Way Back Into Love


He broke her heart. She moved on. Now, she's back. Can she find her way back into love? Or is it too late?



Ye Daeya sat patiently at the bus stop bench. It was already eight o’clock in the evening and he was two hours late.

The clouds roll in and a storm was brewing but she was firm in waiting for him. She remembered what happened yesterday at the very same place; Kwon Jiyong had told her he liked her and asked her out.

Daeya smiled at the thought. She was speechless and could not believe her luck. How could he, the coolest guy in their school, notice an average girl like her? He was a year her senior and almost all of the girls in her batch has a huge crush on him. She was so astounded, she could not think of a word to say. It was only when his lips touched hers that all her doubts vanished. She knew right there that she belonged to him. His name inadvertently carved in her heart forever.

The thunder roared through the night sky and a few seconds later, it began to rain. She took her phone and looked at it hopefully waiting for his call. She saw Jiyong at school that morning but he ignored her. She didn’t have the guts to approach him when he’s around his friends; they’re not really her type of people. 

After battling with herself, she finally decided to dial his number. She hesitated before pressing the call button.

There was ringing and she could clearly hear it, hear it enough even without the receiver on. She noticed a shadow partly hidden behind the tree. She could see a light blinking, synchronized with the ringing. The blinking suddenly stopped and so is the ringing from the receiver. Moments later, he stepped out from the shadows.

A smile spread across Daeya at the sight of him. There he was, standing a few feet from her, still in his school uniform, his hair amiss and clothes wet from the rain. Yet his eyes were boring into her like daggers and both of his hands were curled in a fist. There was something wrong.

“Jiyong” Her smile vanished.                                                                                                                       

“Stay!” He held his hand to stop her as she was about to run towards him. Jiyong closed his eyes. “I’m sorry”

She was confused. “What are you apologizing for? What happened?”

When Jiyong opened his eyes, all she saw was resentment. “I can’t do this. Leave me alone. Don’t talk to me ever again”

“What are you saying?” She felt her voice cracked and it has nothing to do with the cold.

“Whatever I said here yesterday didn’t happen, okay? Forget about it” Jiyong spat. Daeya couldn’t speak as his words sink in. He just took back everything he said yesterday; about how he love the way she smell when she passed by the corridor, the cute way she hums when reading or the dorky way she smiles at him across the room. 

“I lied…” He said. It was all a lie. But Why?

“Don’t ask” He said


“I regret everything I said. I didn’t mean any of it” He spat.

“So you… you don’t like me?” She asked desperately. In which she regretted. She didn’t even want to know. She grabbed her heart as she felt it breaking, tears fought their way out of her eyes and she cried.

Jiyong sadly looked down, unable to meet her eyes. He slowly shook his head. “I’m sorry. I don’t. Stay away from me!”

Before she could speak, he ran away; the water splashed as he sprint out of sight. Daeya watched him as he round the corner and he never did looked back. He left her crying that night.


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Chapter 9: Y u do dis OTL
Cupcakefloss #2
More pretty please !
Cupcakefloss #3
Hey! I ♡ ur story v much! I really hope u can update real soon I can't wait for the next chapters be up !
spoiledee #4
@heyhellohoney sorry. been having trouble with my creative juices lately. But i will try to update soon.
heyhellohoney #5
Please update more often :(
lovis89 #6
heyhellohoney #7
Please update this!!!! I wanna know Jiyong's reaction to her resignation!
Watch her computer crash.... >__>
lovis89 #9
so she's gonna resign and ran away?
.... she kinda eats up everything to herself.
i think she feels guilty over what happened at the bus stop