Hyper Aide and Awkward Day....

You're The Only One

Wonder what they were talking about?....


I asked them if they wanted anything to drink, i served them Fruit Punch and the they asked me about ourselves. Eli asked

" So where are you guys from in the US?." I answered,

"We are actually from different states, I'm from Oklahoma and Aide is from Florida, but Aide decided to stay in Oklahoma for awhile since we know each other from Rocketboxx.".

Kiseop answered "OK"

It got quiet for awhile for a few seconds until we heard noise from Aide's room. I guess she woke already. when i saw her and she me and UKISS her jaw dropped.


"Your not dreaming Aide, they really are here"

"OMG! Can i ask you guys something?"

"Sure" said Kiseop imediately

"This is going to sound weird since we are talking in  person but can i get your autogrpahs and takes pictures with you guys?" Aide also blinked her eyes which make her look like a puppy (Amanda dont ask, my friends always say that i have puppy eyes and they show more when i keep blinking my eyes).

All of UKISS replied "Yes! Sure come on!" Aide hurridley and happily started taking pictures with the UKISS members while i was just staring. When she finished with the other UKISS members she went to Kiseop and imediately blushed and she couldnt stop blishing while they were taking pictures.

After taking pictures she ran back to her room, and grabbed every single album of UKISS(lets pretend i do cause sadly i dont :( ) and asked if they can all sign using her puppy eyes. They nodded and signed away. After they signed the albums tears burst out of her eyes, and said

"Thank you guys so much, you guys just me the happiest fan ever! I'm super glad I met you guys! This means so much to me, and thanks fro giving me a WAY to early birthday present i will remeber this day forever!

Eli said

"No problem, at least we made a KM really happy" with a smile.     ahh that smile!!

"Amanda why dont you ask them to sign you something?"

"O-ok, Would you guys mind if you guys can sing my posters in my room?"

Xander replies. "Sure why not! lead us the way!"

While walking to my room i blushed at how many UKISS posters and pictures i have of all the members

"Wow! You have a lot of pictures of us!" said Kevin

"Yeah, you guys are my most favorite band!"

They signed every poster i had and was really happy they did.

After they signed everything of ours a phone went off and Dongho picked up.

"Hyungs that was the manager, we have to go to our schedule"

"Aww really? Well it was fun talking to you, Amanda and Aide!" said Xander

After they left i looked down and sat on the sofa. Aide came to to the TV  and saw me with  a sad face.

"What's wrong? Amanda?" she said

"It's nothing" I replied

"Amanda! Tell me! I know something is wrong."

"It's just when they came in Dongho seemed bored like he didnt want to be here and didnt like me." I said to her with a sad look

"Don't say that! i'm sure he likes you!" she said

"I dont know, he seemed to have a bored and irratated expression"

"You know what?! We'll watch a drama to take things off our mind ok?"

"Ok what drama should we watch?" I asked her

"hmmm how about Boys Over Flowers?"


"Hold up im goona make popcorn and i'll put Mexican Hot Sauce on mine."

"Ok, but dont put too much or it will be too spicy for you. You may be Mexican but you were in in the US and mostly eat American food mostly then Mexican food thats spicy"

"Ugh!  Amanda! You sound like my mother!"

"Well its true!" i told her

After we watched the drama for awhile we didnt notice that time passed and it was really late. And decided to sleep now.

"Good Night Amanda see you in the morning"

"Night Aide"

Hopefully tomorrow is a better day......


how was it? i really couldnt think of anything since i did my brainstorming on my phone and saved it on drafts and somehow deleted them. Hope it was good!

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dongho :( im going yo ctu
this is really quite nice. not bad for your first fic.
OMGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWD!!!!!!!!!!I SWEAR I DIED WHEN HE HUGGED ME ;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;; <333333 DONGHO dskljfal;skjdfl;asjdl;fjasd........... you're making me fall in love with him all over again, Aide. After this, I shall write you, your own fic <3333333 UPDATE SOON MY LOVE :)
.................... huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu WHATS THIS?! DONGHO SEEMED LIKE HE DIDNT WANT ME THERE?!?!?!?!?!? ;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;; DONGHO! WAE! lmfao!! THE CHAPTER WAS UTTERLY BRILLIANT AIDE :DDDDDDDDDD haha!!! We got to get autographs with em ;AAA; <3333333333333333333333333333333333 I friggen LOVE this Aide ^^ FIGHTING AND UPDATE SOON!!! <br />
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WOW! i didnt expect another person to read it. @PopCutie thank you so much! I'll be happy to add you into the story if you want. Just tell me your bias and i can add you in too :)
PopCutie #6
KYAA~! Fan girl scream! <333<br />
new reader here! :D<br />
they got to meet UKISS! >w<<br />
but sadly Dongho didn't seem to like her that much T.T<br />
anyhow your fan fic is totally AWESOME and i totally LOVE it! XD<br />
so keep updating! ^o^
Im really glad you guys like it! Sorry i cant update faster and sooner i get distracted with things, but im starting the draft for the next chapter and hopefully for Amanda it will be longer, and EliJae and hopfully ill add you soon :) i wanted to end up with Xander but ill gladly give him over to you XD take care of him ok? Make sure to give LOTS and LOTS of LOVE!
I realy REALY love your update! aahhh!! being pulled by UKISS and stuff..aaahhh!! *dies* update soon! HAITING~!
"Im gonna have fun with what im gonna do for awhile and shes gonna be my target"<br />
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O____________________________________________________O OMG dlfjka;sldfkflashdflkasdhlkasjdhflkashkjasdfgasd SERIOUSLY?!?!?! omgg l;dskjf;lasdhk!! DONGHO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dksjfhalsj klsadh XDD I LOVE THE CHAPTER AIDE!! omggggggggg ldsjkfakldhj haha! i love the side notes XDDD UPDATE SOON LOVE <3
asdklfjal;ksjdf;lasdj!!! WAE YOU LEAVE IT THEERE?!?!?!??!?!??!!?!?!?! OMGGGGGGGGGGGGG skldjasfkl;jasdl I FREAKIN LOVE THIS AIDE!! YOU BETTER UPDATE SOON DDDDDDDDDDD< djkafl;dhshk FIGHTING