Introduction - { Meet Mirage }

Sesame Player


Allkpop Reveals:


Starship Entertainment has finally launched their new girl group, Mirage, into action! The girls have finally been revealed! From watching the introduction trainee videos, would you have thought that these girls were the ones to be chosen in the end? Though not too much information was given on each girl, we were able to obtain at least the basics for every member thanks to CEO Kim Shidae's own personal comments on each member. You can always learn more about each girl through Sesame Player as the season progresses! Now, you've all been waiting for this, so let's reveal them, shall we?



Leader + Vocalist! 

"The Little Queen"

Yi Kieun, also known as Q.yi on stage and as the young leader of Mirage, was born and raised in Manhattan, New York. Because of this experience in the States, it is said that Kieun is quite fluent in the English language. "Being born on August 31, 1995, Kieun has shown great leadership skills despite being the second youngest member," said Kim Shidae. "We believed that Kieun was most deserving of the leader role because when her circle of friends creates a disastrous mess, she will always be the one to step up and take the responsibility, whether or not it was her fault." According to the CEO, Kieun is destined for greatness and her success and talents can only go uphill from this point on. "We trust Kieun to be able to encourage and lead this group all the way to the top."



Main Vocalist!

"The Silent Fairy"

Choi Jinhae, the main vocalist and maknae of Mirage, grew up in the Busan area here in Korea. Because she was born in Busan on June 18, 1996, she has a slight accent which will most likely catch the hearts of many fans and make them feel more at home. "Jinhae may seem to be quiet and shy, but the minute her vocals come out, her talents shine through her shy image almost immediately," commented Kim Shidae. "Because her father had previously been a singer as well, he had given her training even before she joined our company. She was well experienced and her potential is very, very high. Able to melt the frozen hearts of even the coldest anti-fans, Choi Jinhae will be able to make great contributions to the group as their main vocalist."



Main Dancer!

"The Moodmaker"

Born and raised in Incheon, Korea, Lee Nanie has such bright expressions, does she not? Celebrating her birthday every year since August 20, 1992, Lee Nanie is said to be able to bring up the mood of any blue atmosphere. "Lee Nanie has such a childish mindset that she needed some way to channel out all of her energy," said Kim Shidae. "At first, she auditioned to be the rapper. She was good, no doubt; however, she excelled in her dancing. Lee Nanie is a very athletic person as she participated in many different sports in the past, which ultimately leads to her strengthening her body to withstand the tough training that she encounters today. Despite her love to joke around, she will always become focused when it comes to her hardwork."



Vocalist + Visual!

"The Social Butterfly"

Lee Taeri, known as the little sister of SHINee's Lee Taemin, was born right here in Seoul, South Korea on June 25, 1995. Though her family is said to be quite wealthy and famous, she prefers not to talk about them. "The fact that Lee Taeri has gone through a difficult situation with her family and is still able to keep a smile on her face is what amazes us the most," Kim Shidae praised her. "Her appearance is completely, one-hundred percent natural and she often refuses when the make-up stylists insist on putting on make-up for her. However, because she says that she wants to do what is right, she will listen to whatever the company tells her to do, whether she personally likes it or not. Lee Taeri is a very hardworker who impresses us all the time in many different ways."



Main Rapper!

"The Mysterious Mother"

Born on August 2, 1994, Hyomi was officially born in Chungcheong, Korea, but was raised in the States. She is known to take good care of her members, whether she is older or younger than them. "With a baby face and chubby cheeks, Nam Hyomi may not look like the 'mother' that she is known to be," said Kim Shidae. "At first glance, she may look like the maknae, but really, she has such a motherly and caring personality. However, like every teenager, Hyomi still has the heart of a child and will occasionally shed her mature shell and will talk like there is no tomorrow. Her speaking is rather quick; therefore, her rapping came naturally with her speech and rhythm. Nam Hyomi can be a bit unpredictable, I warn you. No doubt, though, she will easily be able to melt her way into the fans' hearts."




"The Enigmatic Joker" 

Kwon Minjung was born in New York, like Kieun, on July 1, 1995. Minjung hits all the categories in both personality by being classy, quirky, childish and mature as well as talent with her singing, rapping and dancing. "Kwon Minjung is like our secret weapon," claimed Kim Shidae. "She is our triple threat, our emergency card, our all-of-the-above! She listens to what we tell her to do while also having her own opinion, which is what we want from our idols. With a light aura of arrogance, she has complete confidence in herself and everything that she does, which we all hope will ultimately rub off onto the other members and will encourage them to become the best that they believe they can be. Minjung, in other words, balances the group out and helps to fill in for all the others' flaws with her own extraordinary abilities."



