Chapter One

Ice Angels

Okay first things first,


lets just say my new year was off to a bad start, first i developed primary inssomnia, then i got sick from the lack of sleep, which in turn caused me to sleep all day which cured my insomnia but then ibassically became nocturnal! and with all that i still had to go to school and i wasnt paying any attention in any of my classes and next thing you know "EXAMS IN THREE WEEKS!" so i freaked out and spent all my time studying and catching up on my stupid work. and on top of that theres like 500 other personal issues i had to deal with i was totally stressed out the passed coulple of weeks. but i finished FINALLY!  and i had to write this TWICE!  my idiotic laptop enjoys pissing me off by deleting all my files every once and a while. idk if its my brother doing it or if its the laptop itself but who knows? i know you guys have been waiting for so long i hope i didnt let any of you down! thanks for reading guys! i had fun writing this chapter! and im so sorry that its so short! i didnt have time to make it any longer! ill try and make the next one super long for you guys!


“I really can’t believe this” Mirae said as the remaining members of the Heavenly Hearts skating team drove the long way to the ‘Dongji National Junior Skating Contest’ administrations office. It was the biggest contest of the year and they were going to be missing out on it! But it wasn’t like it was their faults. The other five members had been severely injured in a car accident, something no one could have predicted.

“I know, even Hyejay got hurt, and she really wanted to participate” Eunbi pouted feeling sympathy for her injured teammate.  “It’s not fair”

“Life’s not fair” Eunha sighed as the van began to fall silent.

The roar of the engine soon fell to a hushed purr until it died completely as their coach shut it off. They had finally reached the office. They climbed out of the van slowly. All of them hoping some miracle would happen before they had the chance to withdraw. None of them had ever withdrawn from a competition before and they sure didn’t want to start now.  

“Nothing could be worse than this” Eunbi mumbled.

“And nothing could make this worse” Mirae added.

“Actually there is one thing…” Eunha started.

They all gave each other a look in the eye before saying “Dragons” and nodding. And they turned the next corner as if almost on cue the Twilight Dragon coach, Lee Taehee, had shown up on the other side. Ever heard the phase “speak of the devil and he shall appear” yeah it’s more like “speak of the dragons and they’ll show up to ruin your life”

“And if it isn’t the Heavenly Hearts” She smirked as she saw them.

“And if it isn’t the dragon tamer” Eunha mumbled under her breath.

“Where’s the rest of your team? Did they quit after they realized you guys ?” she ignored the nickname the Hearts had come accustomed to calling her.

“Hospitalized” Kim Dongsun—their coach—explained.

“What you do work them to death?” She asked almost shocked.

“None of your business!” Eunha snapped. Eunha isn’t usually this irritable or mean to others, but there was something about the Dragons—and their coach—that drove her insane. She hated them more than anything, even losing a tournament.

“Eunha!” Dongsun warned.

“So she’s right, it is none of my business. What you do to get more than half a skate team in the hospital has nothing to do with me.” She smirked and flipped her hair back.

“Coach, everyone’s wondering what’s taking you so long” a girl with short black hair came running. She took one look at the three Heavenly Hearts members and shot a glare at them before turning back to her coach. 

“Let’s go I have no more business with these losers anymore.” Taehee said turning around to leave.

“Oh of course we’re losers that’s why we beat you last time, and the last three times before that” Eunha mumbled sarcastically under her breath and smirked.

“Eunha shut up!” Eunbi warned not wanting the person who scared her most to come back.

She immediately froze I'm place as Eunha’s words echoed though her head. She slowly turned around her left eye slightly twitching and the rest of her face every stiff. She almost looked like she has gone crazy. “We only lost because we had that idiot Sangmi on our team fell all those times.”She gritted though her teeth “I finally had to sense to let her go this year. This her replacement, Kwon Marikit, she’s won so many contests they had to let her into the junior level two years early to be fair to all the novices.” She finished before turning back around.

