Happiness Without Me

Happiness Without Me


Nothing hurt me more than the look in your eyes, when you look at him I can see the stars in your eyes, and I can tell that the world had despair to you and he’s the only thing that you could see.

The way your cheek turn to a pinkish colour, when he do skin ship to you, or when he accidently touch you.

You’ll never notice my sad expression, because you’re busy looking at him. Even though it hurts, but I get used to it, still, the pain is there, but I’ll never lose a fight with that pain… I think

“Minho…” You’re here now whispering to me. I know what you want to talk about. I’m not ready for another heart break.

“Oh, key…” but here I am, willing to sacrifice my heart for you.

Your tears start flowing down to your cheeks. And you started shaking. I couldn’t help but to hold you between my arms. How I loved that feeling, how I loved your strawberry’s smell. That feeling I would never had the chance to feel again.

“What’s wrong...?” I said calmly, I want to show you the affection that I can give to you, but it seems like you don’t want it.

“It’s J-jonghyun…” That name again, oh how I hated that name from your mouth. I kept silent staring at your beautiful feature. 

“He’s hurting me….” you mean like the way you hurt me?  I doubt it.

“How..?” I bitterly asked you. I don’t know if your love to him hurts you as much mine do. You looked at me with sadness in your eyes, oh how I wish I can make your eyes shin with happiness.

“W-what he do is hurting me so much, he just keeps doing skin ship with me, but without feeling, every time he does that, my feeling for him keeps growing and growing” You stopped and looked down “…Minho…I don’t want to be in love alone…”

‘Me to’ that meant to be for me, not for you to hear.

“What? Do you have feelings for someone?”  ‘Yes’ “No” You looked at me with suspicion, so I had to make up something “…I-I mean, I don’t want to feel that too.” You just nodded.

“…Key…You should forget about him…” The look in your eyes oh god it hurts.

“No! Life without love is nothing, if I give up on him my life would be worthless, cuz I don’t think I’ll ever love someone other than him!” oh look, there is tears in my eyes. I looked away; the last thing I want is you seeing me cry.

“..aah” The only thing left my mouth even though I tried to say something, but my throat betrayed me.

You’re right life without love is nothing; you don’t love me, so I guess nothing going to happened to you if I just leave, that’s all I ever wanted.


The next morning I woke up and didn’t find you as usual, well, I guess I’m only for your temporary needs. You were there in the kitchen laughing with him, like nothing happened yesterday; I always knew that you’re the type who gets through heartbreaks easily, I wish I was like you.

Your smile disappeared as soon as you saw me “…Minho you’re awake, what do you want for breakfast?”

“Nothing” I said simply. You looked at me worriedly, before he said something that made you laugh, and forgot about me.

I set on the couch, and turned the TV, maybe it’ll make me think of something other than you, but it failed miserably, I looked at my feat, your voice just kept entering my ears, it’s worried how I could only hear your voice not his or the TV. I slowly closed my eyes, and rested my head on the sofa’s head.

“..Minho…” a soft whispered woke me up, when did I even sleep? 

I opened my eyes to see the most beautiful man in my life, the one who’s hurting me…You

“Where are the others?” it’s odd for you to come to me in this hour, he must be out.

“They’re out…it’s only you and me here.” I can’t help but to laugh silently

“Where did Jonghyun go?”  Something must happened, your eyes telling that.

“Let’s go to our room…” not until you answer me. “No” suddenly your eyes widened.


You grabbed my shoulders and tried to drag me to our room. And I started to pull myself out of your grip. I don’t know what happened, but you slipped when I tried to pull your hands away from my shoulder….now you’re on top of me, looking at me with those shocked eyes of yours, we were so close, our lips almost touched. I stared into your eyes calmly, wishing to have you in this closeness again, but as soon as you pulled you’re self, off of me, I knew I wouldn’t feel your warmth ever again, epically with your disgusted look on your face. Something gathered in my eyes, telling me to go away from you, and maybe forever.

I know it’s time for that, but I have a list to do

Here I am in his room, doing the first thing on my list, and here is your love in front of me. He’s always for the ones I love well, for the when I pretend to love, when he knows about my (not true) feeling toward someone, he’ll immediately go and try to steal them from me. But those times, I didn’t actually love them, it’s just that my friends asked me to pretend to love them, so he could go to them and get them. They were just like you, doing anything and everything to get Jonghyun to be with them. No need to do anything anymore love, I’ll do it for you.

“So you have feelings for key?” I can see the smirk on his face; I can tell that the plan will work sweet heart.

“…Yes” it’s feels like I gave my heart to someone while am still alive. It’s okay, because your heart will be happy, and that will make me happy too.

