Chapter 02

Mission Accomplished (안녕 낯선 사람)

The week before flying to Spain

Sooyoung's POV:

Being an agent... It's not as cool and as fun as what the media is trying to show you guys. It's not all James Bond portraying, high techies and being a cool type of person, but rather a work in exchange for a life. Our lives, well, at one point may be cool, but it's risky and dirty all at once. Most often than not, people think we're always out to protect the innocents and for the world's sake, save them but to be honest, it always have something to do with what benefits us, the agency and the shadows behind the government. Believe me, you wouldn't wanna know! Our mission to Spain, which is to ditch the code for mind control programming is another jab show. The agency certainly wants it for its own benefit and use it against us. How do I know? I've been sold here in this job even before I was born! And why do I work here? I have my own goal.

"The gang kidnaps children and set them to training. Some were even sold as early as age one." He told me. "You better be careful, Sooyoung. Might as well change your plans. What the agency gave you were too risky. Stick with your members, you can't take them easy. The gang are superhuman feats! They use mind control, baby, powerful minds into programming!"
"You know about them?"
"I was one of their trainees..."
"It's too dangerous, baby. Change your plans or you will have to risk a life."
"Wa-wa-wait!" I help up a hand. "What do you mean you were once their trainee? What happened?"
"I was sold for a few bucks." He smirked, brushing my hair up. "They noticed me because I was known for having such IQ they need and what makes matters worse, my dad is in military."
"They're more likely to notice soldier's children. Because they, too, are mind controlled individuals."
"How did you escape? How did you remember all these?"
"I was involved in a car accident some ten years ago and I had to go back here in Korea. There were disturbing, vivid memories that continue flashing through my mind that I desperately in need of therapy. I sacrificed every thing I had to, for the sake of my ongoing therapies because the memories are just excruciating! And by and by..."
"You had your memory back."
He nodded. "It's horrifying. I remembered the criminal acts they told me to! I even assassinated some big name in politics and damn it! I don't even know what was going on. Because all along, I thought I was living a simple and perfect life but I was wrong. They own me, my mind belongs to them."
"That was back then." I stared at his gleaming eyes, fidgeting with my fingers on my cup of tea. "It is terrible."
"That's why I keep saying it's dangerous, Young." He reached for my hand.
"It is." I smiled. "But that won't keep me from doing my job."
"I know." He heaved out a sigh, rubbing his brows stressfully. "But change your plans. Change your routines. You must stick with your members. There are thousands of members and they are everywhere! One could probably be just a street vendor... Young, here's what you're going to do..."

Siwon's POV:

