Cheek Kiss

y Does Not Fit You

Year: 2006

“Hyunseung! OH MY GOD!”

My best friend was lying on the floor while two huge guys kicked him in the stomach.

“Leave him alone!” I yelled. I know what you’re thinking. What am I going to do against those huge guys, but let me surprise you! I have a black belt in tae kwon do.

“Oh, please, what are YOU going to do about it?” the smaller one asked. Even though he was smaller he was at least a head taller than me.

“No, Zha nar, get away from here!” Hyunseung managed to choke out along with some blood.

“Kibum, get away from here!” I yelled as I kicked the bigger guy right in the shins. Next, I kicked the smaller one in the face. Soon the bigger one grabbed my leg but I punched him in the nose, which produced a really bad cracking sound.

The smaller one kicked me right in the stomach, it hurt like hell, but after what they did to Hyunseung I didn’t feel the pain anymore. I fell straight on my but jumped straight up and kneed him in his “spot”. I think that took care of him, now I have to worry about the second one. I grabbed his arm, and twisted it behind his back causing him to scream.

“No you have a choice, I’ll keep doing this, OR you get the out of here and never bother my friend,” I said into his ear.

“Please stop!” the guy yelled.

I finally let him go, and he and his friend ran for their life looking back at me with terror.

“Are you okay?” I ran over to Hyunseung who was still lying on the ground covered with blood.

“Get Jiyong hyung, he can drive us to the dorms,” he choked out.

“We need to get you to the hospital.”

“No, don’t. I have everything to heal me at my dorm,” he reassured. I looked at him one more time, and pulled my cell phone out quickly searching for Jiyong’s name (on my phone he was saved as G-Dragon).

“Oppa! Get to our school fast! Hyunseung is hurt, we need your car!”

“Bwoh?” oppa yelled into the phone.

“Please just get here. We’re at the back entrance!”

“Okay, I’ll be there in ten minutes!”

“Thank you!” Hyunseung smiled at me with his bloody mouth.

“Why did they do this to you?” I asked pulling a handkerchief out of my bag.

“They were bullying a little girl, and I tried to stop them, but I ended up being hurt myself. If that kid wasn’t passing by I don’t know what could have happened,” oppa groaned with pain.

“Come on, we have to get you up, let me help you, we need to get you to that bench.”

I hooked my hands under his underarms and gently helped him sit up. Throughout the whole process he kept and groaning of pain.

“I’m so sorry,” I whimpered.

“For what?”

“For not coming earlier,” I finally got him up and he out his arm around my shoulders. I walked him really slowly to not cause any more pain.

“Zha nar!” I looked up with relief. Jiyong was here.

“Oh my god! We need to get you home!” he yelled.

“No really, how about helping me with this fatty?” okay that was a huge lie. This guy is really skinny!

“What happened here?” oppa asked getting Hyunseung’s other arm over his shoulder.

“Two huge guys were beating Hyunseung up and I kind of came and saved him with my black belt.”

“Thank god!”

We finally got oppa to the car, and carefully got him into the backseat. I followed him and Jiyong drove fast to our dorms. It was dead silence in the car from the tension. Suddenly I felt a hand on mine. I blushed looking at Hyuneseung, he leaned in (producing a lot of groans) and kissed my cheek.

I looked away fast trying to hide my red face. I felt his head drop on my shoulder, and another hand landed on my thigh. Hyunseung, if only you knew how badly in love I am with you right now.


okay so my second chapter. actually my plot has a long way to go. this is just a minor part.



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Chapter 32: I cant find the new channel ;;
hihi this is cute :3
u should update this fic :D haven't read ur amazing updates in a while :(
okay`! I'll check out your other stories~! :DDD<br />
Iteared up in this short chapter~ aww.minhyuk~ why~!!!!*sobs*
Yay u update and u better not go away on AFF just cuz of school!!!!
I love you author~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
you are so great!<br />
this is my favorite story!!! :DDDDDDDDDD<br />
I can't wait for more! :D<br />
I wonder what happens next!!!! :DDDDD<br />
<br />
[sorry. too hyper] -.-"
I fell in love with Seungri all over again after reading this. Awe he's so cute and sweet ^__^.<br />
Can't wait for the next chapter :). Hwaiting!
AJDGDHYAJRYHDHDYEHAGA *0* seungri and zha nar live strong baby gahh