Excited Morning

You're The Only One

I woke up to my alarm on a Saturday morning, which the tone was Without You by UKISS. After I turned of the alarm it read that it was 8:05am. I got up to take a shower because my hair was all over the place. When I got in the shower I put the handle on Hot but no too hot, and the hot water felt good against my skin. It felt really relaxing and I shampooed and put conditioner, and I also put my favorite scented shower gel, which was Vanilla and I massaged it all over my body and the smell relaxed me again. After I was done with the shower I changed into:



After I changed I my laptop and checked for any news about any kpop artist. And I didn't find any that really caught my interest so I checked twitter and saw that the UKISS members tweeted. I was just thinking what I usually thought when they tweeted: I wish I could meet them. As I was looking at other people on twitter tweting my friend texted me



From: Aide


hey Amanda! What's up?




To: Aide

nothing much just checking whats going on in the kpop world. U?



From Aide


ooh ok. Me im just listening to music and making myself breakfast. And im really bored in my house.

Do you wanna come over?





sure but hold on let me tell my mom first and also eat breakfast i'll be there in prob. 20Mins ok?





ok sure. C you later!




After I finished texting my friend I went downstairs and saw my mom making herself some breakfast.

"Good morning, sweety"  "Good morning mom, what are you eating?"

"Oh I made myself cereal, do you want some?"  "sure" As I was making it, I remembered Aide invited me over her house.

"Mom, my friend invited me to come over after I finished breakfast, can i go?"

"Sure, be careful on your way there"   "Ok mom"

I texted back

From: Amanda

To: Aide

She said i can go.


From: Aide

To: Amanda

ooh ok then hurry cause i need to tell you something


From: Amanda

To: Aide

ook then i have to change into another pair of clothing first


From: Aide

To: Amanda


After I sent that text i went upstairs and changed into:




When I left the house I was wondering what she had to tell me that she told me to hurry. As I got close to her house I was soo deep in my thoughts that I didn't notice that I almost crashed into the door. I knocked a few times and when she opened the door she pulled me inside and had a big smile that kind of scared me like what she has to tell me is making her happy.

"What are you going to tell me that you told me to hurry here?"

" Well since you know your birthday is like weeks away i wanted to give you a REALLY early birthday present"

" Ok, that's all you wanted to tell me? You could have told me by text"

"But your birthday present would have been better if I told you know"

" Ok what is my early birthday present?"

"Ok, your probably think I'm lying to you and jump out in happiness, but I got tickets for us to go to Seoul, South Korea and tickets to meet UKISS!!!!"

"Are you serious?!?!?"


" Wow, im soo happy when are we going because i need to tell my mom that we are going?"

" Well the concert is on the same week of your birthday which is weeks away so how about next week so when we get there we can go sightseeing around and I don't MAYBE bump into a celebrity which is highly impossible but it COULD happen"


"Ok, I need to call my mom first to tell her if I can go"






"Yes sweety?"

"Well my friend got me tickets to visit South Korea for my birthday ealry and I was wondering if I can go?

" Sure, but you guys better be careful I don't want anything to happen to both of you ok?"

"Ok mom"

"What did she say?"

"She said yes"



hope it was good. as i said before its my first time ever wrting a fic and amanda i hoped you liked and i decided to make it into a short story MAYBE. ill see where it goes if there is anything that needs to be corrected please tell me


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dongho :( im going yo ctu
this is really quite nice. not bad for your first fic.
OMGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWD!!!!!!!!!!I SWEAR I DIED WHEN HE HUGGED ME ;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;; <333333 DONGHO dskljfal;skjdfl;asjdl;fjasd........... you're making me fall in love with him all over again, Aide. After this, I shall write you, your own fic <3333333 UPDATE SOON MY LOVE :)
.................... huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu WHATS THIS?! DONGHO SEEMED LIKE HE DIDNT WANT ME THERE?!?!?!?!?!? ;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;; DONGHO! WAE! lmfao!! THE CHAPTER WAS UTTERLY BRILLIANT AIDE :DDDDDDDDDD haha!!! We got to get autographs with em ;AAA; <3333333333333333333333333333333333 I friggen LOVE this Aide ^^ FIGHTING AND UPDATE SOON!!! <br />
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WOW! i didnt expect another person to read it. @PopCutie thank you so much! I'll be happy to add you into the story if you want. Just tell me your bias and i can add you in too :)
PopCutie #6
KYAA~! Fan girl scream! <333<br />
new reader here! :D<br />
they got to meet UKISS! >w<<br />
but sadly Dongho didn't seem to like her that much T.T<br />
anyhow your fan fic is totally AWESOME and i totally LOVE it! XD<br />
so keep updating! ^o^
Im really glad you guys like it! Sorry i cant update faster and sooner i get distracted with things, but im starting the draft for the next chapter and hopefully for Amanda it will be longer, and EliJae and hopfully ill add you soon :) i wanted to end up with Xander but ill gladly give him over to you XD take care of him ok? Make sure to give LOTS and LOTS of LOVE!
I realy REALY love your update! aahhh!! being pulled by UKISS and stuff..aaahhh!! *dies* update soon! HAITING~!
"Im gonna have fun with what im gonna do for awhile and shes gonna be my target"<br />
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O____________________________________________________O OMG dlfjka;sldfkflashdflkasdhlkasjdhflkashkjasdfgasd SERIOUSLY?!?!?! omgg l;dskjf;lasdhk!! DONGHO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dksjfhalsj klsadh XDD I LOVE THE CHAPTER AIDE!! omggggggggg ldsjkfakldhj haha! i love the side notes XDDD UPDATE SOON LOVE <3
asdklfjal;ksjdf;lasdj!!! WAE YOU LEAVE IT THEERE?!?!?!??!?!??!!?!?!?! OMGGGGGGGGGGGGG skldjasfkl;jasdl I FREAKIN LOVE THIS AIDE!! YOU BETTER UPDATE SOON DDDDDDDDDDD< djkafl;dhshk FIGHTING