Mind Control. Mind Control. That phrase kept echoing in my mind as if I got a song syndrome. It had been stuck there since Lee Teuk mentioned about Hasta el infinito last week. As soon as I heard it from him, it had quickly registered to my mind and I kept telling it that I need to do some serious research about this. After all, I don't want to run around Spain with my mind controlled by them. I have to understand exactly how it functions and take steps to reduce my vulnerability. I had studied different mind controll techniques and ways to avoid it. For a week, I was stuck between psychological, manipulative thinking and languages that it almost dehumanized me.
And today, the team had (finally) decided to gather ourselves again for another meeting after last week. Hangeng is finally back and is here to give us some background about the said gang and how it brainwashes its slaves.
So, technically, they kidnap children. Yes, young and innocent children for a rather ed-up training on who will be the next -drum roll please- future mind control slaves and maybe, if they were better, turn them into some telekinetic, time-traveling superhuman!
"Programmers use special codes to alter personalities and conform with what the hierarchies want that are usually stored in computers. You see, this is not a new issue. Mind controlling is widespread. CIA uses it, FDA uses it, we uses it."
"Excuse me? We?" I repeated somehow surprised and shocked.
Hangeng just nod his head and continued. "Women are to become slaves and illegal couriers from different political rows. They were set to be pretty much a human robot loaned out to every secret society pals and entertainment personalities. The men are to become assassins and super soldiers, even psychic killers." He smiled.
 "Trainings are massive and rigorous... Children are subjected to traumatic treatments which separates the mind from the body to successfully control them. Hence, program your mind like a computer."
Yubin gulped the fear that is escaping her eyes. "I don't think I ever want to go to Spain!"
"Chill." Min Young looked serious. She was busy reading the papers she's holding the very minute she stepped inside the conference room. And we don't have an idea what is it.
"From what I heard, they were associated with extraterrestrial beings. Some say the hierarchies were actually aliens disguised as human. But who knows?"
"I quit!" Yubin held her hands up. "I don't want my mind to be controlled by them! Geez!"
"That's why we're going there... To ditch it." The tall woman smirked.
Min Young sips an amount of coffee. "Oh yeah? It's not as easy as it looks like."
"Easy kids!" Leeteuk ang Hangeng beamed at us, before they chucked together. What's there to chuck about anyway? We're here, drenched in horror while there they were! Look! Chuckling because they said something the same time.
"Stop giving us those scary chuckles of yours!" Donghae facepalmed himself. "You have to give us some courage for this mission eh? Hearing about the gang is just totally unnerving!"
"You'll do well, children!" Hangeng slids his hands on his pockets. "We'll monitor you."
"What do you mean you'll monitor us?"
"We've got chips planted on you." Leeteuk smiled and the serious Min Young nearly jumped out off her seat. "WHAT THE ?!?!?!"
"Kidding! Kidding!" He laughed and hurried himself outside for the fear of being chased by her.
"I trust you, kids. You'll—"
Yubin made a face. "Would you stop calling us, kids?"
"Alright." He sighed. "Agents. I know you'll do a good job. The agency didn't choose our team for no reason, right? The mission will probably be one of the most difficult
"It is."
"The agency chose us because they trust your abilities the most as agents. We know you're all professionals and we know you can handle overseas missions."

The night before flying to Spain

Sooyoung's POV:

"Less than seven hours before flying, Sooyoung. How do you feel?" He asks.
"Nervous actually. Really. I'm afraid." I buried my head on his chest.
"Would you like me to send them over?"
"No. No. Don't. Not until I demanded some back-ups. Don't."
"You studied the papers I've had given you?"
"Yeah. I did. I studied it religiously." I lift my head to peck on his chin. "Thanks."
"You know what to do?"
"Yes, I do."
"Have you decided your routine?" He started my hair, pressing his lips against my head. "Changed your plans, baby?"
"I have. And I won't discuss it with them. It's just going to be him and me, on this. And he better trust me, or else..."
"Plan is wrecked."

3:30 AM (Incheon International Airport) 

Siwon's POV:

"Excited?" I asked Yubin as we sat next to each other, waiting for our departure time.
"ing nervous." She closes her eyes before heaving a deep, audible breath. "Why do we have to be involved with this game?! Seriously? Mind control?! What the hell?"
"Relax..." I patted her head. "It'll be over before you know it."
"Oh yeah?" She looked at me. Totally not convinced at all. "In your dreams!" She facepalms herseld, standing up to approach Donghae. "Donghae-ya..."
"Yeah?" He looks at her, sipping on his orange juice with his sunglasses on.
"Would you be okay alone?" She grinned. "I mean in Spain? Without your partner?"
"NO!" I chuckled at his immediate reply. "No! You're not going anywhere!"
"But I'm too scared!" She thumps her feet against the ground, pouting. "Might as well quit this job too!" She shot a glance at the two leaders who are busily talking with each other. "I mean look at them! Easy-going as hell! Even have the nerve to tell jokes, and us?!"
Donghae nodded. "Nervous as hell."
I chuckled as they continued ranting on this mission and throwing death glares at those easy-going hyungs. Ah! I need my partner right now! Where is she?!
"Where the heck is that Min Young?!?!" I glanced for the nth time on my wristwatch. Everyone is obviously here, except for that one, certain woman I surely loathe after.
"If she didn't show up in five minutes, I swear we have to—"
"Chill." Someone said from behind. I turned around immediately and it was her. Flaunting her latest airport fashion with her Louis Vuitton bag hanging on her arms and a suitcase on the other, which probably contains her various fashion statements. "Hey Choi!" She greeted. "Frustrated?"
"No." I answered.
"Don't give me that sarcastic remark of yours." She puts on her sunglasses, scanning everyone from head to toe.
"There's always someone late from our team."
"Yaaa!" The tall woman quickly groaned. "I was... Aissi! I shouldn't have went here with you!"
"Are you going with us?" She asked, pertaining to Leeteuk and Hangeng.
"Certainly not."
"Why are you even here?" She raised an eyebrow. This tactless woman!
"Is it wrong to—"
She cut him right through, wagging a finger on his lips. "I get it. You're seriously playing some concerned, gentleman who is here because you need to at least take care of us."
Leeteuk glared at her, smiling forcefully. "RIGHT."

