Lesson 4 - Grammar


Korean Names

In general, Korean names consist of 3 syllables.
The first part is the Surname ( such as Kim, Lee and Pak ), it is the followed by a two-syllable first name. In Korean, the surname always comes first which is opposite of Western Names such as Doojin Pak instead of the Korean method of Pak Doojin.
When you are referring to someone who you know well, then you may be able to refer to them directly, such as using their first name. However when youare introduced to someone to whom you are not familiar with, or am meeting for the first time, then you would add -ssi to the end of the name. An example of this would be Doojin-ssi

Making Polite Sentences

With verb stems which end in vowels such a ka-, ha- and sa- , it is possible to make these into polite sentences by adding -yo to the end of the words, such as Kayo ( which means "to go", or "I go" or "he goes" ). Verbs in the polite style can be used as statements, questions, suggestions or commands, and may be further emphasised by the tone of your voice. For example, Chal Chinaessoyo may be both expressed as a question by asking how someone is, or can be a question stating that you are fine. Another example is the more common Annyong Haseyo.

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Chapter 10: nim means big in korean(means great when used after nouns). It is used to praise and cherish people but very politely
Chapter 7: I was taking a Korean Language Classes from a Korean Teacher and it is not as simple as learning English. Different vowels and consonants plus the double and aspirated sounds are really difficult to pronounce precisely. Not to mention the levels of honorifics. I somewhat think if you're a fluent Chinese Language Speaker it's a good head-start. But my teacher said," Great time, devotion, determinant and bravery is needed to master the language. It's not a short term thing to be done."
Chapter 16: 대박... :)...
I want to learn more words! And sentences you can use. Do. Think you can put common sentences and words and phrases? Kamsamnida Songsaenim!
can I ask ?
can you already compose some sentences in Korean ?
and can you already understand Korean (both when they are speaking and in reading ) ahehehe ^^ sorry If I have lots of question ^^"
I'm just curious ^^
heyMrSimple #6
Thanks for making thissssss...
Its really a big help! ♥
thank you so much for making this. ^^
its_chanyorr #8
Skipped the hangul part cos I'm good with that and went straight to the others...
Thanks for making this!!! :D
shineexsmxfamily #9
oh thanks
shineexsmxfamily #10
you said songsaengnim is for teacher right? but why do i hear some Koreans calling doctors songsaengnim also?im confused..
and I once read that you add -nim as a way of respecting that person am i right?or not?