Ride Into The Earth

Last Angel

Two weeks had passed since the five men were mysteriously transported from Joseon to current day Seoul. It seems like a step over a bush could lead to you to a whole different dimension, or perhaps in this case, 300 years into the future. During the course of the week, Junsu had contacted the landlord of a three story apartment building and asked for the rooftop. Since they were all 'unemployed youngsters', the landlord decided to give them the rooftop free of charge, also because no one was interested in it. She only required that they beware of fire hazards and maintain the property. One of their neighbors, a middle aged man, Kim Ji Hyun, offered Jaejoong and Junsu jobs at a local bar. While they went off working as bartenders, Changmin stayed at home eating food while Yunho guarded the front door.

Yoochun, however, sat outside night after night pondering the fact that they had landed in this strange place. How could it be that they almost caught onto the trail of the missing Crown Princess but suddenly were transported here? As Kim Ji Hyun had explained, this was 300 years since Joseon. How would he ever find his princess when he was so far away from her? 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Donghae opened the door for Ah Young and led her through a department store. "I know you're wearing your hanbok all the time. I apologize for not taking you shopping sooner." 

Ah Young waved her hand and smiled. "I don't mind. I understand that you are a very busy man. Your job must come before me, as I'm an intruding guest." 

"Haha, do you really think it's fun to walk around in a hanbok all this time? People are beginning to think you're an actress, taking a break from filming." Donghae grabbed her wrist and brought her through racks of clothing. "Pick a few things you like and try them on. I'll be the judge."

Ah Young bit her lower lip and narrowed her eyes while circling the shelves. She had no idea what women liked these days. She also didn't mind looking like an actress. Disregarding the thought of being unfashionable, she pulled a few maxi skirts from the rack and three different blouses. The saleslady brought her to the dressing room and helped her try them on. She stepped out and faced Donghae. 

"They look good on you. Other than only wearing skirts, you should buy some jeans." Donghae handed her a few pairs of denim. 

"In Joseon, only men wear pants." Ah Young eyed the small stack of jeans. 

"Well here, it's common for women to wear pants." Donghae laughed. "I'll buy them for you anyways."

"Does that mean men wear skirts??" Ah Young's eyes widened and Donghae laughed again, grabbing the pile of clothes that she had picked out. 

"No, silly! Let's go pay for these and then we'll go eat." Donghae poked her forehead and smiled. "Men wear pants." 


A little while later, Donghae and Ah Young were free of the indoor atmosphere. They sauntered through a nearby park, eventually finding a bench beneath a cherry blossom tree. 

"Thanks for today, Donghae-sshi." Ah Young bowed before taking her seat. 

"Ah you don't have to bow. I just took you shopping and lunch." Donghae sat her down. "There's no need to be so formal here. In Seoul, you can act laidback." 

"Sorry, it's just that I'm very used to it. How can I suddenly change myself?" Ah Young paused. "You didn't only buy me clothes and lunch. You bought me a phone and lent me a room in your apartment so that I didn't have to stay in the rundown one in the sidestreets." 

"Next, I'll help you get a job." Donghae took from his pocket a cigarette and lit it. "Ah.. it's such a nice day."

Ah Young's eyes widened in shock. "What are you doing?!" 

"Oh this?" Donghae exhaled and smoke curled from his lips. "Smoking."

"Why? Isn't that bad for you?" She burst into a fit of coughs. 

"It's relaxing." Donghae didn't look at her this time. "Want one?"

"You want me to die or something?" Ah Young pulled the cigarette from his hand and stomped on it with her boots. 

"What was that for?" Donghae looked surprised. 

"It's bad for you. Your perfect skin will age faster, and not only will the outside appearance fade... but your insides too." Ah Young crossed her arms and grimaced. 

"Are you worried about me or something?" Donghae's momentary frown curved into a smile. 

"It's just that I hate the smell." Ah Young turned away from Donghae and faced the cherry blossom tree. 

"You don't have to be worried you know..." Donghae pulled her back towards the bench. "If you want, I'll stop."

