The first dream

Before I Go

Lyra groaned and stretched. Her neck was stiff and her head hurt horribly. But she had to get up and finish her homework. She knew her parents had probably gotten home and hadn't bothered to wake her up to put away her binder and papers. But wait, she could hear bird song, and it was cold!  

"GAAH! It's morning!"

She sat up quickly and her eyes flew open. But this was not her house. In fact she didn't recognize this place at all! She looked around wildly and tried to stand but fell back down hard on her . Aaaah still too stiff! she complained silently. Having woken up she realized that her clothes were soaked through, as though she'd been rained on. She was laying in the middle of what seemed like a meadow, on top of wet, green grass. Fog swirled around her and she couldn't see for more than five feet before the white mist blocked her vision. She stood again this time more slowly and looked around again. Cold fear was growing in her chest, making her heart heavy. Panicked thoughts revolved through her mind. Where am I? What happened? How did I get here? Is this real?  She spoke quietly at first.

"H... Hello?" 

And then louder,

"Hello? Is anybody there? W-where am I?!"

Soon she was yelling into the mist, growing angrier by the minute.


After yelling for several minutes, she slumped to the ground and fell silent, rubbing . Well all that got me was stressed out and a sore throat. She thought bitterly. She sat silent for a few minutes trying to hold back tears and calm herself down. Ok I don't know where I am or how I got here... I'm in the middle of the woods and it's really hard to see and I don't know what to do and I'm alone.. I'm not seeing any bright sides in this situation!  She sighed heavily and lay back on the grass looking up at the cloudy grey sky. What am I gonna do? She thought. Then off in the distance she heard voices! She couldn't tell what they were saying but it sounded as if they were coming closer! She sat bolt upright and scrambled to her feet straining her ears.

"H-hey! Anybody there? I'm lost! Can you help me!?"

The talking stopped abruptly. Suddenly a horrible thought entered her mind. What if those voices belong to the people who brought me here? And what if they wanna hurt me?! But the moment the thought came to mind she shot it down. I'm never going to get anywhere unless I ask for help! And with determination she started to yell again.

"Hello! Please, I'm over here! Can you help me?"

She heard footsteps running toward her and a small group of people burst into the clearing on her left.

"Hey! It's a girl! I knew I heard a voice!" said a boy with black hair and a baseball hat.

Lyra gaped at him. She knew this boy.

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Chapter 3: Seems you can write a little descriptive if you want to.
Although it wasn't much in this chapter. Just some for Ash and Charizard and not for Brock nor Misty.
Can see that as a sign of them not being any important in this story.

If you wanted to add a bit of silliness, you could have named Ash Ketchum to Ash Ketchup instead.
Never liked his last name anyways. They sound pretty lame both of them.

Another short chapter, and takes merely a few minutes to get through with hardly any complications or depth to analyze.
You should try to add some later on if you can.
Otherwise this story will probably turn out to become one more of the many classic fic stories on the net you soon forget.
Even if it has pokemon elements in it.
Chapter 2: Expected this to happen.
The bored girl started to get very stressed at an "unexpected" change in her daily life.
Well...if she acted with excitement it would be old anyways.
Chapter 1: Pretty good first chapter.
But it is so classic to complain about having a normal life and not try to change it in any way more then some small cheap attempts such as making candy.

It is a little annoying when the default text is set kinda big and bolded in black. But i could shrink it is so it is somewhat ok.
Seem interesting.
Mainly because i have seen no anime, manga, game or fanfic that have used this kind of story without failing on the way or in the end.

You have used the Foreword in one of the several ways to use it.
Remove the part that you dont know what it is, that will give your whole intro a more serious feel.
<3 XD omg!! Soo epic!!! <3 XD Keep writing ok?