them: woora

nuna nae yeojanikka

Beautiful morning started again. The birds are singing and it should sound beautiful, but not for Nam Woohyun. He starts to annoy once the bird’s chips loudly on his windows. Sigh, he woke up and slide up the windows.

"yhaa, you want to die? Can’t you chip at another place? Just go to Dongwoo hyung house, he'll never wake up even though you poo on him! aishhh, this birds !" he yells and all the birds flown away. The sun hits him and quickly he try to close the windows.

"Nam Woohyun, you want to continue your sleep?" he looked down and smiles brightly. Standing there was Yoora, his favourite nuna. She wave at him and ask him to come down. Quickly, he closed the windows and run downstairs to greet her.

Once he open the door, Yoora was already there waiting for him with a bright smile she has. "Morning, pabo." she greet him ask get inside the house. Woohyun follow her steps quickly and take place besides her on the couch.

"Aigoo, nuna. It’s so early, why are you here?" he asked.

"Early, Nam Woo Hyun ? That's why I ask you to put a clock in your bedroom, pabo. It's already 11 and why with the question? So, I can't come to your house anymore? Arasso, arasso." Yoora shot back before get up and ready to leave.

Woohyun quickly grab her wrist and pull her towards him make she sit again on the same spot. "Aigoo, ahjumma. I'm sorry, can you stay?" Woohyun make a puppy face and granted a hit on his forehead by Yoora. "I went on a date with Aira 'till midnight, that's why I'm really tired. But, since nuna is here, I'm all recharged. " Woohyun grinned towards Yoora. She faked a smile. Seriously, it’s hurt every time Woohyun mention his girlfriend name. The way he pronounces it, it's full of love and happiness. She knows she should be happy that finally her most favourite donsaeng already have a girlfriend but, the truth is, its hurt. To pretend that she don't care when actually she does. Because she love him, that's the major problem.

"Earth to ahjumma !" Woohyun snaps his fingers in front of Yoora. She just smiles.

 "Okay, nuna will leave first. I just come here to wake you up. Okay, annyong." Yoora stand up and start walking towards the door.

 "Nuna, are you busy today?" Woohyun ask her while she's wearing her sandals.

 "I'm not. I just going to meet Nana and we will have lunch together.


"Let’s have a date after that, our date. Okay?" Woohyun holds her right hand, pleading.

"But, you don't need to meet Aira ?" Yoora asked him and he said no. "Arasso, after lunch okay?" Yoora smiles before starts walking.

"I'll meet you at our favourite cafe." Woohyun call out before get inside his house.

Yoora and Woohyun know each other since they were in high school. They were in the same society back then, English Language Society. Woohyun was his junior and quit popular in their school because of his face and he is educated. But she wasn’t lost either. She is one of the pretty girls in school and quit good in study. There are perfect for each other, at least, in others eyes. But Woohyun already taken. Fully taken, just to define. His girlfriend is Aira, the jjang in the school. Pretty but hateful. Why? Because she hate her. Haha. No, no, no. She is pretty, but that’s it. There’re rumours that she’s a player. A very skilful player. But being the good and kind-hearted namja chingu Woohyun is, he doesn’t care. Actually, he never cares. Call him stupid, he will admit it. Yoora once ask him why and his answer was “Nuna, I’m her boyfriend. If I don’t trust her, this relationship is nothing. I hope you can trust her too, nuna. Because you’re my best nuna. I know you can understand.”

Aira never, never like their friendship to begin with. Yoora knows Woohyun first but still Aira call her a prowler. Woohyun once ditch their ‘date’ because his ‘lovely’ girlfriend sulks when she know Woohyun study in her place last night. What the hell, woman? Aira once told her to stay away from Woohyun and luckily, Nana was there. They quarrel like mad es. Yoora don’t know what to do so she called Woohyun to settle the problem and that was the worst decision she ever made because Woohyun kissed Aira, in front of her. In fact, in front every students who were there that time. It’s all because Aira ask him to prove that he loves her, ‘dearly’. Urfhh, she’s hurt so bad. She cried ‘till she couldn’t sleep that night. Nana was there, to soothe her. They cry together that night.

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