
If Only We Could Touch

*Taemin POV*


Greetings, Minho-ssi!

Well this is kind of awkward but… Yobeseyo my multimedia assignment partner! All I’ve been told about you is that your name is Choi Minho, that you are from Daegu and attend Daegu High school. Not much ne? Well my names Taemin. Lee Taemin :) You must obviously know that I attend Seoul High school. Apparently our objective in this assignment is to form bonds with people through words and not face-to-face interaction. What do you think of this Minho-ssi?

In my opinion it is actually quite an intriguing task and it’s not like we’re getting evaluated on this or anything =P In fact the teachers don’t even read the contents of what we are sending each other! It’s meant to “broaden” our social experiences to get us matured for adulthood though. That’s the “aim” of this thing -_- Pretty weird if you ask me!

Should I tell you a little about myself? Or are you not interested? We don’t have to send emails to each other if you think it is troublesome like many others in my grade do xD Though I’m kinda curious about this whole thing and whether I can really make a friend out of this, if it’s annoying you I wouldn’t mind not doing it. I hate to be a bother!

Well, maybe, just to get the conversational ball rolling in case you do respond with the okay-lets-do-this reply I’ll just quickly jot down some little facts about me ^_^

One: I’m 15 years old and have one hyung (Who I like the most out of my siblings), one noona (Who is the biggest drama queen I know!) and one dongsaeng. She’s an annoying brat >:/ My Umma and Appa are still pretty lively for 40-something-year-olds and with such a big family the house is really busy a lot of the time!

Do you have a big family like me? Or any siblings?

Two: I absolutely love sports! Though I’m not very good at any, unless you count dancing xD I’m still mediocre at best at it to! I love art to – Painting in particular :D Oh and I play the violin pretty well!

Do you have any hobbies or things you’re good at?

Three: My favourite place in the entire world is my head, or to put it in a more simple way – my imagination! Creating things, thinking up fantasies in my head and living in a dream world only I’ve ever imagined astound me! Losing myself to my minds creations (*COUGH* Basically daydreaming all the time! *COUGH*) is the best place to be! People say I’m such a dreamer and air head though, and I guess I am 3

Where’s your favorite place in the world to be?

Yours might even physically exist unlike my silly choice!~ Gosh I must sound like the most childish 15 year old to you now Minho-ssi! >_< I really am USUALLY pretty mature for my age! For instance I have a part time job to save up money for uni and travel! Sometimes I even babysit my youngest sibling, though that’s usually forced upon me and unwilling xD

Well enough of my rambling! I’ve probably bored you to utter pieces by now with all that useless knowledge! I do genuinely hope you reply with my questions answered, but I’ll understand if you don’t have the time or want to fulfill this email task.

Sincerely, Lee Taemin!

P.S- Sorry if the emoticons annoy you! I just love to type them to get my feelings across xD I’ll stop if wanted! And goodbye for real now!


Well thats the end of the first letter! I hope you liked it ^_^ Next one will be Minho's reply! Comments are love to a newbie like me <3 xD

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@Funwriter: Thankyou so much for the comment!! It means alot to me <3 I'm glad you think this seems interesting!! I will try to update soon ^_^