A New Promise


When Key begins feeling the pressures of idol life, you decide that maybe a good natured joke will do him some good. The results don't turn out quite the way you imagined.


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Chapter 1: Aw I'm glad Key knew what happened. He's understranding and in the end he apologized.
hunhanisreal_ot12 #2
Chapter 1: Awwww what a sweet boyfie he is hihihi
Chapter 1: Ahh.. Key. Totally felt bad when he was yelling at her..
But it's all good. Hah. :)
Chapter 1: The apology part made me smile, especially with Key's costume :')
Joyvin #5
This story is soooo fantastic. My heart ached when Key told her off. Keep on writing more one-shots! <3
omg so so so soooooo cute :3