Who Said I Miss You?



Title: Who Said I Miss You?

Author: evil-bunny

Genre: Fluff, Crack, Fail!Comedy

Rating: G

Characters: Kyuhyun/Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Leeteuk

Warning: English grammar, random thing -,-

Summary: Sungmin and Kyuhyun had their time together before their sleep. Kyuhyun just wanted to talk, nothing more. Well, some things sometimes didn’t go smooth, right?



Again, another random thing I write -___-a I remember I wrote it in my chemistry class, hahah.


And again, i warn about the grammar .___. my english doesn't good at all ==a

Just… read it, please? I have nothing to say .___.


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RayhanAdni #1
Chapter 1: pwahahahhaha poor kyu that still waiting for his kiss. XD
fygaeming #2
Chapter 1: puahahaha poor kyu, no kiss from ming, good job ming kkk

so cuteee <3
little-dreamer #3
Chapter 1: Hihihihi sooii cuuutteee >///<
little-dreamer #4
Chapter 1: Hihihihi sooii cuuutteee >///<
liatkyu #5
Chapter 1: evil-y kyu XD awww how cute ^^
you can continue that one shot to be a story ^^"
if you're doing it please tell me :)
evil-bunny #6
@OnlyCro: thank you for commenting~ ^^ actually, your statements are right =)) Leeteuk is the best leader, yeah~ and evil!Kyu is the best, indeed =)) and of course KyuMin is so cute >o<
Awww...~~ Leeteuk is the best leader \o/
But evil!kyu is the best :D
Kyumin is so cute ^^
And I'm so incoherent!
*runs away*
evil-bunny #8
@A101203: Because Kyuhyun is an evil fox =))=))
@s3xyangel7: I wrote it in my chemistry class while my teacher is one of four killer teachers in my school ==a and I always bored in her class =A=
@whitelf: I know, right? XD I always love cute!min and evil!kyu =))

Thank you for commenting~
cuteee~~ evil!kyu and cute!min is soooo cute~~