Black Dawn



It was a Friday morning; I got up from my bed. Krystal and Hyuna wasn’t there. I decided to go to the cafeteria and sat on a chair.

“I’m sooo hungryyyyyyy” I groaned as I bowed my head on the table.

“What do you wanna eat?”

I was surprised as someone tapped my shoulder. I sat up straight and looked at the person who tapped my shoulder. It was Vic-umma.

“Anything” I pouted.

“Alright. Fine. Wait here. Umma’s gonna cook for you” she ruffled my hair and walked to the kitchen.

“Ambeeeerrrr oppaaaaaaa!”

I looked at the door.

Suzy, Jia and Min just arrived.

“Why are you back so early?”

“The mission was easy as pie” Jia said as she sat down.

Suzy then sat beside me and clinged on me.

“I’m so bored” hyuna said as she came out of the door.

Her eyes widen to see Suzy clinging on me.

“Yaaaaah! What do you think you’re doing!”

She then walked towards us and broke Suzy’s clinging.

“Will you two ever give up? Hyung’s mine. Kekekeke”

Sulli suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

“Why don’t we play a game? Whoever wins will have a date with Amber?”

I was surprised.

“Yaaah! Who says I approve to that consenquence?” I suddenly looked at Hyuna and pouted.


I looked at the source of that voice. It was Sica-unnie. I gulped. Guess I have no choice? But she suddenly smirked. What’s the meaning of this?

“So what’s this game you’re talking about?” Victoria-umma suddenly butted in and sat with us.

“Umma!? You’re interested too!?” Sulli asked as she looked at Victoria curiously.

“Don’t look at me like that. Who doesn’t want to have a date with Amber?”

She laughed. I suddenly laughed. I think this is too much. Everyones picking on me.

“This is a team building. We’ll do it in pairs and the winning pair will have to compete for the final round. The pairings are Krystal, Hyuna. Victoria, Sulli and Luna and Suzy."

“You too Luna unnie!?” I asked, suprised. I didn’t expect to see her participate.

“Kekek. you’re just too cute that I couldn’t help myself volunteer to play.”

“Alright. We will be giving you 3 resurrection leaves. Use it wisely. Key will be opening a portal for you guys. We already set the place up. There are flags scattered all over the place as well as clues. Team with the most flags win.”


"You really did planned this beforehand, didn't you?" I asked, rasing one of my eyebrow.

Jessica-unnie just smirked at me and walk away, Donghae finally came in.


He then gave us the resurrection leaves.

“Oh and btw, they are not just hidden somewhere. They are hidden in places which is hard to reach. So be careful.”

“Hidden places? Hmm. Where could that be?” Sulli asked curiously

“Hidden places? Maybe like inside a cave with a lion and a bear or at the end of a cliff.” Victoria said.

The two laughed afterwards.

“Naaah. That’s impossible.” Sulli said, as she shook her head with Vic-umma’s words.

We all went inside the portal.

“Okay guys, we’ll start here. You have to comeback after 5 hours in this exact place.” Donghae said as he fixed his watch.

Key pulled out a gun.



I stretched my arms and looked at Hyuna. She just nodded.


And we all ran to the woods.

Me and Hyuna were walking. We didn’t even know where we were heading. We found a note on a tree that we happened to passed by. I grabbed the piece of post-it and read it. “I am a flag located at the highest peak on this forest.” I just stared at Hyuna blankly.

“So where is the highest peak here?”

She just shrugged.

“Don’t ask me, we both came here the same time.”

I decided to walk further and take a look around.

“Oh I see a cliff not far from here!” she exclaimed, and ran rapidly.

“Heeeeey. Krys! Run faster! Don’t you wanna go out on a date with Amber!?” she said, as she smirked.

Well… I do want….. But it’s just so sad that it’s not just the two of us.. Err.. What am I thinking? Erase. Erase. Erase.

We both ran to the cliff where she pointed at when we were running. I started to search for the flag.

“Where is that damn flag!?” I muttered.

“Uhmm… Krys…”


“I think I saw the flag....”

“Where?” I suddenly looked at her, she was near the end of the cliff..

She was staring at the end of the cliff.

“Don’t tell me…….”

She just looked at me nervously. I move carefully towards her, and I saw the flag with my own eyes.

“So Vic-umma isn’t lying when she joked earlier.” I said, as I glared at Hyuna.

“This isn’t fair!!!! AISHH!” I groaned.

“Hey Krys, be careful. One wrong move and we can both fall.”

“How are we suppose to get that!?” I yelled out of frustration.

I’m mad. I’m gonna kill that fish once we get back on the camp. I really want to spend time with Amber.

An idea suddenly hit my head.

“Hey Hyuna..”

“Yes, Krys?”

“I’m so sorry. Please forgive me. Get the flag for Amber okay?”


I just grinned at her and walked towards her.

“Oh no no no. Krys….”

I immediately tap a resurrection leaves on her, and pushed her to the cliff.


After a few minutes, she came back to the cliff where I tapped a resurrection leaves on her.

“Damn Krystal. It hurts!” she groaned while holding her back.

She then gave me the flag.

“Yaay. Let’s find some more!”

“No Krys.. I can’t handle any more pain… Please spare me… I’m gonna kill Donghae when we come back to the camp.”

“I seriously think everyone would kill him when we all come back.”

We then laughed and continued to walk back to the forest.


“Ssul let’s just rest first. I’m really tired now.”


I looked at her curiously. She just gestured me to shut my mouth. She pulled me behind a tree.

“How can we get that flag?” I asked, worriedly.