Well, that's it for Mirage! What did you guys think? Did you expect these trainees to be the ones to form the group Mirage? Let us know in the comments what is going through your minds! 

And stay tuned to Allkpop for more updates on Mirage as they enter the world of Sesame Player real soon!



 i t ' s    j j a n g !

Ta-dah! It's Mirage! (Kekeke, cwidt?) Congratulations to the chosens - xiaoreine, DefinitionofRandom, nanie92, mintaex, alwaysbbc, and crajee_! And I'm sorry to those that were not chosen.. There were so many good applications that I ended up going back and forth between several applications. I decided on one and then decided to go with the other, then went back to the first one and it went on like that for a while... x) I actually had this all typed out last night...

Sorry to a few of the chosens! I had to change several of your pictures as well as add a few more. I also had to change a few birth years to fit the way that I have things planned out! I gave some of the girls their first choice positions while others had to get their second, sorry! (Especially to Nanie, thank you dear! ^^) I also changed two of the personas to ones that I thought would fit... I feel like I changed a lot.. I hope you girls don't mind. :)

I decided that I might be able to include a couple minor appearance from the applicants that didn't get chosen later on in the story. Maybe here and there, someone new will pop up! You never know ~ Sesame Player is very unpredictable! If you'd like me to tell you when your character appears, let me know and I'll do just that! But if you decide to read the full story even if you're not in it, come here and let me hug you ~ ♥

I didn't include many details about the characters because I want those details to arise and reveal themselves throughout the story. So if you're curious about something, you can ask me or you can wait until it get unveiled in the actual story. ^^

Thank you to everyone who stuck with this far! I understand if you decide not to read anymore and choose to unsubscribe. Feel free to do so, if you wish. :)

(Pst! Guess who already started on the first chapter!)

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Hey guys! I haven't given up on you yet!! I've just been a little busy, but I am still working on the next chapter! ♥


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nanie92 #1
Chapter 10: I'm coming here again.. huhu
I miss this story..
liteulkwin #2
Chapter 10: BB I miss you~ <|3
Reread the story. It's been a while and I feel nostalgic :"3
Anticipating your update author-ssi! ^^
nanie92 #4
I come to read back this story because I really miss it..
Waiting for your update dear author~ :D
I seriously love your story anf your neat writing. Im gonna subscribe and read this story even thought im not in it :)
mintaex #6
* My comment had to get cut since it was too long, LOL!
OH MINJUNG. WHY? I knew immediately that it was Taeri when I read "black bag with plaid lining" because Taeri likes black... and loves plaid. /dasmee'eryone. <s> I had a feeling it was me when I read the teaser too... LOL. </s> OH, IT'SMYIDIOT. <3 He must know her pretty well to be able to tell that it's not her. Keke, love. ^o^ /satisfied.
Minjung, you know her pretty well too if you knew to give her milk tea ~ Congrats on your passing as well! (even though it involved upsetting the crybaby..)
Awwww, the ending was so cute! :D DEY VIL PROTECTEU MEH ~ But Ana's right, they just jealous ~
mintaex #7
Yay a long chapter! <3 I love long chapters, but then again, who doesn't?
I love that we're debuting with News! (You even put a hyperlink ~!) I love that song. /clicks and listens.
Aww, Mirage got in trouble for not having a greeting put together yet.. I hope they are able to come up with something unique by the next episode! ^^
Ooh, so Nanie was the first teaser then? I like how she was able to make the mistakes so subtly that it seemed realistic! Yay Nanie ~! Good job. :3
Hyomi is so motherly that it's really, really adorable. <3 I just want to run up to her and be like, "UMMA, I LOVE YOU. /hugs" Too bad she didn't get to pass, but it was for a good reason! Of course the mother would worry over her youngest daughter's health, right? ^^ How sweet though!
LOL, Taeri as the MC? I can totally imagine that & Minjung and her "Princess Waves" LOLOL! I'm sure she'll get the focus in at least one episode... eventually! She's the princess, after all ~
And then the Queen appears! Hehehe, that's totally accurate; Kieun looooves tea ~ And she obviously makes it really well if she was able to get all those staff members to love her tea. <3 CONGRATS, BBY.
Poor Jinhae got her mission last and failed it almost immediately. <|3 I suppose that was a bad choice of who to talk to, LOL. It's not her fault; the stylist was just too sensitive, that's all! Jinhae, you will do better next time ~ I just know it ~!
[ "So I'm just supposed to randomly go up to a staff member and start talking to them?" | "No..." Taeri began, "You have to talk to /five/ staff members." ]
HAHAHAHHAH, nice thing to point out there. It sounds like something I would really say. (x