Just A Man

Just A Man

Once a upon a time...

He was a man living his childhood dreams...

Riding the euphoria...

Perfecting the pitches...

And rhythming new steps...

Climbing the stairs to the stars hurriedly while Grabbing the skies ...

Because he was a man that dreams fiercely...

So he lived to fight and not the other way around...

And then , he was happy...


But now he is just a man...

Caught up in childish fears...

Fears that took too long to surface...

Fears that took too large of his heart for him to drown it...

Took too large of his dreams for him to just hold it...

And took too much of his smile for him to laugh it off...


Fears that took his smiles away as he rings fake laughters...

Fears that shocked his hand in anxiety as he tightens onto his stand...

Fears that gain him a lot but took much more...


And all the while in between The end and the start...

He was just him...

A boy who finds grown ups endearing...

A man who sees the joy in being a ‘peter pan’ in his heart...

And most of all a person who is the happiest when he was singing...

Not for the chanting fans...

Not for the blinding lights...

And not for the fronts of history ...

But just for him,a boy  who loves to sing...


He was happy enough when he was still just dreaming of it...

Sweaty palms holding the mic...

Feeding the crowds with his vocals...

Holding his breath hearing the cheers...

And embracing his mates...

His brother’s...

His broken pieces of soul scattered in four others...


The other’s that understands him just as much as he does...

Because they dream just as much...

That grips his hands just as tight...

Because they fear as much...

And at the end...

The four others who hurt just as much...

Because they hold as much ...

And because they love as much...


Now he is just a man ...

A man that he dreams of , all strong strides and confident fronts...

A man who hold so much and give so much...

But he is also so different from his dreams...

Because now he is not smiling because he loves it...

But he is smiling for all of his past that he is protecting...

And All of his dreams that he is living...

And now he is just a man whose living his dreams...


p/s not going to say sorry...but i'll try harder next time...

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huhu...well he is living his dream just not fully enjoying it...
Poor Junsu T^T and be strong! ^^
I'll wait for your next story! >.<