The Calm Before the Storm


"We have our men in groups and they're already armed. All it's gonna take is to move out. Once we set out we'll be at the Zone after about ten minutes. Then, we attack," Jiyong prattled off.

Yongguk breathed deeply. To say he had butterflies in his stomach was an understatement, it was more like snakes in his stomach. He was nervous. It wasn't his first time in a fight, but the chances of him dying here were incredibly high, but if he didn't die, he would instantly become the most powerful person in this city. He glanced over at Hyoyeon, but she wouldn't meet his eye. Maybe she was nervous too. They were all there, in the meeting room; Jiyong, and two of his right-hand guys, Seungri and TOP, 
"Before we go, Hyoyeon and Hoya will make their way down to the edge, and Hoya will dissemble the alarm system, Hyoyeon going to cover him," Minzy added.
Yongguk looked around. Everyone was tense, he could tell. "We should go," he said. "To talk to our men before the fight."
Everyone nodded, and people began to leave. "Minzy?" he asked. "Can I have a word?"
Minzy grinned. "Sure."
Yongguk noticed Hyoyeon and Daehyun beside Minzy. He wasn't worried though, because Hyoyeon knew the plan. Her job was to draw everyone away, any minute now, she'd think of a way to lead Daehyun out of the room. Yongguk would say something to Minzy, and then when Minzy would leave, Yongguk would press the button on the remote hidden in his jacket, which would open the door and send Minzy to her death - to his men armed with machine guns. At least, that was the plan.
This was where the plan went wrong.
Minzy walked behind him, and Yongguk turned to face her, but as he did so, Daehyun attacked from behind. Daehyun kicked the back of his knee, making Yongguk fall. Before he could respond, Minzy plucked his gun from his belt and tossed it to Daehyun. Yongguk jumped up, and swung a punch, but Minzy ducked. She kicked him in the ribs, hard. Daehyun grabbed him from behind and flipped him over, and Yongguk landed on his stomach on the ground. Minzy pushed him down again when he tried to get up. 
"Get the rope," Minzy told Daehyun. 
He crouched on all fours, ignoring the sharp pain in his leg and in his ribs. He looked up, and saw a figure - Hyoyeon - in front of him.
Daehyun came back with the rope. Yongguk tried to get up, and he looked at her.
"Hyoyeon!" He yelled, wondering why she was just standing there. "Help me!"
Hyoyeon stepped forward and swung her foot, kicking Yongguk in the face.
"Argh!" Yongguk yelled, his hand going to his nose. He had heard the crack, and blood was flowing freely, staining his hands. But what he cared more about, was why Hyoyeon - Hyoyeon - had just kicked him in the face. He felt like he was going numb, and the pain he was feeling wasn't in his leg or ribs, but in his chest.
Daehyun hauled Yongguk up and tied him to a chair. Yongguk barely had time to struggle. Daehyun secured his ankles together, and his wrists together behind the chair. He tied a rope around Yongguk's neck, and pulled back before tying that rope to the chair too, not so tight that it was choking him, but tight enough to make him uncomfortable.
Minzy laughed. "Isn't this a sight for sore eyes," she said, "Bang Yongguk at our mercy."
Yongguk, however, wasn't looking at Minzy, he was looking at Hyoyeon. "You ," he growled. "You heartless traitor!"
Daehyun smirked. Hyoyeon tilted her head. She looked at the tied-up Yongguk and laughed. "What?" she asked, an evil grin spreading across her features. "You seriously thought I meant all that? You actually believed I had feelings for you?" Hyoyeon laughed again, and leaned forward to pat his cheek. "So naive," she said.
Yongguk glared at Hyoyeon. "I'll kill you," he growled. "I'll kill you with my bare hands!"
Hyoyeon rolled her eyes. "I'm sure you will."
"Right," Minzy said. "Time to go, Hyo, you need to accompany Hoya to the Zone. Daehyun, come! We'll deal with Bang here, later."
Minzy left, Daehyun at her heels. Yongguk looked at Hyoyeon. Now that they were alone, he could feel the tears welling up in his eyes.
