Chapter One - { Preview Interview }

Sesame Player

Chapter One:

Red Italics - The captions/questions that appear on the screen which are being asked to the person on camera.

The television screen showcased a pitch black room, at least it should be a room... After waiting for approximately ten seconds to pass, a scramble of female voices could be heard.

"Kieun, are you sure this is the right way?"

"It's so dark in here..."

"They said to go in this direction; so I think this is right..."

"Ow! Nanie you stepped on my foot!"

"Oops! Sorry! I can't see a thing!"

"None of us can see right now... Oh I found the light switch!"

In the blink of an eye, all of the lights in the room lit up and illuminated the entire set. The six girls stood and glanced at the rather empty room. The whole room was painted a solid color - yellow - and there was no furniture other than the six chairs in the center of the room. Standing in front of the two rows of chairs was a camera and the camera man as well as the director, who directed for the girls to take a seat on the chairs. Following orders, the girls all took their seats with Nanie, Hyomi and Taeri in the back row and Jinhae, Minjung and Kieun in the front row.

[ Welcome! Please introduce yourselves. ]

All the the same time, five pairs of eyes turned and glanced at the eldest. "Okay, I guess I'm first." Nanie bowed, careful not to hit Jinhae, who was seated in front of her. "Hello! My name is Lee Nanie! I am known as the groups' moodmaker and eldest member, born on August 20, 1992. I like games, gadgets, cheese and bubble wrap!" Nanie paused to think about what to say next. "Oh I also like winning," she laughed. "Therefore,  I obviously do not like to lose!" Nanie laughed to herself then nudged Hyomi to introduce herself next.

"Annyeonghaseyo! My name is Nam Hyomi, born on August 2, 1994. I'm the umma of the group because they say that I act like a mother and treat them like they're my children. I like to listen to music, to play the piano and to look at the stars - it's very calming, wouldn't you think so?" Hyomi smiled contently, obviously not going to say another word. Taeri turned to look at her, then realized it was her turn.

"Annyeong! ... I mean, annyeonghaseyo!" She stumbled. "I'm Mirage's visual member, Lee Taeri! I was born on June 25, 1995, which makes me the third eldest in the group. I really, really, really like milk tea and plaid and smiling and dancing and cartoons an-" She suddenly stopped rambling when she felt a nudge on her side. "Oh sorry! I also like talking," she laughed.

"Hello, I am Mirage's leader and vocalist, Q.yi," Kieun introduced herself using her stage name. "I am the second youngest, born on August 31, 1995. I enjoy learning different languages along with playing sports and drinking tea! My favorite color is yellow, like the color of this room!" Kieun paused for a moment. "Please take care of us!"

"As the last member of the group's 95-line, I am Kwon Minjung, born on July 1st. I love to read, take pictures, and go to the noraebang. We don't have time to go to the karaoke bar that often anymore, but when we do, it's a real pleasure! I also have a tattoo here," she lifted up her left wrist and turned it over so that the camera could see her infinity sign tattoo on her inner wrist. "I got it last year."

"That's so cool!" Kieun grabbed onto Minjung's wrist and looked at the tattoo. "I kind of want one too..." The group laughed and let the introductions continue onto the maknae.

"Hello, my name is Choi Jinhae and I am the group's maknae," she bowed slightly in her seat. "I really love music, books and anything with the colors black and white." She looked down at the ground, refusing to say another word.

"Our maknae is a little quiet..." Taeri giggled. "She's not like the typical maknae, right?"

[ What do you girls think about Sesame Player and making your debut through this show? ]

The microphone was passed to Nanie. "We think that it's a real honor to be able to appear on this show even before we debut! Several of our senior groups have already appeared during the first three seasons and they have all become very popular these days! We will try our best to work hard to make this a great season and to live up to the expectations that were made!" Nanie then handed the microphone to the leader.

"As Nanie unnie said, we really appreciate this opportunity to appear on Sesame Player, especially since most rookies do not get the same chance. Mirage will be sure to give it our all in whatever we do. We will not hide our secrets from you because we believe that an idol's image should be the person's real image, not some made-up image by the company. Thank you for supporting us!" Kieun bowed in her seat and gave a confident smile to the camera.

[ What do you expect to experience during your season on this show? ]

Kieun looked behind her and handed the microphone over to Hyomi. "Oh, I'm honestly not sure what to expect! I look forward to the missions that our group will be completing, or failing, if that's the case. I'm a little afraid of the secrets that will be revealed throughout the season, but I suppose that's the beauty of Sesame Player, is it not?" Hyomi began to laugh, covering . "I used to train under Woollim; so I heard the news about Sesame Player when Infinite appeared on it. I began to watch it and I fell in love with the show!"

"I believe that Sesame Player will give us the chance to show the fans a different side to us rather than just the idol image," Jinhae spoke next. "I think that we will be able to appeal to the fans in a different and new way aside from performing on stage. I think that, through this show, fans will learn more about the real Mirage and the other talents that each of the members hold."

[ What does music and being an idol mean to you? ]

In unison, all the members looked over at Taeri. "Should I answer this?" She asked then took the microphone from the maknae. "Uhm, I have to say that music is absolutely everything to me. I know that when people say that, others believe that they're just exaggerating, but honestly, I'm telling this from the bottom of my heart." Her childish, playful image suddenly disappeared; she looked down at the ground. "When I was a child, my brother and I always dreamed of being idols. You know SHINee's Lee Taemin, right? Yes, he's my older brother. He was able to fulfill his dream before I was, obviously. Uhm," she paused again, "our parents always supported him and nurtured him... and loved him." By now, she had tears welling up in the corner of her eyes. "My parents never gave me the time of day and... I was, uhm, always neglected. In the end, I went to stay with my aunt. I would love to give thanks to my her for taking me in. She supported my love for music and always pushed me to keep trying even though I felt like I would fail." She smiled through the tears that ran down her cheeks. "Thank you." She choked out a laugh before she covered her face with both hands.

