Club Angel

Guardian Angel [TWOSHOT]

I finally decided to take up my friends' offer to all go to the club together. Usually, I would turn it down but, tonight I REALLY want to get laid... Of course premarital is against my religion, but tonight who cares? Being a 25-year-old is just sad these days. It's time to stop living by the Bible. They're just some old rules. Who says that they still apply today?

And that's why I'm drunk off my at the most popular club in Seoul right now. I'm not exactly a lightweight when it comes to alcohol, but after 5 shots of whiskey even I'm slurring a bit. Being Choi Siwon, I can get any girl here. I just have to take my pick.

Hmmm.... Let's see what's out there....

They're all the same: short skirts, long legs, too much makeup. I decide to pick one with bleach blonde hair. It's not like I have a thing for blondes. I just feel like I would have the best shot with her. I see her dancing on the dance floor with a guy. It isn't long, though, until the guy leaves. She doesn't seem to even notice. I down my sixth shot and walk out onto the floor. I find my rhythm grinding behind her. This will be too easy.

Just a quick one night stand and that's it.

It's perfect.

I pull her hair back and start kissing her neck. I'm about to whisper in her ear and suggest that we go somewhere were we can be alone when someone pulls me away. I'm too drunk to resist, and there are so many people that I have no idea who's the one pulling me out of the club. I hope it's a hot fan who just wants me for herself. I smirk at the thought as we make it outside.

When we're away from all of the people and bright lights of the club, and my eyes finally adjust to the darkness, I see who my captor is. It's a girl. She's bringing me to her car. He. Guess I was right about the possessive fan. I wonder if she's hot, though. I still don't resist as she throws me in the passenger seat and straps me into her car. It's a pretty nice one, too. Seems expensive. I admire the leather seating as she buckles her seatbelt, starts the car, and starts driving. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, so I check the new text. It's from Donghae.

Saw you leaving the club with that girl.

Good job, bro!

She's a hottie!

Have fun! ;)

As I read the second to last line, I remembered that I haven't even looked at her. I look over. White dress, pretty hair, nice body from what I can see. She looks over at me with a gentle smile.

Oh my god.

I've been kidnapped by an angel...

The kidnapping angel stopped the car and got out. We must be at her place. She comes to me, unbuckled my seatbelt, and lifts me up. We walk towards her place with one of my arms over her shoulders while she supports me. My legs don't seem to want me to walk right. That's okay. You don't need to use your legs during , right? Whatever. I wonder where she lives. I look up.


She really must be an angel. We're walking into a church.

We walk up some stairs. I have a bit of difficulty, but she must be strong because she supported me all the way up. We end up in a sort of loft overlooking the church. She starts taking my suit jacket off. Huh. in a church?


I guess while I'm going against my religion, I might as well go all out.

Once she gets me down to my tank top and boxers she leads me to a futon near the back of the loft. I lie down on it and look back up to her and pat the space next to me.

"Care to join me?" I say in my iest voice. At least I think it was.

She lifts my head up and puts a pillow underneath it. She also covers me with a blanket.

"Nope." she responds simply.

"B-but we're supposed to have ," I slur, a bit tired.

She just chuckled, sat down next to me, and ran her fingers through my hair. It was then that I saw a glass rosary bracelet on her other wrist. But I didn't focus on it too long, because i was getting increasingly more tired.

"Just sleep," she whispered. She started humming as she continued to my head. I don't know what she was humming but I didn't dwell on it long, because I fell asleep less than a minute later.

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THIS CAME TO YOU WHILE YOU WERE EATING DINNER?!?!?! OMO!!! I like it! XD lol i want more of the druken-siwon-stolen-by-some-randonm-religious-chick-maddness!!!!! :D kekeke~~ and tell she is so SLOOOOWWWWW when it comes to her posting :P <3
TaeWanMi #3
SingATune #4
@TaeWanMi Just wait, ttal... ^^
TaeWanMi #5
H'm...I sense no madness...yet...