The Story Behind Jongup

Pain Music Love

"It's kind of funny how this is you're first day at his school, and you have bruises all over your face." Zelo chuckled as we walked the school campus of Busan South High School, BSHS for short.

"Yeah, it's hilarious." I smacked him in the head.

"You know what's funnier?"


"This" He smacked me on my sore face, and ran away.

"Yah!" I was about to chase him when something caught my attention. A familiar boy was sitting on a bench by himself completely unaware of his surroundings. He was writing something in a journal. I fumbled to get my new phone out of my pocket. The day I left my dads house my old one got lost in the fight, and we were not going back to get it. I so wanted to call Daehyun the moment we got in Busan, but couldn't. I didn't stop thinking of him, and how I would never be able to contact him again. Now was my chance to reassure him that I wasn't avoiding him. I was half way there when the school bell rang, and within the blink of an eye he packed away his notebook, and strolled over to the senior building. "Wait..." I mumbled.

"Come on Kyungmi let's get this over with." Zelo grabbed my hand, and dragged me to class.

The teacher took one look at my face, and sat me in the back. He thought I would be trouble. I didn't even have home room with Zelo. I was seated next to a guy named Pyo Jihoon. I knew he looked familiar, but I couldn't remember why.

"Hi." He smiled in a surprisingly deep voice.

"....hi" I smiled back.

"So, who won?"

"Mwoh?" He pointed at my face.

"Oh! It wasn't that kind of fight."

" you lost huh? Choose your battles wisely next time." He opened his text book, and didn't speak to me again all class. I stormed out as soon as the bell rang. I was already tired of being in class, and was on my way to find Zelo so we could skip together. I entered the cafeteria, and spotted him sitting by himself. I didn't take my eyes off of him, and that's what caused me to run into someone. All the persons books were knocked to the ground.

"Josohomnida." I said as I helped him pick them up. I looked up and was staring at Daehyun. Instead of returning my smile he had a look of horror on his face. He grabbed my hand, and without saying a word dragged me out of the cafeteria over to where I saw him earlier.

"What happened?!" He held my face.

"It's nothing..." I looked away. For some reason it was so easy for me to laugh off my bruises with other people who asked about them, but when Daehyun asked me I couldn't keep the smile on my face. He was the only other person besides Bang who could get the truth out of me. He gently touched my face examining each bruise. I flinched at his delicate touch. His fingertips sent electric shocks through my body.

"Who did this to you?"

"I don't want to talk about it." I pulled his hand away. Even though I could tell he didn't want to, he changed the subject.

"Why haven't you been returning my calls?" I pulled out my new phone.

"Got a new phone." I the camera. "Smile." I took the picture, and found myself smiling at how perfect Daehyun looked.

"Here, let me put my number in." He grabbed my phone, and pulled out his to get my new number. "I'm really glad you go to this school with me. I thought you didn't want to see me again."

"No. I wished I could contact you in some way, but I guess everything happens for a reason."

"Yah!" We heard two voices yell.

"Oh ..Jongup." He murmured.

"Oh hi Zelo!" I suddenly remembered where I met Jihoon earlier,  and I knew I recognized Jongup because he was the one bothering my friends. They were all part of UTOPIA, and were staring at Daehyun, and I.

"Kyungmi why are you talking to him?!" Zelo yelled.

"With who? Daehyun? He's a friend why?"

They all gasped. "Kyungmi, there's something I haven't told you..." Daehyun sounded regretful.

"He's the lead singer for UTOPIA, and you're our guitarist. You can't be friends with him!" Zelo yelled. I felt like a ball just smacked me in the face. Everything made sense now. Why I saw him at the competition, why he looked so shocked when I mentioned DisMay. It's because he was the enemy, and was just making a fool out of me.

"Is this true Daehyun?" He didn't look at me. He was silent. I took that as yes. "You knew all along, and didn't tell me?! Was I some kind of joke?!?" I got up, and pushed him making him fall backwards into the grass. "Come on Zelo!" I grabbed his hand, and stormed off.

---After School---

I sat by the front gate with Zelo, and watched Daehyun climb into UTOPIA's van. He returned the stare with an apologetic look as they drove away. I still didn't want to believe that he was lying the whole time.

"Yah! Kyungmi. Snap out of it!" Zelo waved his hand in front of my face.

"Hajima." I mumbled. I wasn't in the mood to argue with him.

"What's with you? It hasn't even been a month since you started playing with us, and you're already thinking about betraying us. What would Bang say if he found out?"

"You're not gonna tell him are you?"

"Of course not, just make sure this is the last time you talk to him, or even think about him."

"Thanks." The feeling was bitter sweet. Zelo wasn't going to tell, but I still had to forget about Daehyun. That was the hard part. Just then Ukwon, and Bang arrived.

"Hey kids how was the first day?" Bang chuckled. Our nicknames for the two of them were dad, and Ukwon was our erted mom. Zelo looked at me before answering.

