
Down Fall


I dressed up and left Jan Di to Nana, Kim drove me to “Forbidden” it’s a club that me and my best friend’s own. It’s the hottest club in the city, we didn’t really have V.I.P lists so anyone could go. I loved hanging out there when I was younger but since we all had been so busy with school and things we never had time to come. When I got there I saw two of my friends drivers parked and talking to each other, Kim dropped me off in the front and went to join them. 
~Telephone by Lady GaGa is playing~
When I walked in I saw all the people turn and stare smiling and waving. “Hitomi!! Omg! Its been too long!” one of the bar tenders came over and hugged me tight. I Hugged her back “Yeah I know sadly Ive been kept in school and things but im back” I looked around and saw on the dance floor no other then JinJu dancing with two guys. She was Laughing and smiling, being her big flirty self but I looked and didn’t see her bf any where. I walked over to the room in the top of the club where we had our own table and bar up there. I saw MinHee talking to the bartender for a drink, “Min!” I went over and hugged her. “Hitomi! Finally we see each other!” she smiled. I turned to the bartender “Vodka straight please” we both went and watched the people dancing. I saw JinJu excuse her self and head our way, when she saw me she ran and hugged me “Hitomi im so glad you called us! I have not had any fun lately. You look amazing as always” she smiled. “Thanks and I know same here stupid school” I laughed. MinHee laughed “Tell me about it god my parents are always on my case about the future blah blah blah” she rolled her eyes. We nodded all of a sudden people were cheering and yelling “Omg!! Its Hazuki!!!! Look at how beautiful she is! I wanna be her!!!” the praises went on.
“Talk about late as always” JinJu laughed, we went over and sat down at our table. Hazuki came up and greeted us with the biggest smile I had seen in years. “Hey girls!” she smiled and sat down. Caius came over and handed each of the girls a black folder, I took a drink of the vodka to clear my thoughts. 
“Girls I called us all here for two reasons, first I missed you all so much and second I have a job for each of you” I went on. They all nodded and smiled “I came to see Jan Di you all met her, when I got to her house. I found her family in so much pain, they told me that Jan Di is a hospital. But that’s not the worst part, she was in a mental hospital…..the nurse there told me she tried to take her life four times.” I saw all their eyes go wide “What?! What happened?” Hazuki asked. “from what I know it was caused by a whole school due to four guys that are gunna pay the price so bad. In each folder you will find info on your target, remember no mercy” We each looked threw the folder, “Easy” JinJu smiled, Minhee laughed “too easy so anything goes?” she asked evily. “Of course, what do you say H?” I turned to Hazuki who wore the biggest evil smile ever. “Oh this is gunna be fun!” she laughed. 
~Target List~
Hazuki - Gu Jun Pyo
Hitomi- Yoon Ji Hoo
JinJu- So Yi Young
MinHee- Song Woo Bin
“So its settled then “ JinJu smiled, we all nodded and stood up to leave “Girls this is war!” I smiled.
{Hey everyone sorry for the short update but here is a taste of what is to come :D thanks for your comments :D }
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takane #1
Chapter 6: you are an amazin writer keep on :)
takane #2
Chapter 6: you are an amazin writer keep on :)
Chapter 6: Awesomeness. I can't wait for more. This is so good.
deabak! love it. reall hating my non computer right now.
daebak! when i get my new computer. i send you hazuki pov.
Amazing story. Please write more! ♥
This story looks amazing!!! I can already tell that if my friend was put in that state by a school, oh, I would call up conections and show F4 who's boss!! XP I can't wait to read more! Please update soon. XD Loved it!
Aww. Please just make it SoEul! :) I would really appreciate it if you'll just pair Yi Jeong with Ga Eul! :)
thank you for the update! I hope to see kim bum and kim so eun soon! Thank you!