chapter 50


“Dude, what exactly is wrong about wedding photos? It’s not like you’re going to admit that you really are together after that,” Jonghyun pointed out as he strummed some chords on his guitar. It was already turning 12MN and both of us were still wide awake. He was trying to finish a song in my room (where all the sets of recording equipment are) and I was trying to calm myself down from the thought that Joohyun and I were already on that stage.

I jumped on my bed and started banging my head on the mattress. It was soft but firm so somehow, it hurt. But that moment, I didn’t care. “Lee Jonghyun, the photoshoot will surely require us to kiss. Don’t you understand that? Joohyun would definitely not agree!” I hissed at my brother.

My brother chuckled. He put his guitar on its rack and turned to face the whining me. He folded his arms on his chest and lifted his legs so his feet would rest on my bedside table. “So what if she wouldn’t agree? You could kiss her anytime anyway!”

Stunned by his words, I slumped on my bed and lied on my stomach. My face was turned towards where Jonghyun was – my mouth open and my eyes wide. I clearly forgot about that. How the hell did that happened? I actually forgot that Joohyun was already my girlfriend and we had already kissed. “W-w-well…” I stuttered as I thought of why I’m overreacting. “I don’t know!” I burst out, defeated.

I grabbed my pillow and pinned my head with it. I could still hear Jonghyun’s chuckles and I knew he was laughing at how immature I was being. My cheeks felt like burning at the thought. I am the leader but I was being stupid downright stupid.

“Hyung, I think I know what your problems are,” he suddenly spoke making my head shot up. “PROBLEMS? Are you saying I”m being this hopeless because of problemS?” I asked annoyed, emphasizing the letter ‘S’. Somehow it confused me. Plural? Really?

Slowly, I brought myself into a sitting position and Jonghyun brought his legs off my table. He then looked at me in the eyes and raised his fist on the air, his pinky finger sticking out. “First, you really don’t want to go because of all the dress-fitting, since God knows where your patience is when it’s not you who is trying the clothes–“ My eyes grew wide as if asking how he managed to say that. As if Jonghyun knew what I was thinking, he told me with a smirk. “I could tell because a thief is mad at another thief.”

I almost strangled Jonghyun but decided not to. Somehow, he was right and I found it creepy how my brothers could be very observant of me. True enough, I hate accompanying girls when they’re shopping because I hate waiting. They take too long inside the dressing room.

But the funny thing is, I do, too. My brothers could really attest to that.

“Second,” Jonghyun took me out of my reverie. “I am betting that you are anxious because YOU want to kiss sister-in-law in public, but you cannot because her image would be ruined.”

Slowly, I nodded my head. My brother knew me too well to point out what I was trying to deny. As I bobbed my head, Jonghyun chuckled again. Then he stood up to leave for sleep. But before he stepped out of my room, he turned to me and smirked again. “Good luck, Jung Yonghwa,” he said and disappeared to his own room.

“YA! MY DOOR!” I shouted. But when I realized that Jonghyun didn’t care, I climbed out of bed and shut the door close. Then I threw myself back to the cushion and thought for a few minutes about how to handle the situation. But in the end, only the issue about the wedding dress was resolved. I told myself that I’ll just be patient and just pick up to the first suit I will try since it would look good in me anyway – just to get over it, quick.

As for the kiss, I think I’ll just let fate decide on it.





hey guys, i thought of something which i think will be very essential so this story would turn out better and 'more' realistic.

however, it would mean drama.

and i promised not to put drama here.

but then again, i always break my promises. boohoo.

so... what do you think? you want a little bit of drama (just to add spice to the story, because i'm dying to put the scene here for that) or we'll just continue with the fluff? 

please commenttttt. i need your inputsssss T__T

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Chapter 35: I also believe they're officially together after their japan trip
Chapter 31: OMG!!!!!!! :")
Chapter 90: Great stories. Read this while watching WGM! I hope if not all, half of the bts of you wrote here is the true. Thank you for such a great effort for writing this! YongSeo FTW!!!
marquez #4
Chapter 90: love this wonderful yongseo love story. I watch all the episodes and it feel like real when u write this whole story. sana nga kabayan it's was all real and hope u continue this, pleaseeeeeeee.
MrsDuckbutt #5
Chapter 90: Please update soon. Thanks!^^
Chapter 90: And after several attempts to finish any duties required of me I have. Finally finished. 2 days :O I would have finished in a day if those darn obligations and that thing called "I got a life" haunt my conciuos much hahaha! Thank you so much for this story. Sorry if I didn't comment until the end but imams so immersed in this story all I wanted was to finish it. Which I did 2 days later ;) thank you and now I leave you with an up vote. Great story indeed.
Phoenix358 #7
Chapter 45: I was watching yongseo (again), and I just kept imagining if this really was what happened. Hope it was! YEHET ^^
sarahnbll #8
Chapter 89: Oh no no. I'm not dissapointed with the ending. In fact, i feel like, i really want to cry right now. This is the first time i found a really great fanfic about behind the scenes of yongseo wgm. So, yeah. This is really great. Thank you! Muah.

Sorry for my bad english!
Wow nice story!! I love it!
Chapter 90: Jjang!! Thank you so much authornim!! I truly must say that I really hope THIS WERE REAL!!