Sequel ^^

Searching the Muse

So guys

I've made the sequel of this story *claps*

You can find out the relationship progresses of Myungjong couple

Also, you'll know who is Myungsoo's boss *giggling*

so, you must read So, Sungjong is...

don't forget to comment and subscribe it, okay ^^

so... happy reading :)

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I'll make the sequel of Searching the Muse soon ^^


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Yeolah #1
Chapter 2: OMG. SEQUEL >w<
this is cute! lol im off to read the sequel^^
I like this..
Actually I like Yeoljong better but the story is cute. Thanks for making the sequel :)
FizUTwinS #4
i'm looking for sequel too ^^
Thank you for the commets and subscribes ^^
i'll make the sequel soon, so keep looking forward :)
And thank you so much for the advices :) i'll improve my writing skill, so you can enjoy my story ^^
I'll make a great myungjong story!!
mar1adyve5sa #6
this so great..a sequel pleasee~~
Oh my Gyu ~~~ >"< I want more!!! Please make an extra to this <3 pleaseee!! I wanna know about their relationship in the future, hehehe. [Does SungJong fall with Myung? Sure he does xD~~~]

Btw I like your fic. A real drabble :D keke. It's good as your first one ! Continue writting more MyungJong, hehe. I look forward to them! :-*