Guess where’s the flag? It’s in the mouth of a sleeping lion. Dear goodness. How the hell can we get that? It’s too risky.

“I’ll get it.”

I was surprised with what Sulli said.

“No Ssul it’s too dangerous.”

“It’s okay. We have some resu leaves!”

“But Donghae said to use it wisely.”

“Trust me! I have a plan!”


I tiptoed towards the lion, and carefully opened his mouth. I really mean that CAREFULLY part. I slowly touched the flag and pulled it out. I faced back and started tiptoe-ing towards Victoria.


As I saw Sulli walking back, I saw the lion suddenly woke up.

“Oh dear god!” I just looked at Sulli shockingly and told her to walk faster. She just stared me dumbfounded. I suddenly hid behind the tree. I don’t wanna see what’s gonna happen next. Next thing I knew, Sulli was beside me. And you don’t even wanna know why she came back beside me.

“Wrong move.” She said as she held her back.

“I’m so sorry Ssul, at least we got the flag!”

“Good thing Amber’s the price. If it’s not her, I won’t be facing these kinds of challenges. It really hurts. I’m gonna kill Hae once we get back.”

I just chuckled.

“Amber, you’re really are special. How lucky.” I muttered as I stared at Sulli. We then continued to walk deeper in the forest.


“I found something Krys!”

I suddenly ran towards Hyuna.

“What? Where?” as I kept looking everywhere to see where’s the flag.

“It’s at the end of the hanging bridge.”

I looked at the hanging bridge infront of us.

“Oh. That’s too easy.” I said

“Maybe they did some trap or something? Don’t you think?” she asked.

Come to think of it, that last challenge we made was pretty hard.

“I’ll go get it.” I volunteered and ran to the end of the hanging bridge. I managed to grab the flag.

“Come back quickly!” Hyuna yelled.

I ran towards her.

“That’s easy as pie!” she said in disbelief.

“Let’s find some more.”



We were walking deeper in the forest and we end up on a lake.

“Oh it’s a lake.” Suzy muttered as she stared at the lake.

“Look there’s a flaggggg!!!” she yelled excitedly.

But.. Wait…. The flag is in a rock not too far from the shore. But who knows whats in the water…. Maybe I should volunteer to get it, I don’t really think Suzy would go all the way there.

“Alright I’ll get it.” I said as I moved forward. I tapped a resurrection leaf on myself, just to be safe. I warmed up and stretched up a bit. I took a deep breath and walked a few step backwards. I then jumped to the rock. I landed on the rock and managed to get the flag, but I slipped and fall on the water.



I swam back to the shore quickly, as I saw a crocodile followed me.


But I didn’t survived, I just found myself beside Suzy.

“Crap. That was painful!” I groaned.

“I’m sorry Luna unnie.”

“It’s okay. It’s for Ambie anyways.”

Yeah. It’s for Ambie so it’s really okay. I really love that kid, and it’s obvious that Suzy LOVES that kid too. Don’t get the wrong idea. I just want Amber as a sister..

Suzy and I continued to walk deeper into the forest.




“Okay, how’s it going?” Donghae asked.

I suddenly walked towards him, and glared at him. He just looked at me, dumbfounded. I suddenly punched his stomach and walked away.


“OUUUCHHHH!! What was that for!?” Donghae yelled as he held his stomach.

“Whats going on?” I muttered. I decided to follow Krystal but Jessica stopped me.

“Let her be alone for awhile.” She said as she smirked.

So what’s the meaning of that smirk, eh?

“Okay. Give me your flags, guys.” Donghae said, still holding his tummy.

All of them gave their flags.

“Woah. It’s a tie. Y’all have 2 flags each.”

“That’s not fair!! We experienced this kind of pain for this contest! There must be a winner!” Suzy yelled at Donghae.

“I don’t want to do it again! It’s painful, you know!” Luna yelled.

Painful? What have they got into? Hmm.?

“Don’t tell us we’ll find flags again? Or I’m gonna kick your balls!” Hyuna yelled, as she glared at Donghae.

“How can we figure out which is the winner?” Vic-umma asked curiously.

“Hand me your resu leaves.”

All of them handed their resu leaves, however Hyuna gave 4 while the two groups gave 3.

“So, Hyuna and Krystal won.”

“WHAT!?” Suzy yelled.

“Because they have the most resu leaves which means they just used one and the two groups used two.”

“That’s not fair! You didn’t said that earlier!” Sulli said.

“So what’s the prize?” Hyuna asked.

“You three will have a 3 days vacation in China.”

“WHAT!?” we yelled surprisingly, in unison.

“That’s not fair! We wanna go to China too!” Sulli said as she pouted.

We should come too!” Luna exclaimed.

They were all arguing about the trip as I tiptoed my way out of the camp, I decided to follow Krystal. It was not a long walk; I managed to get to where she was.

It was a place with a falls; she was soaking her feet on the lake.

“What are you doing here all alone?” I asked as I sat beside her.

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Chapter 14: Oh noooooo pls update. The story is really good!
heavenleightorres #2
*pokes cheek* heeyyy, when will u update? pleeaasse update!
Hey hey hey -pokes infinity- pls update this please pretty please??!!
DestinyBreaker48 #4
Chapter 14: Please Update This Story Please!
Pls. update more...*pouts
bookwarm #6
Chapter 14: Wow, its seem like Hollywood movie.
Chapter 14: Thank u for the update :)

I hope Krys and Amber will be okay
Chapter 12: Hot spring its really is HOT hehehe :p