“…that’s awesome” he said, I think there is a plan in his head right now. Just wait a little bit my heart.    

It’s time for me to leave you; it’s time to end this pain. Yes, the pain that comes from loving you will soon go, but the pain of missing you will come. But I hope it won’t be the same as bad.

You were gone to your work, so I took my time to gather my things and put them in a suitcase. While I was looking for my stuff, I found that photo book we made the blue one with clouds on it remember it?  I set there on the couch looking through every page. I smiled remembering those days. First, it was just you and me, we were happy then. In the photo you were only looking at me and doing those stupid faces with me. But, after he entered our life, you ignored me. I know no one should ever move while there is a camera ready to catch you in a photo, but the two of you kept doing a sudden movement together, and I was there standing alone with my sad smile looking at you. Tears started sliding down my cheeks, god I missed those days, when it was you and me only.

I took the handle of the suitcase ready to go….and leave you

I didn’t hear the door when it’s opened, I looked at you with wide eyes, and as soon as you saw my suitcase, you copied my reaction. You started walking toward me, and I stepped backward.

“…Minho” You whispered. “..Where are you going?” I sighed as I closed my eyes to keep the tears in.

“…I’m leaving” you looked at me carefully, and I looked away.

“…Why?” Not this question please, I can’t lie anymore.

“Because of you key…” I lost the battle and the tears flow freely out of my eyes, You looked at me shocked, You don’t know how it’s hard for me  to see you like that, or do you.

“…What did I do to you Minho?...I’m sorry but please don’t go, don’t leave me Minho” Why? you don’t need me.

“You didn’t do anything my heart did everything, starting from falling in love with you, it’s my fault, so I’ll take the consequences, I can’t key it hurts…oh god it hurts…besides, you don’t need me after all, you have Jonghyun.” It’s hard to smile, but I did it for you, of course you didn’t buy it.

I stepped forward toward you, thank god you didn’t go. I slide my arms around your waist and buried my head into your neck. Your smell is the most pleasing thing to my nose, I swear.

I pulled away and grabbed your chin forcing you to look into my eyes. “Like I said it’s not your fault” I said, you kept looking at me with your shocked eyes. I leaned forward to your face and pressed my lips on yours. It felt like butterflies were flying freely into my stomach. You froze at your spot, and didn’t respond to my kiss, I wished you have kissed me back, so I won’t leave, I thought maybe you will fall in love with me, but I was wrong...

I slowly pulled away, believe me, I didn’t want to, but I guess you want to.

 I looked deeply into your eyes, oh god how much I’ll miss them.

“I’m leaving…” I said broking our gaze. You didn’t respond so that means it’s time to go.

 I took my suitcase and headed to the front door, I walked slowly hoping to feel your arms around my back, but it was only a hope.


So Goodbye my love




One year after


I thought I’ll never going to see you again, but here you are, standing in front of me with your teary eyes, I admit it, I was shocked and happy at the same time, But my heart was afraid of the pain to start again.

“M-Minho” You’re shaking and your tears start to flow from your eyes. I couldn’t help it so I stepped forward to hug you, but you slapped my arms. It’s hurt, no not your slap but my heart hurts.

There was a small hope in my heart that maybe just maybe you came because you loved me.

You looked at me angrily, before you walked closer, I uncontrollably stepped back, but you grabbed me, you stood on your tippy toes staring at me. We stayed like this for a while before you…..kissed me

 Oh, those lips again, how much I loved them.

“How could you Minho! I looked for you everywhere, but I didn’t find you! I asked everyone you know, but they didn’t know where you were! Do you know how much I went through?!”

“…” It’s so much to take I didn’t know what to do, so I just kept quiet

“You told Jonghyun didn’t you…..I didn’t want him anymore after you kissed me, you left me there wishing that you had kissed me earlier, so I can be with you, how dare you to kiss me and then leave! You didn’t think of the possibilities of me falling in love with you after that kiss! And then Jonghyun came to kiss your lip's feeling on mine away, How could you Minho…it’s your entire fault…” Yes I agree it’s my fault.

I hugged you tightly, afraid of letting you go.

“Like I said it’s not your fault....it’s never was your fault”





A\N: whoah! this is my first oneshot and my first minkey story ever! sorry if it >< i hope you enjoyed it tho! ^^

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T.T this is soo cute!!
tears of joy!! =D
sanndryss #2
Woaaa~ i liked it! I expected key to end up with jonghyun XD even tought i dont like minkey i liked this one ^^
SarangheKeyKibummie #3
Wahh~! So cute:D i loved this! and im not
really a minkey supporter;p
This was great honestly, i enjoyed it!