Yobeseyo in return, I guess

If Only We Could Touch

*Minho POV*


Yobeseyo Taemin-ssi.

Your letter sure was enthusiastic. To answer your main question – no, it’s not that big of a trouble to reply to you. Though I’m not quite as interested in this project as you are I think your eagerness to do this is admirable and I’m glad I got paired up with you in the draw. You seem like an interesting person to talk to.

Besides I don’t have responsibilities like a part time job and siblings to care for like you do. I have some spare time on my hands to reply. You asked what I think of this whole thing and to be honest I don’t think it will “broaden” our social experience much since most people are not doing it. I can see why they wouldn’t though – Who would want to start chatting with someone they’ve never even met before?

The few little things you told me about yourself were actually interesting. If it hadn’t been for those facts, that slightly spiked my curiosity, I probably wouldn’t have bothered with a reply. You’re not a bother. Why would you think you’d be one? All you did was send a letter as you were instructed to. I guess I’ll reply to all the other questions now.

One: I’m 17, so slightly older than you. I don’t have any siblings and live with just my Appa and Umma. Our house is quiet most of the time since I’m the only one there, Appa and Umma work a lot.

What do your parents do?

Two: Dancing is indeed a sport, since people physically exercise while performing it and compete against eachother while doing it. One thing I do actually love is sports, so I would know. Soccer, basketball and track are what I mainly play though. I’ve won a few trophies and medals through them so I guess you could say I’m talented at them.

Have you won any awards or competitions for dancing?

Three: Wow… You sound like a really imaginative, creative and artistic kid. I’m not so good at those aspects – I’m more of a factual and practical person. I guess my favourite place in the world would be my room, it’s the only place I ever really get peace. Or maybe the night track I take when I jog since it’s a quiet path no one runs at night. That makes me curious, what’s your room look like? Mines not that decorated, I’m not an arty person as you know. But everything’s in colours I like, the furniture’s my favourite type of wood and there’s little touches here and there that make it mine.

You do sound a little childish, but I think that’s okay. It’s kinda funny to see you try to prove your “matureness” and I’ll admit your rambling made me chuckle a little. I’ll wait for your reply, since from what I’ve gathered from your first letter you sure will be.

No the emoticons don’t annoy me, lots of people these days use them and I’m used to seeing them.

Sincerely, Choi Minho.

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@Funwriter: Thankyou so much for the comment!! It means alot to me <3 I'm glad you think this seems interesting!! I will try to update soon ^_^