Better Than Ever

The Guardian Angel


After the discussion and the agreement to my father’s proposal, we drove back to our home. I sat in the car, not speaking a word. I was stuck in the middle of this whole mess. Youngbae had to do all he could to make me fall in love with him, otherwise he wouldn’t marry anyone. What in the world did I get myself into…?

            “I’m sorry for the whole compromise, Amelia. It’s the only way I can get both of you content.”

            “Father, but why must you force me to fall in love with him?” I asked, concerned about myself for the first time ever.

            “It’s not really forcing if you come to think about it…” TOPsaid, with a smile.

            “What are you talking about, TOP?” I asked. Both my father and TOPchuckled.

            “Amelia, it’s quite obvious that you have feelings for Youngbae; you just won’t admit to them.” Seung said, trying hard not to laugh at my expression. I glared at him.

            “How is that even POSSIBLE?Especially after what just happened!”

            “Amelia, calm down. We’re home. We’ll discuss this later after everyone goes to bed.”


            The house was huge. It was a mansion for goodness sakes! When my father said he had gotten us a home, he wasn’t kidding. The place was already filled with furniture. This man…

            “Well, my dear boys, here is our home! You may choose any room you’d like and make yourself at home. After all, this is your new home.” My father chuckled, obviously plotting something.

            “What do you mean, new home?” SeungRi asked, confused. My father chuckled.

            “Let’s just say your belongings have already been moved in, and your recent apartment is no longer existent. No need to thank me! I just hated seeing my daughter live in a small apartment! But anyhow, I’ll be in the kitchen preparing dinner!”

            “Ah, well I’m going to go find the best room now! BYE!” SeungRisaid, running as fast as he could.

            “HEY, WAIT A MINUTE!” Jiyong and Daesung ran after him. TOPshook his head and followed them at his own pace. It was just Daniel, Youngbae, and me left. Oh gosh.

            “Um, well if you excuse me, I’ll be going inside the kitchen to help your father with the meal.” Daniel bowed and headed into the kitchen. Make that Youngbae and me left…

            I pretended that Youngbae wasn’t there and walked into the living room. As expected, it was bigger than the old apartment. I sighed and plopped myself on the couch, closing my eyes and thinking. A pair of arms were suddenly around me. “Youngbae, I really don’t want to deal –“

            “Please, just don’t say anything. I need to talk to you about what just happened at my old home. Just listen, okay?”

            I sighed and looked at him.

            Pain struck my heart. His eyes were hurt. His facial expression was nothing but pain and regret.

            “Amelia, I’m sorry about what happened with my parents and your father. I know it’s extremely inappropriate and unnecessary for someone to force someone else to love him, especially if it’s someone that they’ve known for a very long time. Yes, we’ve known each other for almost 20 years, but I can’t find myself to force you to fall in love with me. So, I’ll make a deal with you. It’s a reasonable deal, so don’t look at me as if you want to kill me.”

            “Okay…What’s your deal?” I asked, concerned as to how this would affect me.

            “Amelia, I want our relationship to be the way it was before you found out I was going to get married with Hyuna. I want us to go back to relaxing with each other, going out to places together, and acting like nothing was wrong with the world. I want us to be our old selves and pretend that none of this ever happened.”

            His words struck me with pure innocence. He was being reasonable. Even so, I did want it to go back the way it did before. But would it be the same knowing that he was also tryin to get me to fall in love with him? I didn’t know how to respond to it…Especially when I did indeed know that I some how had some feelings toward him. Even so..

            “I’d like it that way too.” I said, smiling. He gave me his beautiful eye smile. Daniel then came into the room with plates.

            “Dinner is ready!” he said, walking towards the dining room. I smiled and looked at Youngbae.

            “Last one to the table washes dishes!” I said, running towards the dining room.

            “Wait a minute!” He said, attacking me onto the floor. I laughed and kept running, dragging him as he held onto my leg. “Let go! You’re heavy!”

            Everyone was already in the dining room. When we got there, everyone kept starring at us. Seung coughed.

            “Well, I see you guys are getting along quite well…” Jiyong said, starring at us.

            “HEY, DON’T DIRTY THE FLOOR WITH YOUR COOTIES.” SeungRi yelled, throwing a roll at us. I grabbed it and nommed on it.

