Chapter 6

Is This Destiny ?

Hyoyeon's POV

I ran towards him , i could feel my tears are going to burst . I stop and sat beside him . I cried , I couldn't say anything . Everthing is painful , to see him hurt , his the only person i have right now . I can't risk it , i can't . "Hyoyeon-ahh , please . stop crying" i cried even harder , i felt his arms around me . i could feel the blood on his arms , flowing towards my body , making stains on my shirt . I looked at him , he smiled at me . "please , don't go . stay , just stay" "it's ok , i'm here now . no need to worry" . i cried harder, finally i could feel he lift me up , "Top ! put me down , your hurt" "i refuse~" "yah ! put me down" "shiro" he stuck his tongue out , "bwoh ! you wanna die ?!" "wuu ~ i'm so scared , haha !" "yah ! i'm serious , PUT ME DOWN" "give me a reason to" "your hurt" "but i'm not in pain" "fuhh ~ fine , where are we going ?" "yay ! i won ~ we're going to sleep" . we stop at the door he puts me down gently , still hugging me . he plants a soft kiss on my lips then my forehead . i could feel my cheeks burning , "so , good night" i walked towards my room . he gripped my wrist , "no no ~ where do you think your going ?" "emm , sleep Mr. Choi Seunghyun" "ohh , really ?" "yes , this is real" "no , you can't" "why no ?" "your sleeping with me" "what ?" "oh , come on . i know you want me , you know i want cha" *pitbull swag , haha !* "bwoh ?! you better take a bath , not going to sleep with your stinky body" "arraso" he slump a little . i giggled , "omo , my dinosaur husband is so cute~" i pinch his cheeks . "little wifey ahh , that hurts" "haha ! arraso , go take your bath" he walked towards his room . i followed him behind and sat on the bed . "you better not run" i made his y charisma stare . ok , take control Hyoyeon ahh . i looked away and read some magazine .


Author's POV

Top came out from his bath with only a towel on his waist . "omo ! you better put your clothes on Choi Seunghyun" Hyoyeon said while covering her eyes. "i was going to until you looked at me" "this is weird , you better put your clothes on NOW" "yah ! why are you so mad little wifey ?" "omo , dinosaur husband-ah . my holy eyes" "pfft ~ women says they don't like it , when they like it" "BWOH ?! what kind of women said that ?! your s ?!" "yah ! KIM HYOYEON YOU WANNA DIE" "urgh ! i'm going to sleep" Hyoyeon fix herself and went to sleep .

Top's POV

"womens do that all the time right?" i whispered myself . i walked towards the bed and sleep beside her , "wifey-ahh , are you asleep" "do you think i could sleep ?" "wifey-ahh , are you mad?" "no , i'm not . i'm 100 times happier than this" "omo , wifey-ahh . don't be mad~" i played with her hair while her back was facing me . "yah !" she turned . "Choi Seunghyun , stop playing with my hair" i jumped a little , i looked at her eyes . i hug her , "bian ~ your not like other women , your my wifey , no one can change that" she exhaled her breath "Top-ahh , i'm not mad . but please , be safe . you often came home hurted , injured . how i could live a life where i want my husband to come home safe ?" "arraso , i'll come home safe k? i promise . saranghae Hyoyeon-ah" "nado saranghae" we went to sleep together , i could feel my heartbeat , beating so fast . i just couldn't help it , she makes my heartbeats so fast and she makes me feel like a husband should feel . Safe . 

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Chapter 12: is it already finished? but i need some more~
Ahhh cute
i reallllllly love it..
poor top.. she cant remember him..
i like the moment when they life as a little wifey n dinosaur husband.. hahaha
kei_sainter #4
this fic isn't finished yet right? i feel like i want more more more!
hehe aside from this confusion- thanks for sharing your story! I love TOP and Hyo, but I haven't seen any other fic on them, there should be more!

on a side note my favourite moment was when Hyo calls TOP 'dinosaur husband' hehe.
btw, please dont let this be the end!
@itsmeyami1 - UPDATED :3
itsmeyami1 #6
Update soon :)
@pattreeya - i love HyoTop too :)

*updated :D
pattreeya #8
can't wait for next chapter i love hyotop keke
@princesshyo32 - hey :) haha ! i love HyoTop too , don't worry .

new reader here
first i love hyoyeon and top !
so i will enjoy :D