Sooyoung's POV:

This is it. Today is the day of our lives. We are finally going to Spain and face the fears that had been lingering in my mind. Brainwashed individuals. It scares the hell out of me when I started thinking of myself being one of the victims. Or quit it! What if almost all the people today have altered personalities which are controlled by so-called programmers? Ugh! Choi Sooyoung, save it!
"Everything's handled for you by the agency. You have your car and a place to live in." Hangeng smiled at us, throwing Siwon the keys. "Mendoza actually have a yacht."
"Congratulations! Let's celebrate!" I rolled my eyes. "Enough with Mendoza."
"Yubin-ssi and Donghae-ssi are gonna be residing in Madrid, while you two..." He points at me and Siwon. "In Salamanca."
"I thought they were backups? They have to be atleast a kilometer away!" I protested.
"Stop it!" Siwon placed his hands on my mouth. Tss. He's happy he's got a yacht.
I hit his hands away, removing it violently. "Only thing good about this job are the freebies!"
"You're a tight wad, Young!" Leeteuk interrupted.
"Enough with the childish acts!" Hangeng chuckled. "So... you ready about this?"
"Hell yeah!" Siwon quickly answered.
"No. Not yet!" Yubin's voice was shaky. "This is going to be terrible!"
I rolled my eyes at them before smirking. "Hagan Juego, Señores!" Balling my hands into a fist and holding it up in mid air.
So, we've finally got over the drama and is now going in when a paper slip from my binders.

(jigoku de aou ze, baby)

"See you in hell?" I repeated. "What the— Who would...?"
I was cut through when one of my colleague called me. It's the enthusiastic tall, brunette named Seohyun who won't be joining our trip in Spain. "Eonni! Annyeong! Good luck with the mission! FIghting!"
I waved back awkwardly with my eyes still focused on the paper.
"SEO MIN YOUNG-AH!" Siwon called and I immediately turned. "Vamonos!"
"Uhh... yeah. Yeah!" I instantly slipped the paper inside my bag and ran towards him.

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Chapter 1: please update soon
Chapter 2: Please update this story author nim
dukongie #3
Chapter 2: Ahhhh, I think I get it. Minyoung is Sooyoung.
It's quite confusing but that's what the fic is supposed to be lol.
adahgogo7 #4
Chapter 2: Wait is sooyoung's name in chap 2 is seo min young? can you explain it to me... im getting confused.
Okey, I am even more confused. Did she kill that guy? Who's her boyfriend? Is there anything between Siwon and Min Young?
I just need to focus more ;).
Keep writing.
Anyway, I love your story.
say what? xD I also got confused at the last part :))
@SooWon4Ever: hohoho... gomawoyo ^_____^ i'm just out to research some points to this one. i'm so sorry for not updating sooner ~~~
I'm a bit confused too. But anyway I'm glad you made an upadate. This story is awesome!
@wongielover08: that's a good thing you're confused XDDDD
shikshiin407 #10
Finally you've updated! But i'm a bit confuse now of Sooyoung's character but well, that's a story is supposed to be. AHAHAHA! X)
Update soon.. wanna see some action!