            “Hmph. Shut up Hyun before I make you wash the dishes!” everyone began laughing.


            “So, how exactly is heaven?” Youngbae asked, lying down on my bed. I turned my chair around and faced him.

            “Well, it’s very beautiful. It’s a place where everyone is equal, and worries are nonexistent. It’s a wonderful place…I miss it dearly.” I said, sighing. He got up and pat my head. “What?”

            “Amelia, I’m glad I met you. If it wasn’t for you, I’d be alone in this world. I would’ve done so many things that I would regret…I actually don’t know how I would’ve lived through my childhood without you. Through the times I was bullied at school because of my squinty eyes, to the rough times going through auditions with the company and making it into the music industry.”

            I laughed and hit him with a pillow. “Don’t be thankful. It’s my job as your guardian angel to take care of you and make sure you’re doing okay.” I looked down. “I’m sorry about worrying you and everyone else when I left. I just didn’t know what I was doing. I was confused.”

            “There’s no need to be apologetic, Amelia. It was actually my fault for not listening to you. If it wasn’t for you, I don’t think I would’ve done what I did. Either way, that’s all in the past. Let’s live on to the future from now on, okay?”he gave me his wonderful eye smile. I nodded. “Um, well…I’m actually curious about something…Exactly, what is Daniel to you?”

            I laughed, starring at him. “Are you jealous of Daniel?” He put up his hands.

            “No! Of course I’m not jealous of HIM of all people. I mean seriously? You guys barely know each other!” My smile fell.

            “It’s not that I just barely met him, Youngbae…I feel as if I’ve known him for a really long time. He’s kind to me. He talked to me when I was alone in the rain.” I sighed. “He’s my first human friend that I don’t need to protect...” I looked at my fingers, fidgeting with them. “But I feel that I have to protect him. There’s something about him that reminds me of you, in a way.”

            “Wait, he reminds you of me?”

            “Yep. I don’t know why. I’m guessing it’s the eye smile he has, and how he’s very friendly with me. He actually talked to me and asked me if I was okay. He worries too, just like you do.”

            “I see…But, you don’t have feelings for him, right? Or do you?” Youngbae asked, studying my face. I shook my head. “Ah...”

            “I don’t really see him as more than a friend. Sure, he seems like he would make a wonderful boyfriend, but I barely met the guy. And besides, I don’t think my heart can be taken that easily.”

            “Do you like anyone?”

            I looked down at the ground, thinking. There was a possibility that I had feelings for someone, but I wasn’t sure if they were feelings of love or just the will of protection…Youngbae was a wonderful guy, who was there for me as I was there for him since we were small children. He was like my guardian angel, and vice versa. I wasn’t sure if I loved him though…Was the possibility there?

            “I’m not sure if I do...I have some sort of feelings towards someone, but I’m not sure if they are feelings of love. It’s actually quite confusing to talk about. I still have to find myself in this whole situation first.” I said, smiling shyly. He nodded.

            “Ah, well it’s getting late, and I’m tired!” he laid down on my bed and made himself comfy. I raised an eyebrow.

            “Shouldn’t you be sleeping in your room, Youngbae?” I asked, starring at him. He smiled and got even more comfortable. “Youngbae?”

            “Shush, I’m trying to sleep.”

            “Youngbae, why are you sleeping in my bed?” I asked him, standing next to him. He suddenly opened his eyes and smiled at me, grabbing my hand as he pulled me down with him. I began to laugh. “Youngbae! What the heck!” I looked at him.

            His eyes were so calm and peaceful; his face was clear and mesmerizing. He looked like an angel that belonged in my father’s kingdom.

            “Amelia, did I ever tell you that you’re the only reason for me to keep living in this world? You and the guys, of course.” He said, staring at me. I shook my head. “Well now you know…If you were to leave this world at anytime, I wouldn’t care if I had to leave with you.” I blushed and covered my eyes with the pillow. I could feel his stare on the back of my head. I suddenly felt something warm and soft touch the top of my head.

            “Goodnight, Amelia.” He wrapped his arms around me and pulled the bed cover on the both of us. I could feel my breathing become unsteady, and my heart beat fast. I was in his arms, safe from the outer world.

            I was sleeping in his arms, smelling his scent, hearing his heartbeat and warmness for the first time ever.

            I was happy.

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