The End

Because I Love You

“Sica you look stunning!” Donghae said happily as he saw his fiancée sitting in her wedding dress in her dressing room

“Of course I do!” Jessica rolled her eyes and Donghae awkwardly nodded and smiled

“Donghae, congrats! You actually look like a man!” Kyuhyun walked in the room and clapped his hand on Donghae’s back

“Hello?” Jessica looked at Kyuhyun waiting for her compliment

“Oh it’s you. Yeah congratulations to you too…” Kyuhyun sniffed

“Kyu can you just forgive her?” Donghae pleaded

“No! This damn witch broke my play station!” Kyuhyun yelled whilst pointing at Jessica

“Stop picking on me!” Jessica pretended to cry

“Oh shut up!” Kyuhyun was red in the face now

“Kyu let’s go outside, you need to calm down…” Donghae sighed and took his best friend out of there

“Damn girl acts like a 5 year old all of the time and whines until you want to rip your own eardrums out and doesn’t even bloody apologise for breaking my play station that…” Kyuhyun continued to mutter his hatred towards Jessica but stopped when he saw Yoona, “Yoong! You bad girl you left me by myself at that coffee shop!” he ran to her

“Sorry babo,” she laughed and hugged him

“Yoong I’m glad you came,” Donghae said

Yoona looked at him and his voice echoed in her mind. ‘I love you too Yoong… But I have Jessica…’ Yoona teared up but wanted to show Donghae that she was stronger than he thought. She didn’t want him to think that she was only capable of crying. She blinked and looked at him straight in the eye.

“I’m glad I came as well,” she shook his hand, “Kyu let’s go find something to eat, I’m hungry…” Yoona put her arm around her other best friend

“Sheesh so demanding~” Kyuhyun joked, “I think the food is over there”

Later the wedding ceremony started but Donghae couldn’t find Yoona in the seats. He searched ever seat, he even spotted Kyuhyun but Yoona was just not in the hall. He looked at Kyuhyun who was mouthing something to him.

‘She wasn’t feeling well’ Kyu mouthed

Donghae sighed and looked at the priest.

“I need 5 minutes,” he told the priest before running out of the hall to find Yoona

“He doesn’t want you… He doesn’t love you… WHY ARE YOU SO STUPID?!” he heard a familiar voice that came from a dark corner in the back of the building

Yoona was crying in the corner, insulting, cursing, hitting herself. It doesn’t seem like such a big deal but it totally melted Donghae’s heart. He walked to her and held her wrists to stop her from hitting herself.

“I do love you, I really do,” he whispered

“You have Jessica…” she hissed

“I know… But I do love you”

“Shut up! Stop playing with my heart! You can’t love me and still be with someone else!” she kicked him away from her

“Yoona! Stop! Look I can cancel my wedding with Jessica. Do you know why?”


“Because I love you”


Yeah I know it's such a crappy, short ending right? Well originally I had a different ending planned where Yoona would get killed off but I changed my mind and made it into this so ^ _ ^

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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
Chapter 4: It's ok, but please MAKE ANOTHER STORY ABOUT YOONHAE !!!
yulyoonhyoseo #3
Chapter 4: this is the first time i red this fanfic,yeah the ending is kinda crappy but at least we know that hae left jessica for yoong,YoonHae is the best!!<3
Angeldj369 #4
why does this only have three chapters
i love this<3
Yoonhae 4 ever!
Deery00ng #6
Update s0on ^_^
Deery00ng #7
I like this , ,
nice st0ry , ,
great c0uple ever ^_^
y0onhae fTw :-)
Nice story :)
SJFishy #9
No it's okay, don't kill Yoong X(
I am unsatisfied as well but it was still really good <3
I think I like this better than YoonA got killed =,=
anyway nice story :)