Sing For Me

Pair of Aces

Pairing: Dongwoon/Yoseob (with a tad bit of Kikwang)


It was after school on a Friday when Dongwoon first heard Yoseob's voice. He was walking towards the school gate, ready to go home, when melodious sounds came flowing out of an open window and into his ears. Now, Dongwoon has heard his fair share of beautiful voices - coming from a family of singers - but this voice was different. Listening to it made him want to cry and get angry, but at the same time, he wanted to run around in joy and grin like there's no tomorrow. Dongwoon wanted to record it and listen to it over and over again until he can't hear anything else, but the singer's voice. He needed to know who the possessor of this amazing talent is, and so he made his way towards the window and peeked in, careful not to get caught. What Dongwoon saw made his jaw drop even more (if that's even possible). The owner of the voice that Dongwoon has fallen in love with is none other than Yang Yoseob, the school's bad boy. 

Dongwoon had always found Yoseob very handsome, but never dared to interact with the latter. Until now, Dongwoon still doesn't understand how such a cute boy could cause trouble, but apparently, that's what he does. He hasn't personally seen him do anything bad, but he has spotted him heading to the principal office a couple of times. Dongwoon doesn't want to assume, but by the looks of it and by what he's heard, it's probably true. 

But right now, Dongwoon doesn't care about that. All he cares about is hearing more of Yoseob's astonishing talent. Dongwoon sat on the ground, with his back against the school wall, below the open window, listening for a good hour and a half. When he heard no more singing, followed by a door being closed, he slowly got up and looked through the window. Seeing no one in the room, he quickly ran home, afraid of being caught by Yoseob. 

It has become a routine for him now. Every Wednesdays and Fridays, Yoseob would always go into the vocal room after school and sing. Dongwoon would always be there every Wednesdays and Fridays, sitting under the window and listening.




One day, Dongwoon was listening to Yoseob singing 4Men's Baby Baby, when he suddenly stopped halfway through the song. He got up, thinking that Yoseob was already done, but when he turned around to look through the window, he came face-to-face with the singer himself, sporting a smug look on his face. Dongwoon gasped and jumped back.

"I-I...I was j-just..." he stammered.

"I know you listen to me every time I'm here after school. I could usually hear you hum with me while I sing, but today you were quiet, so I wanted to check if you were here," Yoseob explained. Dongwoon felt his face heat up. "You know, you could've just asked to stay with me in the room instead of sitting outside on the dirty pavement."

"I d-didn't want you." Yoseob couldn't help but chuckle at how adorably terrified Dongwoon looked.

"Don't worry, you're not bothering me. In fact, I'm actually flattered that you would come and listen to me when you could be using that time to do something more productive or fun."

"Y-You have an amazing voice, Yoseob-ssi." Dongwoon could've sworn that he saw Yoseob blush, but it was probably just his imagination.

"Thank you, Dongwoon-ssi," he replied and Dongwoon was caught by surprise. He didn't think that Yoseob would know his name. 

"You...You know my name?" 

"Of course I know who you are...Son Nam Shin," Dongwoon's eyes widened at the nickname.

Okay, so Dongwoon wasn't a nobody in his school. In fact, he was the opposite. He was known for his gorgeous foreign features, height that every guy in the school would kill for and an amazing body - which is no secret to anyone, considering that he's one of the best in the swim team and practically the whole student body always attends every swimming competition that he's in. He hates the attention though because almost everyday, a dozen of girls (and sometimes boys) follow him around in between classes. It's a miracle that they don't follow him into the men's washroom (well of course the guys can). 

"I don't like being called that," he said, looking at the ground.

"Hey, relax. I was just playing. I'm sorry if I offended you or something," Yoseob said sincerely. " you want to stay with me while I practice singing a couple more songs?"

Dongwoon looked up and smiled. "Sure."




Ever since that day, Dongwoon and Yoseob became friends. Dongwoon knew all about Yoseob's rule breaking with his friends, but he's okay with it, as long as it doesn't cause harm to Yoseob or it doesn't get him in to too much trouble. Yoseob made it a habit not to do anything bad while he's with Dongwoon because - as much as he hates to admit it - he actually cares for the boy. He just can't stop himself from picking Dongwoon up, walking Dongwoon home, making sure that no one bothers him at school, buying him lunch even though Dongwoon doesn't want to eat, and calling his cellphone almost every night to make sure that he's okay. Dongwoon is pretty sure that he's fallen for the bad boy, but his lack of courage when it comes to such feelings prevent him from confessing. Every time they end up in front of his door, saying their goodbyes and staring at each other for a good minute, Dongwoon wants to blurt out, "Seobie, I think I'm in love with you," but his mouth betray him and stays shut. Every time Yoseob begged him to eat, "just a little bit, Woonie. Please, for me," and pouts, Dongwoon has the urge to kiss those soft lips, but all he can do is open his mouth and let Yoseob feed him. 

