Strange Days

The Family Secret


Alexiana’s P.O.V.

“Alexiana, could you please come down here.” My mom said from downstairs. I got up from my bed and walked down the stairs to the living room where my mom was at. “Alexiana Natalya, what are you wearing?” my mother asked and I looked down at my tank top and ripped jeans.

“I’m wearing the clothes that I got from Amber.” I replied. Amber loved to wear edgy clothes and plus she was married to a biker. That biker happens to be my brother and I’m not sure how my parents feel about it, but I don’t think they like it.

“Well next time you should put something on over that shirt and something underneath those pants.” My mom said and I sighed.

“So next time I go out because I’m heading out like this today.” I said and my mom sighed.

“What are we ever going to do with you?” my mom asked herself and I just stood there.

“Anyway, you called me down here so what is it you wanted?” I asked and my mom nodded as she picked something up off the coffee table.

“I wanted you to know that we are going to have some guests this weekend and I would like you to wear this necklace.” My mom said handing me the necklace. I looked at it and the little diamond “K” in the middle of a silver circle.

“Ok but why do I have to wear this?” I asked and my mom smiled.

“You are sure to find out.” My mom said and I looked at her suspiciously. She usually tells me everything and doesn’t hide anything but this time she was hiding a lot.

“Ok, but why are we having these people here and why is it so important?” I asked my mom and she looked at the floor.

“Because sweety it’s about you and it is important you here this from them.” My mom said and I knew she was done telling me about it.

“I swear mom, you are making America look weirder and weirder for me each day.” I said and my mom chuckled.

“I know I am, it’s my job.” She said and I laughed.

“That it is. Now, I am going to go meet some of my friends at the skate park ok?” I said to my mom and she nodded.

“Ok as long as you come back on time.” My mom said and I nodded as I grabbed my stuff. Then I quickly ran out the door and grabbed my skateboard.

“Looks like my dad did fix it.” I said looking at my skateboard seeing new wheels on it. Then I laid it down and hopped on it. The skate park wasn’t too far away and so I sped the whole way there. When I got there, I could see Imogen, Eli, Fiona, Zach, and Jake.

“Hey there you are Alex!” Fiona exclaimed as she ran over to me. I stopped my skateboard and walked towards her.

“Hey Fiona, you seem happy to see me!” I said as she wrapped her arms around me. I hugged her back and when she let go I looked at the others who were smiling.

“Well, this place has gotten interesting.” Fiona said and I looked at her questioningly.

“What do you mean?” I asked and she looked at the others before saying anything.

“Well, we saw your boyfriend today walking with that one gay guy when he was supposed to be home sick.” Fiona said and I sighed.

“Yeah, what you guys don’t realize is that I am just a fricking cover for him since he’s actually gay.” I said and they all gasped.

“Whoa, was not expecting that!” Zach exclaimed and the others nodded.

“Yeah and what he does with these guys is just sick.” I said as Eli threw something at the fence.

“I don’t want to know even though I already know what that stuff is.” Imogen said and I nodded.

“Yeah and you only know because I have told you from all of those s I read about guys.” I said and Imogen nodded.

“How can you read those I mean seriously?” Imogen squeaked and I laughed.

“Because I’m a and plus those s are about the hottest Korean guys ever.” I said and Imogen shook her head.

“Never gets old to you.” Jake said and I laughed.

“Exactly; so what are we doing just sitting around?” I asked and they all laughed.

“Because we are talking.” Zach answered and I laughed.

“Let’s rock!” I exclaimed as I got on my board and started to skate around. The others got out their boards and started to skate around with me. This was one of the best things in my life but since my friends didn’t understand boards and started to skate around with me. This was one of the best things in my life but since my friends didn’t understand that I like KPop, life could be better. 

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