The other members looked over at her and gave her an encouraging smile. Kieun, who was known to be Taeri's training partner before their debut, stood up from her seat and enveloped the older girl in a comforting hug. The other girls followed their leader and surrounded Taeri in a group hug."Taeri is our visual, yes," Minjung turned and said to the camera, "but she's also our little crybaby. She's still pretty when she cries, isn't she?" She laughed.

[ Why don't you send a video message to your fans? ]

"Hi everyone!" Minjung waved to the camera. "Thank you for all of the support so far and I hope that we are able to live up to your expectations! We will be sure to work hard and keep everyone interested!" She twirled a strand of hair around her finger. "We will show you that we are more than just the typical female idol group! Because of all of you who have been supporting us, we are able to stay motivated and to keep working hard! We will continue to work even harder to keep you all satisfied. Thank you, again, for all of your support! We promise to live up to all of your expectations and perhaps we may even be able to surpass them! Please continue to support us and help us reach the top! We will not let you down!"

The six members of Mirage stood up after the interview ended and bowed in respect to the camera. One by one, they headed out the door, only to return for the next episode.


"Bwoyah!? What kind of mission is this?" The girl yelled in protest. "I will not do it!"

She took out the cell phone and quickly typed in a message. Within seconds of sending her text, she received a response. [ You missed me, didn't you, jagiya? ♥ ]



 i t ' s    j j a n g !

Presenting... chapter one! I started this during my state testing since I finished early and had some time leftover; I began writing it while others were still taking their tests. I'm not exactly sure how I feel about this because I don't think I'm that good with writing interviews and such. How do you guys feel about this?

I know it's quite obvious that I focused on certain members more, but that's because they're the 'talkative' character, you know? The quiet members will get their time to shine as well! So don't worry if you didn't get much screen time in this chapter. I will try to balance it out later on! :)

I got sick after my testing - what a great way to end state testing, right? My father made me sleep early almost every night and he wouldn't let me stay up when I kept trying to write. Otherwise, I would've had it out sooner! But I'm getting better now and I should be able to write more. :)

I hope you all are doing well! And I'll see you guys on the next update!

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Hey guys! I haven't given up on you yet!! I've just been a little busy, but I am still working on the next chapter! ♥


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nanie92 #1
Chapter 10: I'm coming here again.. huhu
I miss this story..
liteulkwin #2
Chapter 10: BB I miss you~ <|3
Reread the story. It's been a while and I feel nostalgic :"3
Anticipating your update author-ssi! ^^
nanie92 #4
I come to read back this story because I really miss it..
Waiting for your update dear author~ :D
I seriously love your story anf your neat writing. Im gonna subscribe and read this story even thought im not in it :)
mintaex #6
* My comment had to get cut since it was too long, LOL!
OH MINJUNG. WHY? I knew immediately that it was Taeri when I read "black bag with plaid lining" because Taeri likes black... and loves plaid. /dasmee'eryone. <s> I had a feeling it was me when I read the teaser too... LOL. </s> OH, IT'SMYIDIOT. <3 He must know her pretty well to be able to tell that it's not her. Keke, love. ^o^ /satisfied.
Minjung, you know her pretty well too if you knew to give her milk tea ~ Congrats on your passing as well! (even though it involved upsetting the crybaby..)
Awwww, the ending was so cute! :D DEY VIL PROTECTEU MEH ~ But Ana's right, they just jealous ~
mintaex #7
Yay a long chapter! <3 I love long chapters, but then again, who doesn't?
I love that we're debuting with News! (You even put a hyperlink ~!) I love that song. /clicks and listens.
Aww, Mirage got in trouble for not having a greeting put together yet.. I hope they are able to come up with something unique by the next episode! ^^
Ooh, so Nanie was the first teaser then? I like how she was able to make the mistakes so subtly that it seemed realistic! Yay Nanie ~! Good job. :3
Hyomi is so motherly that it's really, really adorable. <3 I just want to run up to her and be like, "UMMA, I LOVE YOU. /hugs" Too bad she didn't get to pass, but it was for a good reason! Of course the mother would worry over her youngest daughter's health, right? ^^ How sweet though!
LOL, Taeri as the MC? I can totally imagine that & Minjung and her "Princess Waves" LOLOL! I'm sure she'll get the focus in at least one episode... eventually! She's the princess, after all ~
And then the Queen appears! Hehehe, that's totally accurate; Kieun looooves tea ~ And she obviously makes it really well if she was able to get all those staff members to love her tea. <3 CONGRATS, BBY.
Poor Jinhae got her mission last and failed it almost immediately. <|3 I suppose that was a bad choice of who to talk to, LOL. It's not her fault; the stylist was just too sensitive, that's all! Jinhae, you will do better next time ~ I just know it ~!
[ "So I'm just supposed to randomly go up to a staff member and start talking to them?" | "No..." Taeri began, "You have to talk to /five/ staff members." ]
HAHAHAHHAH, nice thing to point out there. It sounds like something I would really say. (x