Hyoyeon looked around, making sure they were alone, before walking towards him. She knelt down in front of him, and took out a knife. "I'm sorry," she said, raising the knife.
Yongguk closed his eyes.
Hyoyeon brought the knife down, cutting the bonds at his feet. Yongguk opened his eyes, and looked at her in confusion.
Hyoyeon stood and moved her way behind the chair, cutting the bonds around his wrists and neck. She made her way back in front of him, and knelt back down before him.
"Did you honestly think I was on Minzy's side?" she asked.
Yongguk leaped forward, quickly pushing Hyoyeon and pinning her to the ground. He clamped his hands around .
"How can I trust you?" he asked, squeezing.
He felt the barrel of a handgun pressing against his stomach. Hyoyeon had managed to get her gun put of her holster and aim. Now all that she would have to do is pull the trigger.
"Trust me," Hyoyeon said. "I had my reasons," she said, barely being able to talk now her air supply was cut off. "I'm not your enemy, and to prove that," she moved the gun away and threw it out of both of their reaches, "I'll let you kill me."
Yongguk wasn't sure what to do. She could have easily killed him and saved herself, yet, she didn't. Hyoyeon's face was quickly turning purple. She closed her eyes, and that was when Yongguk let go of her neck and stepped away. immediately opened and she began gulping down great breaths of air.
He stood watching her, unsure what to do. "Hyoyeon," he began. "I can't kill you. I just can't. You're, you're like my weakness or something." Yongguk kicked the chair, Hyoyeon stood up. "Aish!" Yongguk yelled. "This is what I get, for falling in love. Love; it's just a weakness that can be used against you!"
Hyoyeon's breathing had finally calmed down. She shook her head. "It's not a weakness, it's a strength," she said. "People are stronger together, and are weaker when they're divided."
Yongguk picked up the gun and put it his belt. "Explain," he commanded. "You said you had reasons."
Hyoyeon nodded. "Minzy suspected you would have a plan to kill her. She would have found out, Daehyun would have found out. I've known him years longer than you have, if he didn't find out from me, or you, he would have heard something for one of your men you had under the trapdoor, or something. Minzy would have found out."
Yongguk tilted his head, still not getting it. "You could have told me, we could have changed plan."
Hyoyeon shook her head. "They would have found out we changed plan. If I told them, I could persuade them to hold you captive until after the attack. That would keep you alive, if you were in the Zone, you would have died. I had to pretend I was always just acting, or they would have suspected us, and my plan wouldn't have worked. They're going to burn down the Zone."
Yongguk looked at her wide eyed. "What?"
Hyoyeon nodded. "Minzy has gas spread across the streets near the Zone. When everyone's in fighting, she plans to light it up."
"But, she could burn down the whole city!"
"She knows that. And she doesn't care. She says she's sending Hoya to disassemble the alarm, he's gonna do that, but he's also going to check everything's in place."
Yongguk looked around, stunned. "We need to stop them, not just for ourselves, but for the others. Himchan has normal, innocent people working for him, all in the Zone. They could all die in a fight that's not their own." He took a few steps to Hyoyeon, so they were closer.
"I agree." Hyoyeon nodded. "When I go out with Hoya, I'll stop them. Stay here until everyone attacks, then follow us to the Zone." Hyoyeon looked at him. "It's only occurring to me now, that the only leader around here even worthy of leading is either you or Himchan. And if we're going to kill Himchan, we need to make sure you live. We definitely need to kill Minzy. Without Minzy to give the order, no one will light the gas."
Yongguk nodded. "Understood. Now go; if you've to go with Hoya, they'll be waiting for you. I'll follow later."
Hyoyeon nodded. Yongguk placed his hand on her face. "Stay alive," he said. "It would be a pity if you died." He took his hand away and touched his broken nose. "Did you really have to break my nose?" he asked, wincing.
"Sorry. As I said, I had an act to keep."

