First day of school part 2

Down Fall


Hitomi Pov: 
We all went into the Head masters office waiting to be given our class scedules, when outside we heard a woman pleading for some one not to enter. We looked at each other then saw the door fly open and saw it was those F4 losers looking very sure of them selves, Hazuki stood up and turned to the head master "This is very rude, i cant wait to tell my father about this" she said trying to leave but the Gu Jun Pyo blocked her way.  I stood and so did Minhee and Jinju, "Are you looking for a fight?" Minhee asked Gu Jun Pyo who turned to her. "You can't win but im here to warn you to follow orders, if not you will pay... understand" He laughed. Hazuki busted into laughter, turned to Minhee "Have fun" she smiled evily, I knew what that meant.....
Minhee went up to Gu Jun Pyo and kicked him in the stomach, which made him fall so quick. We all busted into laughter, "Who is in charge now?" Hazuki added. I turned to the head master and bowed taking our class scedules, "Thank you for your time, nice to meet you" I bowed once more and we walked over a little cry baby Gu Jun Pyo,  we all headed to our classes. 
~Back in the Office of the head master~ 
The three couldn't help but laugh over what had just happened, "Ok i have to admit that was hot!" Song Woo Bin laughed wiping his tears of laughing so hard. So Yi Jung laughed and looked at Gu Jun Pyo who was fuming at what had just happened. Yoon Ji Hoo couldn't stop laughing and thinking these girl's were karma catching up to them after all their mess they caused. "YAH!!! cut the laughing!!" Jun Pyo ordered them. Song Woo Bin helped Gu Jun Pyo up, he tried his best to hold in his laughter. 
~In the hall way~ 
Jinju couldnt stop laughing along with the rest of us, "We showed them" Minhee smiled. I nodded "but thats just a taste of the hell thats coming thier way" I assured them. Hazuki saw a few of students like guarding a door or waiting for something, "Hitomi what does that look like to you?" she asked me. "I think those punks are waiting for those F4 guys" I told her not really sure....
Hazuki walked over "Yah! you what are you doing?" she asked this wanna be jock kind of guy who seemed taken back by Hazuki's question. "what is to you?" he asked. "Wrong reply" I told him by walking up to him and slapping him hard "You heard her ask you something, dont you have manners?" I asked but insteed he raised his arm and was gunna hit me back but I kicked out his right knee.  His friends came over "I wouldn't do that if i were you" Jinju cracked her knuckles. I waved my hand at her "Its ok i need some practice" I told her. She nodded but looked ready to pounce at any moment, they looked at me and backed away. I thought it was cause I had proved me point but i was wrong.....
~Yoon Ji Hoo Pov~
We headed out of the office and we saw them talking to Gu Jun Pyo's little slaves, they talked to them. I saw one of the girls walk up to one of them and slap him, he was pissed and was about to hit her. I couldn't stop my feet i ran up in front of her "I dont think so" I told him as I  grabbed his arm, everyone was shocked over my action. "Did i ask for your help?" the girl yelled at me, I let the guy go "No you didnt but its wrong to hit a woman" I told her simply and walked away past them into our office. 
~Hitomi Pov~
What the hell was that why did this retard just defend me? I turned to Hazuki who looked so confused like i was. I felt my heart race a bit, no i cant do this..... i cant...... i swore to make them pay....... i will make them pay.........
Jinju and Minhee turned to the rest of the F4 weirdo's that were standing there in shock still, "you can leave now you jerks" Minhee told them as we walked towards our lockers. "What the hell now they wanna be nice to us?" Hazuki spat as she opened her locker. "No they think like most men these days that we are helpless women" I fumed about the whole situation. We all headed to our classes which were all different
 Hitomi: Advanced Music
Hazuki: Advanced Art and Design
Minhee: Swimming Team 
Jinju: Advanced sculpting 
"We are already late i will see yall at lunch" I walked towards my class, on my way there i saw that guy from earlier about to enter the class but then saw me. "Now you stalk people?" he asked, I laughed and rolled my eyes at him "You wish you were that hot for that to happen" I walked into the class and handed my scedule to the teacher, who once he read my name started to bow over and over "Miss Park its a honor to meet you in person" he told me. 
I bowed back "i should be saying that to you, i read your music history. Im very pleased to be in this class." three girls were on the stage looked pissed about my coming in the class. 
"Alright everyone we are going to hear from...." he was cut off by the rude girls, "Ginger, Sunny,Miranda" they squeeled.  I just went and sat down, they started to sing loudly out of tune...... "Ok girls thats enough you pass" the teacher pleaded them to a stop. "I hope you know that he is being kind" I said flipping threw my music sheets. They looked ready to hit someone, just ignored them and the teacher turned to me "Miss Park would you sing the class a song please" He smiled from ear to ear.....
I stood and walked over to the stage, i closed my eyes and turned to the teacher "Could you play Timeless by Jang Li Yin?" he nodded and ran to play the piano. I took a deep breathe and started to sing, i could feel everyone's eye's on me but one pair was like a drawing in feeling. It was that guy.......... He stood and started to sing with me and walked up to the stage, the teacher was very pleased with our performance. Once we were done he and I were staring at each other.............
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takane #1
Chapter 6: you are an amazin writer keep on :)
takane #2
Chapter 6: you are an amazin writer keep on :)
Chapter 6: Awesomeness. I can't wait for more. This is so good.
deabak! love it. reall hating my non computer right now.
daebak! when i get my new computer. i send you hazuki pov.
Amazing story. Please write more! ♥
This story looks amazing!!! I can already tell that if my friend was put in that state by a school, oh, I would call up conections and show F4 who's boss!! XP I can't wait to read more! Please update soon. XD Loved it!
Aww. Please just make it SoEul! :) I would really appreciate it if you'll just pair Yi Jeong with Ga Eul! :)
thank you for the update! I hope to see kim bum and kim so eun soon! Thank you!