“Not like she’s gunna to make a difference we’ll always be better than you no matter who you have” Eunha said.

“Wanna bet on that?” Marikit challenged, confident she could beat anyone she could come up against.

“I would, but we have to have eight members to enter” Eunha said trying to kill the entire converstion.   

“Eunha” Mirae nudged her telling her to stop.

“Awwe, guess that means you’re too scared then” Marikit smirked before spinning around to walk away.

“FINE!” Eunha almost yelled caught up in the heat of the moment. “I bet you we can find five new members, and beat you”

“Then let’s make things interesting then,Loser withdraws forever, as in you lose, we never hear of the ‘Heavenly Hearts skating team’ ever again.” Dragon tamer, Taehee, said mocking their team name.

 “Fine” Eunha said, “We accept your challenge”

“NO! No we don’t!” Mirae said wide eyed.

“Too late” Dragon tamer said with a snarky laugh before finally leaving for good.

“WHAT DID YOU DO!?” Eunbi slapped her arm hard and pouted .

“I’m sorry. They just make me so mad sometimes I just wanna…” Eunha trailed off.

 Coach sighed as the atmosphere started to cool off. “And why didn’t you stop it!?” Eunbi slapped her coach as she just remembered he was there.

“Okay, Eunbi I'm going to pretend you didn’t just hit me” he started, “and if I did try and stop it do you think Eunha would have stopped? You know how stubborn she can get.”

Eunha gave the two of them a death glare, but soon dropped it as she realized, she was really stubborn some times. The four of them were silent as they walked back to the van. It wasn’t like they could withdraw now after all that was said.  

“So what are we going to do now?” Mirae asked breaking the long eerie silence of the van.

“I have no idea. I guess I spoke without thinking” Eunha sighed. The three girls groaned as they were stuck on what to do.

“Wait!” Eunbi chirped as she got an idea, “aren’t there like a bunch of other junior levels that go to the skating rink?”

“Oh yeah the no-names!” Mirae said referring to the other juniors that hadn’t made the skating team by their nickname they had gave them.

“Then I guess we can really do this!” Eunha said excitedly.  



lool okay i know my current poster kinda fails but if anyone is interested in making me a new one i will love you forever! but just to warn you yur gunna have to edit 12 people into one picutre which isnt all that easy (for me atleast). but anyway i hope you all enjoyed my first chapter even though it took so damn long but i hope it was worth the wait! and people comment! comments are what keep me going! thanks for reading!

Oh and to my applicants on the Twilight Dragon team the first two chapters will be kinda focused on Hearts for the sake of having shinee come in the next chapter. but i promise the third chapter will be completly focused on the dragon team!

till the next chapter bye guys!


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Happy birthday, and this seems like a great new chapter! Update soon and don't be stressed, writing a fanfiction should be fun ^^
I'm such a NOOBBB. I keep vIsiting this page :))) checking if u updated :))) but take it as a good thing not a bad thing ur gonna have more views xD update soon:)
Good first chapter! Update soon please!!! :D <br />
And dont be stressed! Your hair will fallout D:
u updated xDD<br />
dont be stressed ur 2 young 2 be stressed D:<br />
keep smiling ^__^ V<br />
update soon nice chappy btw xD x3
-xminhye #5
Hehe :D Nice first chappie even tho its focus on Hearts !<br />
Yay :D At least its for the sake of SHINee coming soon ^^<br />
Don be stress kay >.<<br />
Take ur time ! We'll wait :D<br />
Don't stress out! Take as long as you need for a great start of this amazing story! And thanks again for picking me!!!:D
my poster fails
I kind of lol'd out purple dinosaurs that monochrome rainbows at the 'Taem-' I mean girl.
all of you guys seem so shocked lool. <br />
Congrats to all my winners <br />
and sorry to those who didnt make it but theres going to be A LOT of cameos rolls so you just might pop up :P theres actually one in the first chaper which i am yet to finish. im almost done ill have it up by tomorrow or sunday the latest! thanks for all the support!