The Second

103 Year Old High School Student


There was an outburst of laughter throughout the cafeteria, 4 guys looked over at a table surrounded by students who showed much interest in whoever was talking. A man approached the five guys taking a seat. With a happy sing-a-long tone in his voice he greeted them with much excitement.

             “Where’s Sungjong?” the steaming hot person asked the dude sitting next to him.

             “He’s with her” the attractive flesh of meat sitting next to him calmly pointed his fork to the surrounded table.


Sungjong sat on the table, admiring not only the girl’s beauty but her heavenly voice. It was official, he had a new inspiration. She continued to talk, moving, her lips were dry but it somehow made her look y, but her eyes were so round and perfect it made her look so innocent.

“We dated for a while, but now we’re like Bff’s”

The way she moved her hands and head while talking added great elegance but yet it showed just a little bit of playfulness,

“So now he’s like my gay, but straight bff. Have you ever had a straight gay bff?”

We all awed at her story, she has had such an amazing life. Dated my 3rd favorite male actor and currently bffs?! I bet her life has never been boring.

“But unnie, can we all meet him one day?” A fan girl appeared out of nowhere.

“I think he offered me to go to his house later on, so he’ll pick me up after school.” She replied carelessly.

Again, I looked into her eyes, but what I saw was different from what I had expected. Sure her eyes were big, round and cute but within them were hollow, they showed almost no energy, no emotion no liveliness- none at all. No sorrow, no pain – No Happiness, no cheerfulness. Her eyes were merely blank.

And then their eyes met, like another cheesy romance story Sungjong thought. But with synchronization, she turned her head with the sound of the school bell. Everyone scrammed back to their classroom and just like that, the cafeteria was left empty with 6 men left inside.

             “So, what now?” Dongwoo asked with much hesitation

             “We go find Myungsoo.” Sunggyu answered with a mere shrug.



The new ‘It girl’ walked around the school. It was officially 5.00pm and students were in their classroom, while most studied, some mucked around and occasionally she would walk pass someone out in the hallways. She stuck her hands into her pocket, pulling out her student ID card. “Kwon Eunice” She quietly whispered out, moving but the words almost inaudible.  Two girls turned a corner, talking about that new girl, how amazing she IS, how beautiful and lucky she IS and what a great person she IS.

             “I didn’t even catch her name yet I know so much about her!”  The shorter one giggled a little.

             “Kwon Eunice” The girl provided an answer before bragging about her sister being in the same class as the new girl “Apparently, she’s really smart.” She added on.

The girl smirked, this school, she thought with a sigh, it was so easy- taking the throne of a Queenka within 2 days. She watched as the girls walked straight pass her, as if she wasn’t there. But it was right, she wasn’t really there after all, she is a spirit.

She casually took her time to walk around the halls, confidently knowing that no one could see her.

After walking away from the building, out into the wet concrete field she turned the corner immediately stopping to take in the view of the most peaceful place in the school, behind the old math’s department building. She sighed; the place was peaceful, but not as peaceful as it should be. She walked the path till she eventually reached the end, and from there she looked down on the man that sat depressingly against the wall. She sat down right next to him, never once looking at him, just keeping him company.

She listened to sobs and frustrated curses. Something about his parent or rents.


She quietly kept him accompanied, while happily taking in the view. Eventually she quietly stole a glance at the guy sitting next to her. He had flawless marble skin, deep dark eyes. Behind those eyes showed a huge amount of emotions waiting to spill – he was attractive, is she had to say so herself  but marble were cold things and darkness held many mysteries, She hated the cold, and she hated the dark and with these two descriptive words, she immediately knew his persona, cold and mysterious, but on top of all that, untouchable.



The two sat together, at the back of a useless building. She sat and quietly whispered comforting words to him while he peacefully sobbed and mysteriously listened to the refreshing winds that blew past him. She knew that he couldn’t hear her, but she thought that maybe somehow she could reach out to him and it did.


He sat, taking in the refreshing winds that blew through his hair. It provided him a sense of comfort, like the wind was helping him, giving him a comforting feel, like it was keeping him comfort.

As the hand 5.30, the boy got up from his space, quietly and slowly walking away from the place. Eunice didn’t even bother watch him go, instead she watched as the suns seeped through the moving clouds. The sun shined directly at her, annoying this crap out of her, she hated the sun in her eyes. She got up without any hesitation, following the same path as the boy took, turning herself visible again.


She entered the building and then slowly climbed her way upstairs. Once she reached the top, she meet with a boy who she believed goes by the name of Lee Sungyeol; He was in the year above her, described as a mischievous boy. And so he was, once their eyes meet he immediately grabbed her, taking her to a deserted room.

She roughly got pushed onto a table in which she was forced to sit on.

             “Sorry” Sungyeol coolly apologized.

Eunice scoffed; she scanned the room recognizing the 7 boys who stood around the room. Near the door stood the calm student body; Hoya, Further along the wall stood the hilarious and funny student; Dongwoo, at the very front, leaning in front of the teacher’s desk was the nagging senior; Sunggyu, behind the teacher’s desk was the cute and popular Woohyun. Sungyeol, who had just grabbed a chair and straddled it then there was Sungong who stood in the corner of the room, looking down at his feet but the last person surprised her. He sat leaning against the table near the window he tapped his foot impatiently against the floor, calmly looking out the window with no emotions, of course she remembered who he was; that skin as white as snow and eyes as dark as night, Cold, mysterious and untouchable. He was the guys who she sat with at the back of the building.

And like that, Kwon Eunice showed a slight smirk, as the wind blew through the window and his tapping came to a stop. The cool breeze sent everyone in the room shivers down their spine, except for him and her.




Okay, i admit! This chapter was pretty boring, sorry.

okbye (✖╭╮✖)



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purplecouple #1
Chapter 2: update please... I'm very interested with your story!
update soon !! <3
izzatybadlie #3
Update soon !!
rodzilawati #4
update pls....
purplecouple #5
support you! update please..
izzatybadlie #6
Continue ~~~
purplecouple #7
your story seem interesting....update please
Is English perhaps your second language? Because I seem to read a lot of mistakes already. Or maybe you just missed a few words and misspelled some words accidentally.
Gohist = Ghost
Memebers = Members
Condctruction = Construction
There comes an age when YOU have your life exactly planned out, etc.

I'm sorry, I just get kind of irritated when I see incorrect spellings on any site actually! No offense to you! ^^ And a very nice plot you got there. Can't wait until you update! ( :