Chapter 2: That Fateful Accident

Into Your World (Angel)

The meeting had just ended. Sooyoung went out with her head hurting like hell. “Ah I think I need to take medicine.” She thought. She headed towards her office and told her assistant, Jessica, to get some water and medicine.  

“Of course.” Jessica said before going out.

Her phone then rang. It was her father. “What does he want now?” Sooyoung asked herself before picking up. “Yes father?”

“I need you in my office now. Hurry!” with that, he hung up. She just sighed and went out headed for his office.

Room 123. She knocked first before entering. “Yes, Dad?” she didn’t sit down because she knows she wasn’t allowed to unless her father said so.

“Come closer.” He told her not gazing off the piles of paper he was working on. Sooyoung just did as he commanded. He then stopped what he was doing. She gulped.  He first stood up, looked at the paper in his hands, then at her.


Sooyoung fell to the ground with her hair all over her face and her cheeks as red as a cherry.

“WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?” He shouted in anger. Sooyoung didn’t bother getting up. Her head was still facing the floor, also very furious.

“TO SUBMIT THIS KIND OF REPORT, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GIRL?” he continues as he threw the papers at her making it fly all over the room. As much as she wanted to retort and answer back, she knew it’ll just get worse.

“I’m Sorry Father! It’s just that I was tired when I made that and it was given to me late to do so-“


Sooyoung just gripped her hands. She knew saying anything more would just be a waste. She knew her father well.

Mr. Choi just looked at her angrily before grabbing a cigarette and heading out. “Hmph. You two were never really of standards anyway. Both of you inherited that pitiful soft spot from your mother.” He said not looking back.

Tears began rolling down Sooyoung’s cheeks. He was right. But he was also wrong.

“I’ll prove it to you. And I’m not letting you make us suffer more.”


Kyuhyun was sitting down on a bench, resting. There was only an hour left before he was done for the day. “Hmm… where should I head off to next?” he asked himself before getting on the bike. He then rode around Seoul looking for a place where a lot of customers can come.

He then ended up in front of a hotel. “There seems to be a lot of people here.” He thought. So he started calling for customers.

“Food Stall here!” he began shouting. He caught a lot of attention from the people. A line then began forming. He could see kids with parents, old interest people, and the average hungry-for-some-snack people. A smile came up on his face as he fulfilled their orders.

“Ahem.” Kyuhyun turned around as soon as he heard someone clear their throat behind him.

He saw a man in a suit with a cigarette. “Oh yes Sir? If you’d mind, the line is over here, I’m pretty sure-“


Kyuhyun fell onto the ground with his cheek hurting so badly. “Hey, what was that for-“ He couldn’t continue what he was saying because of the man’s actions.

He pushed the food stall over and the products spilled all over. Kyuhyun’s eyes became wide open and scared. People on the line scattered away, not wanting any business within the two.

“What-why did you do that Sir?” Kyuhyun asked ever so innocently even if he was supposed to be furious.

The man gave him a glare. “Young man, do you know what the hell you’re doing?” “Um. Yeah. I’m doing my job.” Kyuhyun answered.

“Pathetic kid. Doesn’t know any means of business around here.” Kyuhyun now was getting angrier by the second.

“You see, you’re selling products in front of my hotel. That’s considered competition. Plus, you’re driving away our customers. They go to you instead of heading to our convenience store within the hotel.” He said coldly.

“But Sir! I didn’t know that! I’m sorry, if you’d please, I ask for forgivene-“  “Aish. People like you don’t belong here. Now SCRAM!” he yelled one last time before walking away stepping on the scattered food, not caring like a street dog.

Kyuhyun just sat there, staring at ground, eyes widen and mouth agape. He wanted to cry. He wanted to cry so badly. It was the first time someone ever talked like that to him. It was something not of his experience.  

He got up. He had no choice but to clean the area then head back to manager since it was already dark. To get his mind relaxed, he decided stop by Han River. But on his way:


A car was headed straight for him. “Aish!” Kyuhyun tried to speed up to avoid the accident. But it was to no avail. “No!” He last said before being hit. The food stall flew away and Kyuhyun fell onto the ground, slowly losing consciousness. 


Sooyoung had been in her office the whole afternoon sulking on what had happened. Her phone rang. She looked at it and realized it was Yoona.

“Yoona… need anything?” she answered very weakly. Almost a whisper. “Unnie? Is that You? Are you okay?” Yoona seemed to be very worried.

“Aniyo Yoona. I’m just… a little tired.” She said back. “Aish Unnie. You’re not a little tired, you’re too tired. Where are you?” Yoona asked again. “I’m still at the office-“

“Office? Is he making you do overwork again-“

“Yoona. I’ll be on my way home soon. Don’t worry. As soon as I reach the condo, I’ll rest up for sure.” Sooyoung reassured her worrying sister.

“You better. I have to go now Unnie, Changmin and I are going to check on something.” Yoona told her. “Sure. I’ll call you later after I get some rest.” Sooyoung said before hanging up. She then called Jessica.

“Jessica-unnie? I’ll be on my way now, if you’d mind, please lock our office for me. Thanks!” she told Jessica before leaving.

“Sure, no problem!” Jessica said waving bye to her best friend.

Sooyoung went out the hotel to the parking. She got her black Honda City Car and started the engine.  She drove off but while she did, her phone kept ringing again and again. Everytime she’d look at it, it was her dad.

She didn’t want to answer those calls right now. When the stoplight was red, she quickly got it and turned it off. The light then became green. She was the first car to go. But as she did, an out of control truck was speeding off her way, so she speeded a lot more.

“Aish!” Since it was a nearly close death, her car spun out of control, making her lose track, but there’s one thing she could still see. It was a food stall crossing the street. She honked a lot but it seemed it couldn’t catch up.

It collided. “Ahh!” Sooyoung screamed as her car hit a nearby tree very hard causing some of its heavy branches to fall on top of the vehicle. The girl inside already lost consciousness. 



A/N: Oooh... looks like something bad happened :/ oh Mr. Choi is so evil isn't he? btw, I don't base him on Sooyoung's real father, this Mr. Choi is just fictional. So how's the story? Still curious on what's gonna happen? Subsribe and comment as you wish. Thank You for reading!

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fymemine #1
Ouwwww this story is so cute <3 thanksss for updated
The foreword is amazing. Kyuyoung. <3
Chocolate_loves #3
Update soon plz !
HAHAH "you're under a tree" <3 finally they met even though they're spirits noww D:

Nice update!
Chocolate_loves #5
This is so good!!
Update soon plz
Your foreword is amazing <3 I loved it hahaha! Subscribed ;)
Chocolate_loves #7
This is interesting!!
Update soon plz
fymemine #8
I'm a happy kid because it is kyuyoung <3