Yoseob is fully aware of Dongwoon's feelings for him. He also knows that the Arab prince is dying to tell him, but he doesn't have the courage to do so. Yoseob actually had his eyes on Dongwoon ever since the day he saw the boy after wanting to see if all the 'Son Nam Shin' rumors were true. His feelings only developed when they became friends.




Yoseob couldn't bear the wait any longer. Why he doesn't want to make the first move, we'll never know. Okay, there actually is a reason. He's scared. Being the bad boy that he is, he will never admit it - not even when it comes to something as important as this. He lies to his friends and say that he's too cool to confess his feelings first.

He just wanted Dongwoon to confess so that they could become a couple and he could shower the latter with hugs and kisses, and whisper sweet nothings in his ear, while their hands are intertwined. He's already given Dongwoon so many hints that he likes him back, but he doesn't seem to notice. Yoseob doesn't know what else to do, so he decided to give Dongwoon that extra push. Plus, he thinks that it would be fun to see Dongwoon's reaction. Bad idea, Yoseob. Bad idea.

"Yoseob, I don't think that this is a good idea," Kikwang whispered. It was after school on a Friday, and Yoseob and his friend, Kikwang were standing in the middle of the vocal room.

"It's a brilliant idea. Dongwoon's too shy to confess, so I'll get him riled up, make him jealous to give him that extra courage," Yoseob said smugly.

"Why don't you just confess to him first?"

"Me? Confess first? Why would I? I'm too cool for that."

"I don't understand you. In my book, it doesn't matter who confesses first--" Kikwangs words were cut off when Yoseob pulled him closer.

"Quick, he's coming. Kiss me."

"Seob, I really don't think--" Again with the interruption, but this time, it was when Yoseob kissed him right on the lips. 

"Seobie, sorry I'm la--" Dongwoon stopped in his tracks when he saw the sight in front of him. The sight that broke his heart. Yoseob pretended not to notice his presence and kept his mouth pressed against Kikwang's. 

Dongwoon could feel the tears coming and he made no effort to stop them. He didn't know what else to do, so he left, not daring to look back. 

Yoseob was waiting. Yoseob was waiting for Dongwoon to run in, pull them apart and yell, "Yoseob's mine!" But nothing. He pulled away and turned his head just in time to see Dongwoon hurriedly walking towards the school's entrance. 

"I hate to say this, but I told you so. Go after him and fix this ," Kikwang said, turning around to pick up his backpack. 

Yoseob didn't think twice and ran after Dongwoon. "Woonie! Woonie, wait! I can explain!"

Dongwoon stopped walking, but kept his back to Yoseob. "I-I'm sorry for interrupting. Please go back and continue what you were doing."

Yoseob stepped closer until he was only a foot away from the boy. "It's not what you think. I know you like me, Woonie."

"Oh, that's so ing great!" Yoseob was taken back by Dongwoon's sudden outburst. "Why do you have to be so cruel? If you already had feelings for Kikwang-ssi, why do you always lead me on and keep on dropping hints that you like me too? Yeah, you think I don't notice? Well, I do. Wow and to think that I was actually going to confess today. Phew, thanks for saving me the trouble. Wait! Oh, I get it. You wanted to play with my feelings, right? 'Oh, guys, you know what would be fun? I know that Dongwoon likes me, so I'll play with this kid. I'll pretend like I actually give a about him and when he starts to think that I might actually like him back, I'll break his heart into a million pieces.' Good one, Yoseob. You deserve a ing standing ovation."

Yoseob was speechless. He felt horrible for leading Dongwoon to believe that these were his intentions. "Woon, I...No--"

"Save it, Yoseob. I don't want to hear what you have to say. In fact, I don't ever want to see you again. Being friends with you was a big mistake." With that, Dongwoon ran out of the school. 

For the first time in a long time, Yoseob cried. He didn't care who was looking and what they were saying. Because of his stupidity, the one person who he actually cared about hates him and never wants to see him again. 




Yoseob tried talking to Dongwoon at school. He tried calling him. He tried going to his house. He tried and he tried, but nothing. Dongwoon won't even acknowledge his existence. He stopped hanging out with this friends. Instead, he went straight home after school or sat in the vocal room, in hopes that Dongwoon would go there. But of course, he doesn't.




