Side Effects

Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover

"Zelo, stop hesitating! Hit the dummy!"

"Jongup, faster! Stop being so slow! The dummy's not moving at all!"

"Daehyun, fiercer! You're too soft! What do you think your enemy is?" Hayoung snapped at her students.

"Can't we rest?" Zelo pouted.

"Fine. Youngjae, Yongguk, Himchan. Come here."


"Aish, fine. Take your rest."

"What's wrong with noona lately?" Zelo asked.

"Nothing." She glared.

"Hoya hyung told us not to get on her nerves because she got hit by poisonous darts. The medicine they had to use has really strong side effects." Daehyun mumbled.

"Poisonous darts? How'd noona even get hit? She's one of the best agents ever!"

"She was protecting that guy that was at her house the other day. Apparently, he's her new mission." Yongguk waved his hand.

The room was filled with silence except for the pants of B.A.P. after one of Hayoung's intense workouts.

"That's enough rest. Yongguk, Himchan. Rally me."

The two groaned and got up.

"Yongguk, faster! Stop being so slow! Himchan, sharper! You're missing me!"


~Hayoung's POV~

"Progress report." Soohyun simply said into the camera.

"B.A.P. boys are doing fine. I've been a bit too harsh." I scratched my head.

"Don't let those darts get to you." Soohyun rubbed his forehead.

"Is that it?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Nah, L. Is he okay?"

"Are you kidding? He's perfectly fine since I helped him. And it's just a Monday."

"Give me a progress report soon then. Later." Soohyun gave me a small salute and huge smile before he turned the camera off.

I grinned and closed my phone.

Suddenly, a loud voice yelled "BOO!" behind me. Naturally, I would've been calm but the side effects of the medicine on my wound made me jump. My phone tumbled into the trash. I would've accepted that easily if I wasn't on that medicine. However, since I was, I raged at the person, who just so happens to be the jerk.

"DUDE! YOU JUST MADE ME FCKING THROW MY PHONE IN THE TRASH!" I roared and rubbed my forehead.

Stupid medicine.

L's mouth hung open. He looked like he had nothing to say in response to my "PMS".

"I-i'm sorry." It came out more like a question instead of a statement.

"Sorry won't get my phone back." I growled and stormed off.



"Look, I'm really sorry." L tried to apologize to me again.

I ignored him and continued towards my locker.

Why is the medicine even treating me like this? Seriously, I have an extra phone somewhere in my closet just in case this kind of situation would happen.

"Can't you forgive me? I'll buy you a phone, I promise." L reached out to touch my arm.

"DON'T TOUCH ME, JERK." I turned to give my icy glare.

Infinite appeared out of nowhere and dragged L away. They whispered something to him and he turned red in response.

"I-i'll see you later, devil." L mumbled and walked away.

Sungyeol stayed behind and turned to me.

"Please try to control yourself." Sungyeol bent down to my height.

"I'll try to, twinnie. You need to go to class now." I poked his shoulder and started heading to my class.

"Be careful!"



Why am I here? Because my "PMSing" self wants to be. And it's for a weird decision too.

I pressed myself against the wall, waiting for my obvious victim.

In a few seconds, L will run past, in big need to go to the restroom.

Now how do I know that? My "PMSing" can also somehow predict the future.

True to my "PMSing" self's word, L was running past, yelling, "BATHROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!"

And that's when, without my own will, I jumped out and yelled, "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"


Ok, this is something that my regular self can't stop laughing at. I fell on the ground and pounded the ground. I don't care if I looked retarded, that trick was so funny, it doesn't matter about my image.

"SH!T DEVIL! YOU ALMOST MADE ME PISS MYSELF!" L yelled, running into the bathroom.

Ohmygoshthisissogenius. HIGHFIVE "PMSING" SELF!

This is one of the weirdest but funniest side effects ever.

Oh, I still can't stop laughing.


Short update since I didn't update in a while.

And I'm sorry I don't reply to many comments. I just look at it and go I'll put it in my next update! And when I update my chapter I'm like OH ! 0_0


*waiting as impatiently as I can*

Comments will be loved <3 :D

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so i thought i had some part of the new update written and when i checked there was nothing. oops. will get to updating soon!


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hazelora #1
Chapter 47: i like yours story....can wait for new update..hehexx
bunnytara #2
Chapter 47: Can you update? Or is this the end?
kpop_lover225 #3
Chapter 46: Omg I can't wait to see what Hoy will do but maybe he won't kill L but maybe except them maybe~
kpop_lover225 #4
Chapter 26: Haha I reading this book now and I LOVE YOU TO~ lol this book to solo good
Chapter 32: :O They ordered the same thing!
Chapter 45: Update!I literally read it in like 2 hours!
kjanelle14 #7
Chapter 45: update soon!~
Chapter 43: Please update soonnnn!! (;
Chapter 25: AHHHHHHH. Your story is so niceeeee(; I am literally reading it everywhere I go. xD
InfiniteLove27 #10
Chapter 43: I went to LA also to see them!!! ^-^