"Tiring." He answered blankly.

"Well you better get un-tired because we have practice." Ukwon said.

"For what?" Zelo asked.

"For this." Bang passed back a flier.

"Ege bwoyah?" I said before reading the headline. "Busan's 24th Annual Rock Legend Competition?"

"This is a big deal over here. The winners get a 2 year recording contract with BigSound Ent."

"BigSound?!?" Zelo gasped.

"What's BigSound?"

"Only the biggest agency for rock music. The best bands have been trained under them. If we get a contract with them we could be rich!" Zelo grinned.

"Really? So this is kind of really important?" I asked worrying about the possibility of my inexperience costing them the competition.

"Yeah, that means if you screw us up we'll kill you." Ukwon laughed with his camera focused on my worried face.

"Shutup Kwon. We won't do that Kyungmi we just need to practice a lot."

''Yeah, and we're not losing to UTOPIA anymore. We've got a better guitarist than before.'' Zelo added. I was always curious of who played for them before I came along. They didn't always need a sixth member.

''Who was here before me?''



''Do you really wanna know?'' Bang sighed.


''Then wait until we get home, and we'll all tell you the story.''

We pulled into the lot, and I ran upstairs, and into our practice room. ''Ok guys drop your instruments, you've got a story to tell.'' I smiled to Kyung, and Di.

''What nonsense are you spitting now?'' Di murmured.

''She wants to know about our old guitarist.'' Bang yawned as he entered with Zelo, and Ukwon. I took a seat on the floor, and sat crisscrossed apple sauced like a little kindergartner.

''So our old guitarist has a lot to do with why UTOPIA, and us are enemies.'' Ukwon began.

''It was Jongup. He used to play with us.'' Zelo growled.

''Chincha?! But what happened?'' I couldn't believe he used to friends with them.

''Well we met back in our last year of high school. He was in his third year, and we got along great. Except he never really understood why all of us could live together without our parents.'' Ukwon explained.

''Yeah, because at home he was treated like prince. He's the reason Tablo doesn't just let anyone in our band anymore.'' Kyung added.

''What exactly happened between you guys?'' I asked.

''That's a good question.'' Bang smiled. ''Let's just say some people got into his head.''

''By some people you mean that Youngjae.'' Di growled. There was that name again Youngjae.


''Youngjae is UTOPIA's lead guitarist, and he's in my freakin class!!'' Zelo huffed.

''He was friends with Jongup back when Jongup played for us. He wasn't really a good influence either.'' Kyung said.

''How so?''

''Because Youngjae does bad things. I mean yeah we're not saints either, but he crossed the line, and he was bringing Jongup down the wrong path.''

''Now I'm even more confused...''

''Youngjae got Jongup to steal a car for him, and Jongup got caught.'' Ukwon said.

''Instead of coming to us for help Jongup went to Youngjae.'' Di added.

''Youngjae told him that when his parents asked about it to tell them we were the ones who told him to do it.'' Zelo said. ''I'm sure Jongup didn't want to do it. In fact I know he didn't, he told me so, but Youngjae offered to let Jongup play in their band, and we had to relocate because his parents sent the police on Tablo.'' Zelo looked the most upset about the whole situation. Jongup must've been close to him.

''So Jongup betrayed you guys to save himself, and Youngjae?''

They all nodded.

''We didn't always live in Seoul you know.'' Bang said. That story made it clear to me that I couldn't betray them, and that meant cutting all ties with Daehyun. It pained me to think about that, but it's what had to be done.

''That's why it's important that you be careful with who you meet at school ok? Those guys can be very tricky, and are probably going to spend the entire school day bothering you two. You especially Kyung. Arasso?''

Zelo looked into my eyes, and I knew what he was trying to say. ''Ne'' we both said.


Aigoo behind Jongup's beautiful smile is a mastermind. teehee. Plz subscribe, and comment. And I'm anticipating B.A.P's comeback to give me soooo many more ideas! This whole fanfic alone was inspired by my fav song Secret Love ^_^ POWER!!!!

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while. When I was about to post this chapter I lost internet access, then I got sick. lol enjoy


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l0neliness #3
Chapter 30: This was really good story :D I love the end and what Kyung sid about the birds and bees :D I laughed so hard :D:D:D
Chapter 30: Really liked this ^o^ but I wished jongup would have said something in the end .-. But still liked it~!^^ sequel please~
i made it! i red that story!
oh~~ i'm in love ♥
it's so beautiful~~

and i love that song at the end xD
ice-cream-song ♫
ShinSeoRae #6
i love this story..BAP is really the best less-stress medicine..^_^
mmmmmilf #7
Aweeee, I can't believe this already ended. Such a nice fic. Teehee. Youngjae is so adorbs omg. Avdgdgjdjchcuxbj
annyeongsarang #9
I looooooove the ending<3<3 best story I've read this far~~^^
it's overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Happy ending! Lol, Youngjae