It was after school on a Monday that Dongwoon decided to go to the vocal room. He knows that Yoseob won't be there. When he stepped inside, all the memories of them two hanging out in there came flooding back to him. He sighed and walked to the center of the room. He remembered watching Yoseob sing his heart out on that very spot, but then he also remembered seeing him kiss Kikwang on that very spot. That specific memory is still stuck in his head and he can't erase it, no matter what he did. 

He faced the wall and let out a deep breath before singing - a hidden talent that no one in the school knows about.

Always the exact same sky and always the same day
Only thing that is different is that you are not here
I thought I've let you go. Without anything left
No, no. I still haven't been able to let you go

Longing for you, I am longing for you. 
Because I am longing for you, I call you and call you by myself everyday
Missing you, I am missing you. 
Because I am missing you, now I just call out your name like a habit. Even today

Dongwoon stopped and let out a shaky breath. He wasn't planning on crying, but at the moment, it seems that his plan was about to be ruined. He grabbed his backpack and was about to turn around and leave when a voice so familiar to him came from behind.

Day by day, I feel like I am dying, so what could I do?
Love you, Love you. I love you.
Without even being able to tell you these, I've had to let you go like that

Sorry, I am sorry. 
Can you hear me? 
Could you be able to hear my late confession?
I love you.

"I hate you," Dongwoon said softly.

"I know you do. But if you'll just let me explain," Yoseob begged.

"I don't want to hear your explanation." Dongwoon wiped his tears with his sleeve, then crossed his arms.


"Don't call me that."

"Son Dongwoon, can you please just listen to me?" Dongwoon whipped around and glared at Yoseob.

"Why should I? What else do you have to say? It's already so obvious that you like Kikwang-ssi, I saw you kiss him. What other reasons could you have?"

"I did it to make you jealous!" he yelled. 


"I know it's a stupid reason, but it's the truth. I knew that you liked me and I was waiting for you to confess, but you were too shy to. I waited and waited, and I know I'm a big idiot for not telling you how I felt instead of just sitting there and expecting for you to make the first move. I thought that if I made you jealous, you would finally get the courage to express your feelings to me, but all it did was push you away from me. I'm sorry Woon-- Dongwoon-ah, I really am. Please give me a chance. I'll make it up to you," Yoseob said sincerely and walked towards Dongwoon. 

"You're so stupid! You're an idiot!" Dongwoon hissed, hitting Yoseob's chest.

"I know, Dongwoon-ah, I know," he whispered, letting Dongwoon hit him.

"Don't call me Dongwoon-ah," Dongwoon muttered, keeping his eyes on the ground.

"I'm sorry, I-I know we're not friends anym--"

"Call me Woonie." Dongwoon looked up as Yoseob stared at him in confusion.


"Yes, really. Now kiss me before I change my mind." Dongwoon doesn't know how, but his arms managed to loosely drape themselves over Yoseob's shoulders. The latter wanted to jump around in joy, but he had more important things to do at the moment. He wrapped his arms around Dongwoon's waist and pulled him closer, leaning in to capture the other's lips. Dongwoon smiled into the kiss, running his hands through Yoseob's hair. When they pulled apart, despite Dongwoon being a bit taller than him, Yoseob picked him up and spun him around. 

"Yah! Seobie, put me down!" Dongwoon giggled.

"Sorry, just got excited." Yoseob set him down and hugged him, burying his face in Dongwoon's chest, inhaling his fresh scent.

"You'll sing for me everyday, right?"

"Of course, I will. All the songs that your heart desires."


So, the song that they sang near the end is the English translation of Yonghwa's Because I Miss You. It's from his drama, Heartstrings. If you haven't heard it yet, it's a good song and he sings it very well, so check it out ->

Hope you liked it! :D

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fitezzi #1
Chapter 18: Unnie where are you??? Hope you make another dooseob pleasee....thank you
Chapter 18: Wah... I like this so much. DJ was being a freaking jerk in the beginning & poor YS, blinded by his love for DJ. Well, at least he's got HS to comfort him. Yay for the slight Hyunseob! That's my fav part as well as YS's outburst at DJ. That outburst was just so ing awesome. DJ really got what he deserved. And the ending with the Dooseob and especially slight Junseung was just... wow. I gotta give this one to HS. He's just so cute!
Chapter 18: i like this chapter :D
Dooseob ^^
YAY MORE SEOB. I always thought there wasn't enough Seob for my liking >.> just my opinion c:
JunSeob! Pleeeeaaaase? :D and KiSeob.
peachoons #5
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b2utyAngel #6
Kiki and woonie not innocent kid anymore!!!!!
DooSeob next please >.<
Chapter 5 made me cry ;AA;