Yongguk nodded. "Now go," before they realize your gone.
"Hoya!" Minzy barked. "There's been a change of plan."
"What?" Hoya asked. "Nothing major, but what's going to happen is that we'll be waiting in positions about 15 yards away from the Zone in different positions around the perimeter. When you've the alarm off, fire a bullet. That will be the signal for us to attack. You stay out of the Zone, we need you to help with the gas."

"Yes ma'am."
Amber walked along the dark streets, her gun drawn. She had gone for a late-night walk, because she couldn't sleep, due to her insomnia. And, she had gotten lost. At the moment, she believed she was somewhere near Minzy's complex. She was creeping through a street of derelict houses, when she heard a yell from one of them.
Amber stopped. It sounded like it had come from one of the houses.
After a moments hesitation, she decided to investigate.
Jieun woke up, sweating. She was still in the same damp, dark room, which she believed was someone's basement.
She sighed. She had been having a nightmare, and she thought she had even yelled in her sleep. Hopefully the guard didn't hear here. Her guards had the nasty habit of beating her whenever she annoyed them. As she sat up she winced from the pain in her ribs - a token from the guards.
"Who are you?" she heard one of the guards say. She turned her head towards the door.
"I'm nobody," a new voice said. Suddenly, the sound of gunfire was heard. Jieun screamed, and crawled into the corner as far from the door as possible.
The door slowly opened and a man - no, a woman -  holding a gun walked in. 
The woman looked at her. "Don't worry, I probably won't hurt you," she said. "Who are you?" she asked.
The woman was wearing a sleeveless shirt. Jieun noticed the "z" on her arm, meaning she was a member of Zico's gang. But, on her hand, was another tattoo, the same one that Zelo had, saying she was following Himchan.
"Who do you.... who are you working for?" she managed.
The woman looked at her carefully. "Himchan."
Jieun closed her eyes and sighed in relief. "Thank God," she whispered. "Do you know a boy, Choi Junhong? Is he alive?"
Confusion crossed the woman's face. "Choi Junhong? I've never heard of him, sorry."
Jieun took a deep breath. "Please, think carefully. He's tall, fifteen years old, he has curly, blonde hair!"
The woman tilted her head. "I know someone of that description, but-"
"He goes by the name Zelo!" Jieun added. Recognition flickered across Amber's face. 
"Zelo? Of course I know Zelo! Why didn't you say Zelo in the first place? And yes, he's alive!"
Jieun could have died of happiness right there and then. "I'm his sister, Jieun," she told the woman.
She nodded. "He's mentioned you. I'm Amber, Amber Liu. Here, I think it's time you were let out of here."
Jieun accepted Amber's help off the ground, and followed her.
"To be honest, I'm not exactly sure where we are," Amber mumbled sheepishly, once they were outside. Yet, as soon as they got out of the old house, Jieun recognized the place. 
"I do," she mumbled. Before Minzy had taken over this part of the city three years ago, this was the street where her, Zelo and their parents used to live.
"Let's get out of here," Amber said. "I've a bad feeling about tonight."
Himchan looked outside the window and sighed.
He - along with every other man in the Zone - was stressed and tired.
This whole business was really tiring.
Suddenly, a memory of something his father had said to him popped up in his memory.
"Remember this son, sometimes it may seem like the best thing to do is split up, but never do that. People are always - always - stronger together."
Maybe he was right, Himchan thought. The other leaders had joined together, and they might end up being stronger than him.
Maybe a truce would be in order? No. They wouldn't accept a truce.
Well, maybe not all of them.
Amber had told him about the leaders, in particular Bang Yongguk. 
"He's not like the others," she had said. "He avoids bloodshed when possible, and from what I can tell, he doesn't go back on his word."
Maybe, just maybe, they might be able to form an alliance...and not the shaky we're-all-going-to-end-up-killing-each-other type that the other leaders had at the moment, but a strong alliance.
Himchan dismissed the thought. "He'd probably shoot me before I could open my mouth," he said quietly to himself.
Hyoyeon followed Hoya through the dark streets. She knew what she had to do.
Hoya moved to a wall on a corner. A bell was high on the corner, wires running out of along the walls and ground. 
"Watch your step," he told Hyoyeon. "Don't go setting the alarm off on us!"
He took out some tools and began working on the alarm system. After about five minutes, he pulled away. "Done," he said proudly. "Now we have to sort out the gas - what are you doing?"
Hyoyeon took out the gun she had taken from a man in Bang's gang. "Sorry about this Hoya," she said, pulling the trigger, leaving a bullet in his head.
"Hear that?" Daehyun asked. A gunshot had just rang out.
"Time to go," Minzy said. "Remember the plan; attack the Zone with the others. When we know everyone important is in there-"
Daehyun nodded. "I know, I know, once we know everyone important's in there, we fall back."
Minzy lashed out, hitting Daehyun in the face with the back of her hand. "Don't use that tone with me," she warned. "I'm the boss around here."
Daehyun nodded and say nothing, trying to keep calm, and not blow Minzy's brains out with the machine gun he had hanging over his shoulder.
"Once we fall back, we light this city up," Minzy continued as if nothing had happened.
Jiyong, Zico, and three of Jiyong's men crept down the darkened streets, about twenty yards away from the Zone.
"Zico?" Jiyong asked.
"Yes?" Zico turned around to face Jiyong.
Jiyong pulled out his gun and shot Zico in between the eyes. "You never should have trusted me You should have listened to Youngjae."
So, this chapter was really long, so I decided to split it into 2 parts, this being the first part, I'll upload the second part in the next few days.
Because I split it, most of the little preview from the last chapter will happen in the next chapters.
So tell me what you think!
Thanks so much to all my subscribers and commenters!
Until next time,
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Everyone; prepare yourself for the grand finale of "Power"....