Ah Young still didn't face him. Instead she looked up at the clear sky and pondered the fact that the Crown Prince had smoked back in Joseon. She had always disapproved of this factor, for the pure sense that he might come down with lung cancer and leave her sooner than she feared.

"Ah Young? How about this.. I'll go get us some ice cream." Donghae patted her back and walked off. 

Nearby, a man in a navy blue blazer sat down on a bench on the opposite side of the tree. He pulled out his phone and stared at it blankly as if he had no idea how to use it. Ah Young was leaning against the tree's trunk, thinking of her life back in Joseon. Here she had no idea how to do anything. What if Donghae got her a job? So what? Would she even succeed? She only hoped that she could pay Donghae back for all the things he had bought her. Her biggest problem though, happened to be that no matter how much money she made, she couldn't buy her Joseon life back. 

"I got the ice cream!" Donghae pulled her back towards the bench and sat her down. "I got you strawberry since you said that strawberry is your favorite." 

"Ah, thank you." She bowed her head and took a bite. "AH, it's cold!" 

"Aish, Joseon Girl! You eat ice cream like this." Donghae demonstrated his way of eating the ice cream. 

Ah Young's cheeks turned pink and did the same. "Ah... it's good." 

"Did you not eat ice cream in Joseon?" Donghae looked at her. 

"No. I ate dried persimmons." Ah Young her ice cream and smiled. "It was something I ate whenever I was talking to my mother."

Donghae ignored her speech and leaned in close to her face. Then, eyeing the cream on her upper lip, he pulled her face up to his and his lips met hers. Ah Young pulled back and dropped her ice cream. She didn't speak. She didn't know what to say. 

"I'm sorry.." Donghae shook his head. "I-I .. There was cream on your lips." 

Ah Young placed a hand over and said quietly, "Is that what men do here? Kiss someone who has cream on their lips?"

Donghae shook his head. "I just forgot my place... I'm sorry.." He stood up and began to walk toward the direction of the car. "I'm sorry, let's just go home and forget that I just did that."

"De.." She followed, dragging her feet along the sidewalk, and walking with her head down. Ah Young applied a fresh coat of lip gloss, so as to cover up the kiss from Donghae. She didn't approve of the fact that he had taken it upon himself to kiss her. Before closing the car door, she grasped the pendant in which Yoochun had given her back in Joseon, then slammed the door shut. 

As she did so, a single cherry blossom fell from the tree and onto the man's phone. He picked it up and looked around. There was no one in sight. How could it be that only one blossom fell from the tree? Back in Joseon, a whole flurry of blossoms would cascade around the princess's figure. But here, only one fell. What could this mean? Was it a sign that she was here? Was it a sign that he would go back to Joseon? What did this mean? It wasn't merely a coincidence for sure. 



Thanks for the comments and patience! ^^ You guys are such lovely readers. I'm sorry for the delay. I actually typed up a draft and almost published it last week or so. But then I realized it was rushed. So today, while talking to my unnie and friend, I came up with this! ^^ The solar eclipse made me happy, hehe. Too bad it wasn't a lunar eclipse so Yoochun couldn't transport to my rooftop! TTATT Hehe. Well, I hope you enjoy this chapter. I've been busy with homework, sorting things out, and such. I've been coming up with a flurry of stories as well... so hopefully I can finish at least one story before posting up more! AH~ I feel so busy! Hehe junie0406's comment made me happy. This story seems like a drama now eh? ^^ 

Well, enjoy♥ and Happy Reading to all of you beautiful handsome wonderful chingus of mine! 

Lee Donghae: I'm scandalous

Yes you are, Donghae. Yes you are... > u < 

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So I'm going to be really busy for the next few weeks! School's ending soon so I'll update when I can


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CutieWay #1
great fic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Junsu and jae work at the bar, yunho guarding, and changmin just eating? Haha
junie0406 #3
i really do feel like i'm watching a drama...but i'm reading it instead...heh...
So they time slipping too?
ehh?? she is time traveled?
how ??
junie0406 #6
...omg...wow, didn't expect that...wow
lol speechless
can't wait to read more hehehe