Love Has Its Torns

I'm so sorryyyy~~~ TT^TT

I'm such a bad writer!!! But school consumes a lot of time (damn school!) TT_TT

Please don't give up on my stories!

Thank you to the new subscribers!!!

“W-What?” You whispered. Zico also looked surprised. You fidgeted your fingers nervously.

*Is it me?... No… It can’t be…*. Your hopes started to build up.

“W-Who is it?” You dared to ask. Zico blushed. *THE Zico is blushing? That’s a first. I’ve never seen him like this…*

“I can’t tell you…” He looked down blushing more. You started to smile, hopeful.

“Oh, come on! You can’t hide things from your best friend! Tell me!” You slapped his arm playfully and giggled.

“… It’s Gyuri.” Your giggling stopped abruptly. *… no… no… this can’t be happening…*

Tears threatened to fall and your knees started to grow weaker. You put on a straight face and made your best effort to remain expressionless. None of you said anything for minutes.

“Say something…” Zico searched your face.

*Please don’t look at me like that.*. You inhaled deeply and put on your best fake smile.

“I’ll support you.” You smiled lightly. He raised an eyebrow.


“Yeah! Zico HWAITING!” You pumped your fists weakly. He looked at you sceptically, but soon enough smiled and hugged you. A tear was starting to form on the corner of your eye.

“Thank you, _______.” He whispered. He let go of you when the bell rang. He started running but stopped.

“Oh! Who are you confessing to?”

“Never mind… come on. We are gonna be late.” You started running too, before he could ask further.

“Wish me luck!” He waved and ran. The tear finally fell and with that one, a whole bunch of them.

Right now, you couldn’t care less about classes. You squatted and covered your face with your hands.

“I’m so stupid! What the hell was I thinking?!” You cried more soundly and time passed like that. You heard some rustling behind you and you quickly stood up, wiping your wet cheeks.

You turned around and for your surprise, Baro was standing there.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you… Are you ok?” He asked after noticing your still wet face.

“I-I’m fine…” But after reminiscing about what happened you started crying all over again. Baro started becoming worried and anxious. He hated seeing you cry.

“H-Hey… don’t cry.” After thinking for a while, he suddenly hugged you. You were shocked for a second, but your sadness surpassed that feeling and you eventually hugged him back. Luckily, you both were the only ones there.

Even though you couldn’t think very coherently, a random thought came to your mind. *My head fits perfectly in his neck.*.

To your surprise, you blushed a little. When your crying died down, Baro let you go and you could see his cheeks tinged of a light pink. His shirt was wet from your tears.

You looked down embarrassed.

“I’m sorry… I ruined your shirt.” You looked up.

“It’s ok. Nothing a washing session won’t solve.” He smiled. *Charming.*

You blushed and looked down again. You slapped yourself mentally. *What are you doing, _______? Seconds ago you felt completely heart broken.*

“S-Shouldn’t you be in classes?” You looked at him, nervously.

“I just came from basket practice. We have a tournament in a month. And you?” He raised an eyebrow.

“I… uh…” You scratched your head sheepishly.

“Wow, I never saw you as the ditching type.” He smirked. You gaped.

“I-I’m not… I…” You blushed. Baro chuckled. The bell rang, announcing the next break.

“Come on. I’ll take you to your classroom.” He smiled widely. You blushed yet again. For a long moment, Zico completely vanished from your mind.

You and Baro made your way to the inside of the building. To your dismay, students started to whisper and gossip.

You looked down at the floor all the way to your classroom. When you reached the door, you bowed.

“Thank you, Sunbaenim.” You smiled lightly. He chuckled.

“Just call me Oppa, araso?” He smirked.

“A-Araso, O-Oppa…” You blushed and he blushed a bit too. *Sounds nice*.

“Bye, _______!” He waved and ran.

You furrowed your eyebrows. *How does he know my name? I didn’t even tell him… and how does he know which one is my classroom?*. You shrugged and entered your classroom.

Minzy and Sulli came running towards you, with worried faces.

“What happened with you?”

“Why were you with Baro Oppa?”

“Were you crying?”

“Ok, ok. Enough with the 20 questions.” Now that Baro was gone, that horrible painful feeling came back and you went to sulk in your chair.

The girls looked at each other.

“Oh no… don’t tell me…” Minzy gazed at you worriedly.

“Things with Zico went badly?” Sulli completed.

“It didn’t even ‘go’…” You were feeling your eyes starting to get wet again. They looked at each other again.

“Tell us all about it.” As you were going to start telling them, a student burst into the classroom panting.

“Zico confessed to Gyuri! And she said yes!”


You tears started to fall again, but you didn’t make a sound.

Minzy and Sulli hugged tightly.

“Oh honey…”

“I’m so sorry…” Sulli cried silently with you.

“Don’t cry… you don’t have… any reasons to.” You said between silent hiccups.

“If you’re sad, we are too. If you’re happy, we are too. If you smile, we smile. And if you cry, we also cry.” Minzy smiled lightly.

“Thank you, girls.” You dried your eyes as the bell rang again. They smiled and went to their seats which were right next to you.

Class went by quicker than you wanted. You made your way to the exit along with Minzy and Sulli.

As you were reaching the gate, you looked behind for a second and Zico and Gyuri came from the exit, hand in hand. You stopped on your tracks, shocked. Zico saw you and was ready to make his way to you, but you started running away towards your limo and Gyuri pulled his arm.

Minzy and Sulli watched you leave, worried.

On the other side of the school entrance, Baro watched the scene with a frown on his face.

On the limo, you cried your eyes out, as loud as you could.

*Why me?*

So, what do you think guys???

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Chapter 2: Waaah!!! Update soon! Cam't wait for the next chap! ^^
Baemin #2
>< i need an update fast!
Sorry about the Mei part xD
My fault :b
Omgg update soon! So is it gyuri?? Zico likes gyuri?? Zico is going to confess to gyuri?? Nooooo! Poor me ? Or mei ? Or whatever the girl's name is, hahaha.