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LilyRose23 #1
Chapter 22: Ah, that was beautiful <3 I loved the vivid details you gave; I was able to picture the story as if it was a movie. Good job author-nim! As for improvements, that was well written so I can't think of any. Just a few spelling errors but if you skim over them after writing, then you'll spot them. I'm sad that Jongup had to die, but that created a suspense that fitted your story at the end as the war created chaos where many perished; both the good and evil. I'm just glad that Hyoyeon & Yongguk are together at the end <3 they are so cute together! Hehee thanks for a great story!
I loved this story and I seriously ship Yongguk & Hyoyeon :) GOSH, this is seriously a great story ^^
Chapter 22: I read all of this in one sitting, It was so well-written I can't breathe. I want a sequel but I want Minzy alive though :((((( and a changed Minzy a very cunning minzy I WANT HER BACK okay enough of me :))) I love this Sequel please~
stellar #4
Ugh, I really loved this! I thought you were going to kill off Zelo but I'm glad you didn't. Jongup and CL though... T-T I'm kind of sad about the ending, I want to know more! But this was a great read, thank you for writing it~
Chapter 22: okay, so I just finished this and JALKD;ASDA;;LS IT WAS AMAZING you're an amazing writer and I absolutely loved it /throws glitter around

to be honest there were a few grammatical errors but other than that everything was fine - the characterization, the action, the blood... I love it so much ;-;

also, I love the cliffhanger ending, cliffhanger endings are my favourite ;)
CONGRATS ON FINISHING YOUR FIRST FANFIC ! even if it is a little late C:
Chapter 10: urgh this is so intense, I can't stop reading ;-;
the atmospheres you create is incredible, I can really feel the tension and the bloodthirst in the air ! can't wait to finish this :D
Chapter 22: Omg!!this story was awesome!!it need a sequel!!
Oh no poor Jong up. He's such a poor thing! >< Even though my dear Zelo survived I bet his soul is dead alr D:
Wow, now i'm curious about what will happen between youngjae and jiyong and if theres a 2nd war. Omg, i hope theres a sequel. For a first fanfic, you're pretty good and unique or maybe i'm just biased since i prefer action, thrilling fanfics rather than cliche love stories.
boy-ish_shawol #10
Oh godd... What a story. *standing ovation* I hope to see another wonderful fanfic from you author-nim. This fic is intense. I like it so much esp when Minzy died. Wahahaa.