretches out his arm to reach for two of the DVDs laying on the small cupboard next to his bed. When he shows them to you, you can still see a glimpse of insecurity in his dark brown eyes and you're wondering what he thinks. But no matter what it is – the way he hugged you, the way he is now looking at you, nothing is going to stop you from succeeding in what you have planned. So you smile at him, relieved that he joins you a moment later.


'Poseidon' or 'Fame'?“

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Since love-ya made all these awesome posters, I decided to feature the sequel in this story. So from chapter 13 onwards, it's going to be the sequel C:


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razberri_100802 #1
Chapter 12: That was nice
AishteruKrisWu #2
Chapter 12: Sequel please.... Jebal, author-nim!! Bbuing bbuing~ ahh just kidding, i hope u make a sequel ~^_^~
Chapter 12: sequel please.. :)
Chapter 12: I need the sequel! Please please please
Hyunniee #5
Yes! Yes!
Please do make one ^_^
onnonono #7
lululemon_lover24 #8
I would love to read a sequel~
carebearassassin #9
Now, you know I'm rooting for a sequel. :D
kyumila #10
pleeease~ ^^