Angel of Music

Guardian Angel [TWOSHOT]

I woke up the next day with a pounding headache. Hangover. What made it worse was the bright lights shining right in my eyes and the long and low sound of some instrument...

An organ.

There's no organ in the dorms!

I bolted upright and felt dizzy from the sudden movement. I realized that I was only in my tank top and boxers. I almost screamed, but a hand bolted out and clapped over my mouth.

"Don't you dare scream. Mass is in progress!" She hissed.

I cocked an eyebrow. "Hmmph?!" I asked in a muffled voice, considering her hand was still over my mouth. I pulled her hand off of my mouth. "Mass?" I whispered.

"Yeah. 8 o'clock mass. Ooh. Give me a minute." She rushed over to the organ and started playing a familiar tune. She then started singing, "Kyrie elaisan. Christe elaisan. Kyrie elaisan."

I just laid there in awe. My hangover exhaustion got the best of me, though, so I fell down and drifted back of to sleep.

Though not too long after I had fallen asleep, I was awaken by a sharp pain on my arm. The girl hit me and whispered, "Stop snoring! Do you want the entire congregation to know that there is a guy sleeping in my loft?"

I responded quietly, "How would they know it's a guy?"

"Because no girl can snore like that." She went back to the small pew near the edge of the loft and kneeled.

I felt slightly offended. "I don't snore that loud," I whispered to myself.

She turned her head back to me, "Yes, you do. Either way, how would you know? You would be sleeping. Now, be quiet, I'm trying to pay attention to the sermon."

I decided to just shut up and get up. I walked over to where the girl was and kneeled next to her. The priest was going on about avoiding temptation.

How ironic.

I looked at the congregation. As I was scanning the crowd, I saw a young child facing the loft, staring at me. He stuck his tongue out at me. I stuck my tongue out right back at him. He then turned to his mother, tapped on her shoulder, and pointed up to me.

Oh crap.

I ducked down before she turned back and decided to look around for my clothes. Because I was too close to the edge and might be seen if I stood up, I started crawling towards the back of the loft. I found my clothes carelessly thrown under the organ off to the side of the loft. I crawled under and grabbed them. I tried to stand up, but instead the back of my head smacked into the bottom of the organ with a loud crack.

"!" I hissed.

The girl's head snapped back to face me. The look on her face was a mix between you did not just say that in a church and I will smother you if you make another noise.

I mouthed a quick apology and she turned her attention back to the mass in progress.

I was able to quietly put my clothes back on and sit back down on the futon. I texted the members, letting them know that I was okay and promising to tell them the story when I get back.

The mass didn't take too much more time, so I was able to stay quietly seated and not cause anymore trouble. When the priest finally dismissed the congregation, I breathed a sigh of relief. And so did my former angel.

As soon as the last person left the church, the girl slumped down next to me.

"I'm sorry I really didn't mean to cause any trouble for you," I tried to explain.

"Oh, I know. You just wanted to have with me," she chuckled.

"I was so drunk last night. I'm not usually like that. Normally, I wouldn't have gone. And I would be here the next day. But not under these circumstances."

"Yeah, I know. That's why I was there last night."


"I know. It's kind of confusing. I didn't really understand it either until after you had fallen asleep. You see, normally I wouldn't go to clubs either. But when my friend asked me if I wanted to go last night, for some reason I had the feeling I should say yes. So I did. When I saw you there, my friend, who frequented the club, started talking about 'the new guy.' You. When I saw you dancing with that random girl, I had an even stronger feeling that you didn't belong there. So, I took you home so you wouldn't do anything stupid that you would regret the next day. I really didn't know if what I did was right or not until you were sleeping and I saw your necklace: a rosary. I don't know of anybody who would wear one for its style, so you must've believed in it."

"So... You were sent there? For me?"

"Yeah, I think so. I was there to protect you."

"Like... My guardian angel."

She laughed at that. "Yeah, sure. You could think of it that way."

She really did look like an angel when she smiled. But before we could talk anymore, my phone rang. It was my friend Leeteuk asking for me to come back home.

"Time to go?"

"Yeah," I said, a bit disappointed.

She walked with me down the stairs to the doors of the church. I opened the door and walked out. But before I closed the door behind me, I turned back to ask her something.

"I have to wonder... Will I ever see my guardian angel again?"

She responded simply, "You know where to find her."


Hey, everyone! I'm am SO sorry that it has taken me soooo long to update this. I was really overthinking the ending, so I gave myself writer's block. But I was forced into writing it by Mokuren (my muse and fanfic-forcing-writing person) and it all just started coming out. Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have writing it!

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THIS CAME TO YOU WHILE YOU WERE EATING DINNER?!?!?! OMO!!! I like it! XD lol i want more of the druken-siwon-stolen-by-some-randonm-religious-chick-maddness!!!!! :D kekeke~~ and tell she is so SLOOOOWWWWW when it comes to her posting :P <3
TaeWanMi #3
SingATune #4
@TaeWanMi Just wait, ttal... ^^
TaeWanMi #5
H'm...I sense no madness...yet...